What to do when your life seems to be in crisis…

Barbara Franken Photography

Blue Full Moon
An extra chance to put yourself in the light…
dance with joy and giggle in delight…
no excuses just do it NOW…
even imagine or pretend…

Barbara Franken… Master Creator…
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

The grand shift in consciousness that is happening now on Earth is certainly having an intense affect on everyone now. We are all experiencing very extreme weather patterns all around the world… extreme heat, cold, dryness, humidity, rains, droughts and our bodies are following suit. IAM experiencing myself extreme dryness of the skin, in particular my face and scalp when sometimes my mind wonders how much more it can take on?  I hear and observe many people becoming unwell, tired and depressed. For some relaxation I put on the TV and only seem to find portrayals of how angry and afraid the world is feeling and acting out. When I try to watch a nice film all I find are violent, horror or stupid ones.

Travelling around Europe on our recent wonderful holiday adventure; which I will write about and post soon, I have been quite amazed how the energy shifted in each country as we drove through and how most Environments and their people continue to play out the old roles of duality… and act as if there is no hope, increasing pressure to perform and inevitability of getting old and suffer.

Spain seems to have a distinct feeling of survival, pride and effort… France regal, labour intensive and pleasure… Holland tolerant, open and green… England anxious, limited and seeking… and in general a lot of people seem to have difficulty caring for themself… being polite and courteous to others… finding a clear direction in life… and paying their way.

It’s as if the whole world is acting out as if it is in crisis.

So… what to do when your life seems to be in crisis? Apart from reading my book Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom, coming soon… I can suggest to take every opportunity you can imagine… and this weekends Blue Full Moon is a good one to…

Put yourself in the light, dance with joy and giggle with delight

… No matter how you feel or how you physically can’t… take one moment… to do it, imagine it or pretend you are doing it.

and now? you’re asking  

How did it make you feel? Did you happen to stop worrying for just a moment? Did you feel a small tingle of joy from within?

So congratulations… you did it, you now know you can do it and now you can allow yourself to choose to practice doing it again… and again… and again…

Life is all about YOU and your choice… choose well … choose love… and life will serve you accordingly. Your consciousness is gradually shifting from one of fear and illness to one of love and wellness. The world and Humankind is not in crisis, we are only acting as if we are… We can each be the change and this in turn changes our Environment and the world… until the world becomes a loving and peaceful place. And so it is.

Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness


Call to Action
I’ve just reached 100 likes on my new Facebook page… http://www.facebook.com/memymagnificentself so of course IAM now going for 200… Could I ask you to pop over there and like my page please? Thank you so much

7 thoughts on “What to do when your life seems to be in crisis…

  1. I was just talking about how our perspective of happiness changes as we get older and probably more grateful to be here! But I also think that like individuals, communities, countries accumulate the trash of bad decisions and over enthusiasm and reach that crisis point.. Certain countries are at that point right now. Individually I have learned that at a time of crisis you prioritise and keep your friends and loved ones close.. very interesting piece.. thank you

    • Great minds Sally… Everyone and everything has to go through the natural recycle of finding a balance… and in order to experience this each person has to focus ‘once in a while’ on getting there… our environment will then follow. Thanks so much for your thoughts Sally… Barbara x

  2. Just came across your post…and blog – or vice-versa – CRISIS is aöll around, We just have to try to stay out of those energies pulling us down. Not that easy sometimes. I’ve found shifting perception can do the trick …sometimes. I have written a bit about that myself. Well, hope you had some time dancing in the blue moon(light) and ENJOYED it

    Perception – Creating our reality (Part 2)

    I like to read from people with an international mindset…I’ ll stop by again

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