Where are we all NOW… A Selection of True Awakening Experiences

It’s coming up to 2 years ago when my WordPress friends and myself published this beautiful Free E-Book sharing a selection of our True Awakening Experiences. IAM re-blogging it today because IAM sure there are people who haven’t read it and will certainly be inspired by it and there are the bloggers who wrote their story here and would love to re-read their unique story and see where they NOW find themselves.

Wouldn’t it be cool if we could all write a follow-up true story of Where we are all NOW.. on our unique journeys. I do hope you love my ‘crazy idea’. It could be our winter project and release our new stories in Part II February 2016… 2 years later. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.


A Selection of True Awakening Experiences…
Art by Kimberly Harding…

The Magnificent bloggers who created this Free E-Book are…

1st Barbara – https://memymagnificentself.wordpress.com
2nd Paddy – http://paddypicasso.wordpress.com
3rd Emanuel- http://emantable.com/musings-of-a-table/
6th Julianne – http://juliannevictoria.com
7th Sarah – http://theskycladwriter.wordpress.com
8th Shree – http://heartsongsblog.wordpress.com
9th Dace – http://mywaytotruth.wordpress.com
10th Korinn – http://www.korinn.com
11th Sindy – http://bluebutterfliesandme.wordpress.com
12th Stefanie – http://dancingwithstefanie.com
13th Mick – http://meticulousmick.wordpress.com
15th Megan – http://mychroniclifejourney.wordpress.com
17th Marga – http://lifeasimprov.com
18th Kimberley – http://kimberlyharding.wordpress.com
21st Heather – http://wildflowerwomen.wordpress.com
23rd Sue – http://suedreamwalker.wordpress.com
24th M… – http://seeingm.wordpress.com
25th Brian G – http://middlepane.com
26th Dotta – http://dottaraphels.wordpress.com
27th CW – http://sunflowerrosecw.wordpress.com
28th Laurie – http://lauriesnotes.wordpress.com
29th Debra – http://ptero9.com
30th Linda – http://lindalitebeing.wordpress.com
31st Michael – http://navigator1965.wordpress.com
1st Leigh – http://bluegrassnotes.wordpress.com
2nd Shaman – http://shamanictracking.com
3rd Joss – http://ccwow.wordpress.com
4th Jenna – http://jennadee222.wordpress.com
5th Shelley – http://livingwithshadows.wordpress.com
6th Elisabeth – http://almostspring.com
7th Michael – http://embracingforever.com
8th Lehua – http://amusingspirit.wordpress.com
9th Aleya – http://alohaleya.wordpress.com

Below is the post I wrote January 2014 as we published our Free E-Book.
Together with 33 magnificent bloggers here on WordPress we have created a Free E Book…  A Selection of True Awakening Experiences… that we have written in order to help put our own life’s journey into perspective and inspire us on and to inspire the many hearts of HumanKind to aspire to their own true and unique potential… to be the change they want to see in the world and help create a peaceful and loving world in which to live in harmony and cooperation with each other..

As an introduction to this inspiring collection of true stories I wrote the following…

2014 was approaching and I was inspired to ask my sacred friends to share an account of their life’s journey and in particular the moments of their awakening to who they truly were…  What followed is something I couldn’t of possibly imagined… An incredible avalanche of unique beingness… has gently flowed through me for the whole month of January and into the middle of February 2014…  As each new day arose and my friends posted their awakening journey, I felt my body consciousness (body, mind and spirit) expanding in knowingness, in love, in pain, in joy… Floating on a new high vibration and frequency, observing life… gaining new insights, perspectives that, to put it bluntly… exploded my whole being…

I came into a new space of acceptance, reverence and trust… Feeling the IAM speaking so individually and uniquely through each journey, yet resonating at the core of ALL was a new sense of passion and understanding… I felt a subtle shift of consciousness exposing ‘The Truth’… or is it that we are creating a ‘New Truth’… setting new standards to live as DivineHumanBeings here on Earth…

If we ALLOW ourself to be the new standards, living our passion and creating our hearts desire… to go where no one has ever been before… as an embodied ascended DivineHumanBeing… Can we bring into being… new potential… to be able to create together a peaceful and harmonious world here on Mother Earth?

I thank ALL my friends here on WordPress from the bottom of my heart and soul for making this a wonderful and enlightening experience…

To conclude this introduction, I have chosen some beautiful unique words that both resonated with me when reading and was inspired to write after each awakening experience was told…

Without the discovery of love, you can only talk small, judge and compare another…
It is your choice to journey into the depths of the divine…
Being the light, no darkness can penetrate you…
IAM GOD too… You are GOD too…
No more sleeping, but living your truth…
I feel, I exist…
I choose the games I play in life’s theatre…
Awakening to the feeling of pure joy and oneness of life that IAM connected to…
To experience life in the fullest sense is to trust self…
Living in Freedom Now…
Love of Self is at the core of ALL…
Feeling the humor, the sadness, the pain and the joy…
I feel the wisdom, acceptance and love that I gain through my experience…
IAM coming into my own crystalline structure of awakened light…
I have my own answers and signs that lead to the truth, my truth…
IAM a vital piece of a giant jigsaw…
Being, Allowing, Loving and Living in balance with ALL…
I recall pure bliss when I was in love, such an expansion of the heart with nature, and the universe. That exist within me and should be accessible at anytime, but is it?
To be awake, to be conscious, to be aware of what I truly feel…
Awakening to what I feel to be true…
Awakening to get myself untangled from the matrix web of ‘this is how it should be’ to a feeling of freedom…
Beingness disappears when I allow doubt to creep in…
Allowing myself to expand consciousness and raise my vibration to be a great representative of IAM… LOVE…
The physical self shattered to feel the ooze and soothing force of an underlying calm beingness…
You can awaken in a quantum leap now… if you so choose…
Awakening is a natural cycle, similar to that of the butterfly…
Once you are awake you can allow self to ascend, to be enlightened and walk tall as an embodied master…
A healing journey is to love self…
Let’s not allow words to separate you and take away your beingness and peaceful existence…
Releasing all the walls of protection that you have built up from such a young age…
Heal at your own pace, but persevere…
Awakening is simply waking up…
You are taking quantum leaps of faith to a new way of living in freedom, in love…
From blindly following old conditioned patterns of others to following how you feel in each moment…
To sing out loud, IAM free… IAM love… la…la…la
Keep living until you feel alive…
Emerging from a state of deep sleep…
Allowing self to expand consciousness…
Consciously living in the world being YOU…
Aligning our mind, heart and soul and opening self to love…

For my WordPress Friends who created this book with me…
You can download the pdf file of ‘The Selection of Awakening Experiences’ from my side bar on my home page… which I’ll keep there for a while…  (IAM new at all this and not at all handy on the technical side… so IAM learning….) Any help is much appreciated…
My email address is barbara@memymagnificentself.com 

IAM Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness… http://www.memymagnificentself.com

November 1st 2015
Book Launch Party Week for my first book…

Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom.

Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom

Call for Action
IAM still looking for 5 more friends to review my book or interview me regarding my book… This will help me create a buzz around the first 2 weeks of my launch… Thanks so much. Barbara x

Guest Interview – Ormus

www.memymagnificentself.comMy guest today is Ormus, he is one of the main characters of my first book… Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom, shortly to be released. Both Ormus and myself are getting very excited to be able to share our amazing journey, not only is it about meeting extra-ordinary characters that I understand are all aspects of myself returning as new potential, but my experience awakening and integratiing with All of myself and being aware of the truth of my Magnificent and Sovereign Self.

Ormus, played quite a central character in my life and when I need to know anything about new energy dynamics, he’s the man who delves into the depths of me to retrieve information. Ormus was the one whose words I remember exploded my tiny mind into a multi-million fragments and gave way to a new grand perspective of an infinite expanding consciousness.

Ormus was born as a blue blob that fell from my paint brush when painting one of my healing cards in a creative painting workshop. He grew into an ancient elemental animal of great colour and beauty and had come to share with me the knowingness of The New Energy Consciousness that was now expanding within Mother Earth and each Humanbeing. As my perception grew, he took on a more Human look… and a little bit more.

So welcome Ormus, how are you feeling now that your message will shortly be read by so many people?

IAM so happy that everything is falling into place… you truly are doing your best to live according to your new role as DivineHumanBeing. Experiencing moments of worry is all part of remembering that going into mistrust and no flow creates in 3D reality… a few steps forwards and a few steps backwards… until the right time and space for your book comes and can unfold its own life in creation. I know it’s been difficult to trust this, but its important to remember there is always the perfect time and place for the people who are ready to be around you, so sit back and allow your Divine Self to bring it all into action. Your only job is to be aware of everything and allow life to unfold. 

Yes, the Human need to push and make effort has been unfortunately deeply embedded in my body and psyche which IAM now aware of and allow it to release itself. It is one of the hardest things to remember and change because of my need to organise, control and save the day. It’s the old pattern of survival wanting to play out instead of allowing myself and life to thrive and my creations to flow into my reality.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Let go and let GOD… this is one of the biggest truths…especially now that you understand that you are GOD too, Barbara.

So, Ormus, without spilling the beans, so to speak… could you say something about the core of your message in the book, the truth that is important for me and all Humankind to remember.

Life is all about consciousness. The Magnificent Consciousness that you and All life is. Look around you, everything is here to serve you, it’s one large field of potential waiting to give you exactly what you want to experience… So what do you want to experience? Be clear with your intention, the intention of your DivineHuman self who holds the grand vision of a peaceful and loving New Earth. How are you going to fulfil your new role for yourself?

I recently painted another SoulArt painting with the full moon emanating masses of colourful energy onto Mother Earth, encouraging my friends and I to dance and sing in its light and just feel glad to be alive and full of love and knowingness of how life all truly works.

…and as you paint, your passion creates your reality and you begin to feel the pure love, joy and freedom that you choose to experience. Life is so simple, it is all here… awaiting YOU.

Thank you so much Ormus for coming into the spotlight today. I do know you love standing in the light and expressing yourself… something I know you are helping me get used to. We are now 3 weeks until the release of our book, lots of media attention, interviews and talking about The Magnificent Consciousness and the Journey to Freedom that is calling for us all to choose.

Call to Action…
One of my friends gave me a wonderful idea to help create awareness for my book release and that is from November 1st untiI 14th to ask my fellow writing friends to write/blog/publish each day interviews and reviews about me and my book.  This means some special people get to read my book NOW… So IAM asking who would like to help me create a big buzz. Please let me know, either in the comments or send me an email to barbara@memymagificentself.com and lets make it happen. Thank you so much.

November Author Interview/Book Review
Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom

By Barbara Franken

1   Author Interview from Jacqui
2   Book Review by Sara
3   Book Review by Sarah
4   Interview by Spain Buddy
5   Book Review by Eunice
6   Book Review by Richard
7   Book Review by Rashpal
11 Book Review by Leigh
14 Author Interview from Linda

Until soon again, take care and keep enjoying life… no matter what is happening.
Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

What to do when your life seems to be in crisis…

Barbara Franken Photography

Blue Full Moon
An extra chance to put yourself in the light…
dance with joy and giggle in delight…
no excuses just do it NOW…
even imagine or pretend…

Barbara Franken… Master Creator…
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

The grand shift in consciousness that is happening now on Earth is certainly having an intense affect on everyone now. We are all experiencing very extreme weather patterns all around the world… extreme heat, cold, dryness, humidity, rains, droughts and our bodies are following suit. IAM experiencing myself extreme dryness of the skin, in particular my face and scalp when sometimes my mind wonders how much more it can take on?  I hear and observe many people becoming unwell, tired and depressed. For some relaxation I put on the TV and only seem to find portrayals of how angry and afraid the world is feeling and acting out. When I try to watch a nice film all I find are violent, horror or stupid ones.

Travelling around Europe on our recent wonderful holiday adventure; which I will write about and post soon, I have been quite amazed how the energy shifted in each country as we drove through and how most Environments and their people continue to play out the old roles of duality… and act as if there is no hope, increasing pressure to perform and inevitability of getting old and suffer.

Spain seems to have a distinct feeling of survival, pride and effort… France regal, labour intensive and pleasure… Holland tolerant, open and green… England anxious, limited and seeking… and in general a lot of people seem to have difficulty caring for themself… being polite and courteous to others… finding a clear direction in life… and paying their way.

It’s as if the whole world is acting out as if it is in crisis.

So… what to do when your life seems to be in crisis? Apart from reading my book Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom, coming soon… I can suggest to take every opportunity you can imagine… and this weekends Blue Full Moon is a good one to…

Put yourself in the light, dance with joy and giggle with delight

… No matter how you feel or how you physically can’t… take one moment… to do it, imagine it or pretend you are doing it.

and now? you’re asking  

How did it make you feel? Did you happen to stop worrying for just a moment? Did you feel a small tingle of joy from within?

So congratulations… you did it, you now know you can do it and now you can allow yourself to choose to practice doing it again… and again… and again…

Life is all about YOU and your choice… choose well … choose love… and life will serve you accordingly. Your consciousness is gradually shifting from one of fear and illness to one of love and wellness. The world and Humankind is not in crisis, we are only acting as if we are… We can each be the change and this in turn changes our Environment and the world… until the world becomes a loving and peaceful place. And so it is.

Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness


Call to Action
I’ve just reached 100 likes on my new Facebook page… http://www.facebook.com/memymagnificentself so of course IAM now going for 200… Could I ask you to pop over there and like my page please? Thank you so much

How well AM I LOVING myself… Summer Challenge

This summer I have challenged myself to observe and feel into how well IAM LOVING myself… Sensing my feelings within, during quiet moments I spend with myself and observing my reflection in the Environment around me. I have asked myself the questions… What AM I sensing within and around me… What AM I reflecting… Does loving myself feel natural… How well and how prioritized AM I LOVING myself.

Tom and I have begun our summer holiday adventure… travelling through Spain, France, Belgium, Holland and England, visiting Murica, Valencia, Millau, Riems, Noordwijk-aan-zee, Derbyshire, London, Calais, Saintes, Madrid and back home to Malaga. We are visiting family and friends and IAM playing a most important role of matron of honour at my sister, Angie’s Wedding. As the first few days have flown by, I realise it is the perfect opportunity to spend some time observing myself through the lens of my camera and take notes of how I reflect LOVE in my Environment and how well I feel loved.

Isn’t this a wonderful opportunity for YOU too, to spend some time this summer, observing how well you are LOVING yourself… maybe this post inspires you to join me in this Summer Challenge and write a blog post about your own observations and feelings of LOVE?

No matter how much our pains and discomforts may disturb us or how much turmoil and difficulties the world is showing us… if we allow ourselves to LOVE ourself well, we connect with the part of us that is responsible for the flow of our joyful and creative juices that keep us indeed, in a peaceful and perfect space on our lives journey.

Let’s keep this summer challenge simple… using a similar title as above and link this post somewhere in your post. Publish your post as you feel inspired with writings, a poem, images, art or video. As you publish your post I will link it to a list i’ll make. Who knows maybe we can create another free E-Book together and share with others just how well we LOVE ourselves.

I wish you all a great summer…  and look forward to hearing from you about this challenge.

Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness


 Twitter      Facebook

What is ‘Timeless Consciousness’ …


When I clearly chose to experience my Enlightenment… to live as an integrated DivineHuman Master Creator, I choose to allow my IAM presence to shine ‘timeless consciousness’ into my physical reality. It is the part of me that has waited patiently for my Human self to get tired of playing my roles in the Human game and be invited to share the free and loving expression my Divine essence is, in my physical reality.

I observe the flowers around me shining their grace and beauty and the stars above shining their light and wisdom. I too shine my light into my world as uniquely as I can.  IAM very much Human too so my Human challenges continue, but instead of focusing on ms miserable, thinking about how unfair life might be at times or listen to the uncaring words of others… I accept and embrace everything IAM and relax into my experience… Knowing full well that when I have realised enough about a particular experience, my challenge will gradually become part of my background and transmute into new potential that will serve a new experience that IAM quite clear I desire.

I wrote a poem last year, IAM wide awake that seems appropriate to copy here.

IAM wide awake…
Aware of the integration of my Body Consciousness…
Feeling the great love affair…
The graceful dance between my Divineness & Humanness…
Choosing to go beyond all that is known…
Allowing the birth of my crystalline DivineHuman self…

IAM creative, expressive & explorative…
IAM freedom itself…

 I take a conscious breath…
Expanding my Body Consciousness…
Reaching beyond all my senses and life I know well…
Going beyond  feeling like a caged animal…

I no longer fear the conflict, pain and desperation…
I observe the carelessness and irresponsibility…
I cannot help others, I can only help myself…

I choose to be the change I so passionately want to see…
A world of harmony, love and laughter…
I choose to wake up from my long Human experience…

I’ve invited all of myself back home…
The darkness and the lightness…
Choosing to go beyond my karma and destiny…
Allowing my true essence to play out my hearts desire…
IAM wide awake now…
Allowing my Enlightenment to be…

Barbara Franken…  Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

I also wrote last year a couple of posts about my Enlightenment, that may be an interesting read again.



The question is are you allowing your own timeless consciousness to shine into your physical reality?  I’d love to hear how you are uniquely shining.

Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

p.s.  Can I ask you a favour… IAM expanding my friendship foundation in preparation for the launch of my first book later this year… Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom… I’d love it if you would share this post and like my new Facebook page… Me, My Magnificent Self. Thanks so much…


IAM Reverence… I perceive and honour ALL life around me…


Today feels like a restful day… a joyful day… in which IAM receptive, perceptive and honour ALL life around me… So how better to honour my day and ALL of you… than to share my sacred images and writings that are special and a unique part of me….

IAM Reverence
I take some deep beautiful breaths… eyes wide open…
peacefully looking around me… content in my knowing… IAM Creation…

Everything I see is the outer layer… the chosen form to embody…
authentic beauty and power that emanates out in the world…

I feel the sacredness and honour ALL… every form unfolding its unique story…

This perception of mine is my response to the qualities I admire, resonate with
and accept on my journey… experiencing ALL in the dense fog on the Earth plane…

IAM Reverence… I recognise the Divine within and without of myself…
the interconnection… the interdependence… the uniqueness within the oneness…

Call to Action
If you like my image and quote… why not pin it…

IAM Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

Celebrating the Summer Solstice…


This weekend IAM celebrating the Summer Solstice with all my like-minded friends around the world. It is a day where we experience the most light… and for this reason Humankind has celebrated the Summer Solstice since the beginning of our times… in honour of the light of our Sun, Earth and own inner light.

It is a perfect time to be conscious of the abundance of LIGHT that allows us to grow and the joy that it allows us to feel and be able to sing out loud and dance wildly. The light penetrates deep inside our bodies too, allowing us to feel the gentle stir of the loving presence of our Divine self who waits patiently for our Human self to take some quiet and peaceful time together.

My most magical place is sitting on the white beaches by the turquoise caribbean seas, it has a clear and loving vibration and I imagine the whole Earth taking on this magnificent feeling, where everyone lives happily and joyfully together… creating their heart and soul’s desire to live as they have always dreamed.

Today I imagined I was back here. I attended my friend Lisa’s opening of her new MindBody Studio and enjoyed a Mindfulness Body Relaxation from Isabel who both live locally here on the Costa del Sol. Isabel led us perfectly and gently into the core of Self where the consciousness of our Divine self resides. It was a special time, breathing and relaxing and connecting with All of myself… Body Mind and Spirit. A celebration in itself that gave me a little time to slip back into my magical place and sprinkle some love and light on the new Earth. Thank you Costa Women ladies for the couple of hours of peace.

Do you have a magical place to escape to for some quiet Me-Time… A place to feel the vibrant light of the Environment and within yourself… to imagine the vibrant love and light spreading all over the world…

Enjoy this weekend… Celebrate well and remember be forever present and conscious…

Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

Inspiring ‘The Magnificent Consciousness’ through Creativity.


As promised the other day in my post, IAM writing about my intention to make a difference in my local community.  IAM in the process of setting-up a Spanish Association. A local charity in the province of Malaga, Andalusia… The Magnificent Consciousness. (Asociacion Conciencia Magnifia). My aim is to inspire, through creative and mindful activity, the magnificent and expanding consciousness that we all indeed are.

IAM joining forces with international women (that IAM meeting through Costa Women… A social and business network) to bring Project The Magnificent Consciousness to local children’s schools and adult classes. For them to explore and discover their Magnificent Consciousness and unique potential.

The project is similar to my Project Peace Mural that my friends and I brought into the local schools in Mazarron, Murcia… We talked in English about how the children…

  • Sense the Natural Order, Cycles & Beauty of Mother Earth.
  • Perceive their part in life and how they are a unique and magnificent force  within the whole of life.
  • Feel and know who they are and the freedom of living their life in love, joy and harmony.

… We asked them as a group to visualise their feelings and answers in a grand mural painting and exhibit and talk to others about it. 


I believe it is important that we allow our children and fellow adults to have the chance to explore and discover who they are, what they feel, what they like and how they want to live their life… and what better way than through creativity.

My funding will come from the sales of my book… Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom that recalls my own experience discovering Who IAM and realising love and freedom… and my local and online Master Creator Class that I created together with sacred friends to commit and celebrate our Master Creator Selves. Later this year I should be ready to publish my book and release my online Master Creator Class… This book will be followed by a children’s version of the book… hopefully available for the christmas stockings.

Call to Action
IAM working hard at expanding my network of friends to be able to share my book and Master Creator Classes with as many people as possible… to help me raise my funds to fulfil my desire to inspire and create awareness locally, of our Magnificent Consciousness.
Please like my Facebook page and twitter and share me on your own social media…

Thanks so much…
Barbara Franken
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

Overcoming Writers and Bloggers Block…

Where there is a will... there is a-2I have to admit, in the past I have found myself not being able to write or blog… and not just for a day, or a week but sometimes weeks. Only recently have I understood why I couldn’t be inspired and get back into my creativeness and overcome my Writers and Bloggers Block. I have now put into place measures to ensure I can forever write and blog… no matter what…

Maybe my tips can help you too…

  • I know exactly who IAM, what I stand for and how I want to live my life.
  • IAM conscious and clear minded of my heart and soul’s passion and desire to experience a loving, peaceful and creative life. This allows me to have the attitude or will to explore and discover what comes next.
  • I trust that I will always bring myself to something or someone that will inspire me.
  • I read my friends writings regularly as part of my ‘research’ and ‘re-balance’, they always inspire me and we enjoy getting together in many writing challenges.
  • There are no rules and sometimes life happens… an image and quote is enough to share a now moment along my journey.
  • Time can be an issue, so each year I outline a realistic plan of action and each month fill out the details . This wonderful tip came from Sarah and her 30 day blogging challenge.
  • I focus on being clear in mind and word, organise what I can and be spontaneous for the rest.
  • I give myself plenty of quiet Me-Time to re-balance myself… because IAM Human too.

So here’s to being clear about who we are, what we stand for and how we want to live our life… as a shinning pebble on the beach… and be able to overcome Writer’s and Blogger’s Block.

Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness.

How are you making a difference in the world…


When we look at ourself surrounded by so many people in the world… it is easy to believe we are insignificant and unnecessary… but KNOW this, without our own presence something is definately missing in life. If we could hear the thoughts of the ones near us, we would hear how important we are to them, not for what they can receive from us… but from how we make them feel. Life is just a nicer place to be in when we are around… Unless we moan and focus on the negative and don’t share and connect with our Environment.

So the question is how brightly do we allow ourself to shine each day… I do understand that some days we need to be alone and recharge, but apart from this I’d love to hear how bright you shine and are making a difference in the world…

Later this week I will write about how IAM planning to make a difference to children and adults here in Benalmadena… by just being me, my magnificent self…

Call to Action…
Thanks so much to the ones who have liked my new Facebook page or Twitter and connected with me… If not, could I ask you to now?  Links are in my sidebar.  Thank you…

Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness