What to do when your life seems to be in crisis…

Barbara Franken Photography

Blue Full Moon
An extra chance to put yourself in the light…
dance with joy and giggle in delight…
no excuses just do it NOW…
even imagine or pretend…

Barbara Franken… Master Creator…
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

The grand shift in consciousness that is happening now on Earth is certainly having an intense affect on everyone now. We are all experiencing very extreme weather patterns all around the world… extreme heat, cold, dryness, humidity, rains, droughts and our bodies are following suit. IAM experiencing myself extreme dryness of the skin, in particular my face and scalp when sometimes my mind wonders how much more it can take on?  I hear and observe many people becoming unwell, tired and depressed. For some relaxation I put on the TV and only seem to find portrayals of how angry and afraid the world is feeling and acting out. When I try to watch a nice film all I find are violent, horror or stupid ones.

Travelling around Europe on our recent wonderful holiday adventure; which I will write about and post soon, I have been quite amazed how the energy shifted in each country as we drove through and how most Environments and their people continue to play out the old roles of duality… and act as if there is no hope, increasing pressure to perform and inevitability of getting old and suffer.

Spain seems to have a distinct feeling of survival, pride and effort… France regal, labour intensive and pleasure… Holland tolerant, open and green… England anxious, limited and seeking… and in general a lot of people seem to have difficulty caring for themself… being polite and courteous to others… finding a clear direction in life… and paying their way.

It’s as if the whole world is acting out as if it is in crisis.

So… what to do when your life seems to be in crisis? Apart from reading my book Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom, coming soon… I can suggest to take every opportunity you can imagine… and this weekends Blue Full Moon is a good one to…

Put yourself in the light, dance with joy and giggle with delight

… No matter how you feel or how you physically can’t… take one moment… to do it, imagine it or pretend you are doing it.

and now? you’re asking  

How did it make you feel? Did you happen to stop worrying for just a moment? Did you feel a small tingle of joy from within?

So congratulations… you did it, you now know you can do it and now you can allow yourself to choose to practice doing it again… and again… and again…

Life is all about YOU and your choice… choose well … choose love… and life will serve you accordingly. Your consciousness is gradually shifting from one of fear and illness to one of love and wellness. The world and Humankind is not in crisis, we are only acting as if we are… We can each be the change and this in turn changes our Environment and the world… until the world becomes a loving and peaceful place. And so it is.

Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness


Call to Action
I’ve just reached 100 likes on my new Facebook page… http://www.facebook.com/memymagnificentself so of course IAM now going for 200… Could I ask you to pop over there and like my page please? Thank you so much

The Wellness Benefit of taking quiet Me-Time… A Silent Walk in Nature

2015-06-06 09.24.45

Have you thought lately about getting away from your busy schedules, thoughts and noise of life? Isn’t it time to allow yourself to take some quiet Me-Time to catch a Conscious Breath, relax, rebalance yourself… to make sure you stay healthy and in wellness?

Today I took myself on a Silent Walk into the beautiful nature that surrounds me. I knew that my silent and mindful actions would bring me into the present moment and the core of life itself… the pureness of consciousness that All life and I truly AM. It is a space of beauty and oneness, where I become aware that IAM awareness and consciousness itself. IAM aware of All of myself and the Environment simultaineously and am able to feel the love and joy that pulses through me in a unique rhythm and brings me back into balance.

2015-06-06 09.35.31

I began walking along the ocean shore, aware of the whole of my body…
Aware of the soles of my feet touching the sand and pebbles, aware of my heel coming down first followed by the ball of my feet, aware of walking in the centre of my feet, not walking on the inside of my feet or the outside of my feet…
Aware of the LOVE that passes down through each footstep and embraces Mother Earth…
Aware of the distance of my stride… small… larger… larger…
Aware of my spine, straight and stretched, my shoulders back and relaxed, my head and chin slightly high, eyes focusing in front of me but now and again glancing just in front of my feet…
Aware of my breathing, shallow in my chest, quiet but fast… deep in my tummy, urgent but slow and I recognised my tummy relaxing… breathing slowly… deeply… in and out… in and out… and imagined much emotion breaking free… releasing itself… flowing out with my out breath… transforming itself into new potential…
Aware of the pure light atoms that shimmer in the air, in the earth and in All life forms and as I breathe I take in the light and allow it to fill my body and mind, fusing with the atoms within my cells… I imagine my cells opening up and becoming translucent… pure, vibrant and dancing in delight…
Aware of my Environment, beauty itself in all different forms. No labelling, no naming, only admiring all the beauty…
Aware of being thankful for being a part of this magnificent life…


Life is to live… to live with love and joy in our hearts and be our amazing and magnificent Self. Our physical life can bring us out of alignment with the loving and joyful consciousness we truly are… So it is crucial to our wellbeing and health to allow ourself some quiet Me-Time to reconnect and rebalance and be able to live a grand and creative life.

I listened to a wonderful video today about awareness, consciousness from one of my friends on WordPress… Exploring the nature of consciousness… Let us tell the world.


Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness.

Best of MeMyMagnificentSelf Week One…

What a full-on week its been, writing everyday this last week as part of my 30 day challenge… Thanks Sarah and Kevin… I hope you all enjoyed reading my posts each day… For the ones who haven’t had time to take a look at what I have been talking about… I’ve put together the best of my posts this week.


10 Simple tips to deal with Awakening and Integration Symptoms…
Life is taking its toll on all of us in some way or another and when we understand what is happening we can accept, take extra care of our self and sail through our discomforts.

costa women, BenalmadenaWho Am I if not the reflection of JOY LOVE and BEAUTY in the world…
When we are aligned with the love, joy and beauty in the world we can flow and connect with life in a magnificent way.

IMG_3583 (2)

AM I the Centre of the Universe…
Without the centre there is no circumference, without the circumference there is no centre. We are inseparable.
So who AM I?


We are all Creative Loving Beings…
Can we remember how we felt as children or have the urge NOW to let our hair down, to enjoy some ‘me-time’… to laugh, to act, to play, to create, to explore, to scream out loud and to have fun.

Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom

Breaking FREE from our limited physical dual reality…
NOW is a great opportunity to put our physical dual reality into perspective.


The Truth about… Modern Day Illness…

Our doctors do a great job, BUT there are lots of changes we can make individually and as a society.

full moon,

4 Affects the Full Moon has on us…
Isn’t the Moon showing us the natural rhythm of nature and that we are part of the rhythm too?

Call to Action… Never miss out on another blog post… please subscribe to receive my blog by email…

Barbara Franken… Divine Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

We are all Creative loving Beings…


Believe it or not… we are all creative loving beings, at least by nature we are born this way. So how come we don’t seem to remember this… instead of creating our joys we act quite differently, pretending to be serious, sad, depressed, bored, in a rush, tired, limited,  etc… IAM sure you get my drift.

Whatever has happened in our individual lives that has caused us to act so differently from our innate creative and loving self… I have good news… it doesn’t matter and it can be changed. We can change how we respond to life… We can begin to be aware… We can begin to be inspired…  We can begin to imagine waking up each morning with an inner yearning to spend this new and exciting day spontaneously BEING our heartfelt joy and passion…  no matter what we have to accomplish this day? We can allow ourselves to joyfully say…

Today IAM singing out loud… Today IAM creating beauty in my garden… Today IAM preparing food… Today IAM painting my dream vision… Today IAM at peace… Today IAM writing a poem… Today IAM taking photographs… Today IAM cleaning… Today IAM going to act as if IAM rejuvenated. 

When we allow ourselves to be mindful of all our daily doings and beings…we become aware of our creative expression that is played out in each moment… and recognise it is our signature of who we truly are… a creative being… our Creator Self. Our physical body then naturally aligns with our hearts desire and  we experience the expression of our soul and Divine essence.

Maybe we can remember how we felt as children or have the urge now to let our hair down, to enjoy some ‘me time’… to laugh, to act, to play, to create, to explore, to scream out loud and to have fun.

We have indeed all been brought up to be responsible, mindful and serious, but can we remain true to our heart and soul too? Allowing ourselves to feel the rhythm of life, pulsating through us, connecting us to an all loving presence? Relaxing into our own innate passion and joy that flows through us and out into the world…  allowing us to act spontaneously in the moment how we feel and create our life we have always dreamed of?

Or are we going to allow our chattering mind and important ego identity or other peoples fear, negativity and jealous nature, take over our very being and just plod along on our journey following the rest of society?

We can choose to change our ways of being… as I wrote about in another post last year… otherwise the world will help us on our way. But it is easier to just breathe a while and become aware of the passion and joy that flows as a strong force within and allow the creative being we are to move with the rhythm of life… inspiring us.. to live our grandest dream and be the Grand Creator we truly are.

Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

Who Am I if not the reflection of JOY, LOVE and BEAUTY in the world…


Taking my daily morning walks along the ocean coast brings me into a special space… deep within my being… where I feel truly part of the natural world. With my conscious breath I breathe in the magnificent joy, love and beauty I see and feel all around me and know… this is who I AM.. IAM the reflection of my Environment… IAM my Environment.

For a long time now, I have carried in my heart and soul the grandest dream of bringing my Divine self into my physical Human reality… to allow my Divine self to shine through my Humanness and be able to experience the simple, sensual and passionate presence of life itself.

It is with this attitude of being joy, love and beauty that I live my life and I see that it is bringing in or attracting more of it into my life. Lately I have connected with lots of local  magnificent women here on the Costa del Sol… thanks to the online group Costa Women. Together we enjoy a great social and business life (the latter if applicable). I have a feeling that IAM not the only one that knows that it is up to each and every one of us to be in action and be responsible for creating our own life. I feel quite blessed at meeting such lovely women lately. Thankyou Costa Women.

costa women, Benalmadena

Torremolinos/Benalmadena Magnificent Costa Women

costa women Malaga

Malaga Magnificient Costa Women

Quite recently I have accepted a 30 day challenge as part of my PR campaign for the summer launch of my book… Your Magnificent Self.. A Journey to Freedom that is  inspiring me to be my very best self in the blogging world and learning so much about marketing. Please check it out… http://www.sarkemedia.com you never know if might help inspire you too.

So here’s to more and more of us reflecting the joy, love and beauty of our Environment and being the loving DivineHuman Beings we all truly are.

Have a great day, evening and until tomorrow… I wonder how IAM going to be inspired tomorrow…

Barbara Franken… Divine Master Creator…
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

2014 Wrap-Up Blog Challenge – My Treasure Chest of Wisdom and Truth

With thanks to linda from http://litebeing.com who began this inspiring challenge… inspiring us all to look back on our experiences in 2014… Linda asked us to consider four questions…

Which lessons did you learn?
How did you serve others?
What blessings did you receive?
Was there something you lost that turned out to be a blessing in disguise?
Did you receive any “gifts” in terms of powers or skills?

IExistAt the beginning of the year, Tom and I were back in our favourite place, Cancun, Mexico celebrating our 25 years together… enjoying a warm, relaxing and peaceful ‘wintertime’ together on sparkling white sands, in turquoise waters, under blue skies and heart shaped fluffy clouds.  It is our special place, filled with magic… that cleanses and energises our being… as we prepare to take on the rest of the year.  IAM always thankful that we can return here time and time again as it feels like coming home.  It makes me truly happy. Tom and I are planning our return for early next year, at this very moment.

Another place I love is our new home we found this year, along the seashore of Benalmadena, it too is a magical place that feels comfortable, safe and tranquil and I know that we will be here most of the time as it makes me truly happy.

barbara&jonI count both these magical places as my blessings that have given me wonderful gifts too, all year through… inspiration to express and create my writings and paintings and a constant feeling of joy moving within my Body Consciousness that shows me that IAM in the most perfect place.  My happiness radiates out into the environment for others to see, feel and take on as their own.  This is the service, through myself, that I give to others.  In this way my only requirement is to keep focused on myself and BE the Creator IAM.

It was an important truth I taught myself this year… even though my Human self is taking her time putting it all into perspective.  They do say when things go wrong or when you lose something it can be a blessing in disguise or some good can come out of it.  Deep within I know this to be true… and sore… and is taking some deep reflection and a little more time for all of me to truly expand into the wisdom of it all.

It all began last year when I felt a grand dream start to fall apart and at the end of this summer it was quite definitely ripped completely away.  Ripped away in a manner I could never have imagined and has left me with feelings of anger, hatred, disappointment, sadness and abandonment.  I know now and maybe I always knew that it wasn’t the right dream for me, but gave myself this experience for the blessing and wisdom.

It wasn’t the right dream for me because it didn’t have myself as the main focus, but instead, the lives of others.  Helping others is a service, but not if it is to our own detriment, putting others first and/or takes away their space and/or experience.


IAM now clear about how and when I can help others and if it resonates with them, they can ask me for my help or my presence.  Otherwise IAM taking good care of myself with compassionate psychology… consciously breathing and accepting it all, being in my own presence, loving myself unconditionally and serving myself first.  I know that I always did my very best in my helping others and planted many seeds of love which maybe one day will be discovered.  I enjoy living and creating in each moment and observe from afar the experience of others, without judgement.

What a wonderful chestful of treasure I have discovered this year…I feel my consciousness expanding with new wisdom and truths of who I truly AM… I walk confidently with an abundance of potential into the new year 2015.

Thankyou Linda for this opportunity to share my experiences this year with you all… whether happy or sad, I remember they are all experiences and beautiful gifts I continue to give to myself.

Tomorrow is Julianne’s account of her 2014.

May I wish you all a Merry Christmas time with loved ones and that means yourself… and a peaceful and abundant 2015.  Until the new year when I’ll be reporting about Tom and my great new ‘eating’ life style and much more, no doubt.

Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness.


Project Peace Mural…

Creating a World of Love, Joy and Harmony…


By The Circle of Potential…
Anna-Marie, Barbara, Gill, Julia, Mary and Wendy…
Mazarron, Murica, Spain 

‘Project Peace Mural visualises our feelings of what it takes
to create a world of love, peace and community…’

Our wonderful Peace Mural is exhibited at…
Restaurant Chez Zoe, Paseo Rihuete,
Puerto De Mazarron, Murica, Spain



Sensing the Natural Order, Cycles & Beauty of Mother Earth…

 poster1Can you imagine a world where humankind awakens to sense…

 …The beauty and sacredness of the natural world
…The natural order and perfection of all life
…The positive and negative that make up the whole
…The natural cycles of birth and death
…The underlying ENERGY that is the foundation of all life
…The interconnection, interdependence & uniqueness within the oneness
…The unique and magnificent part humans play in life


Individual Awakening of Who We Truly Are

poster2Can you imagine a world where each individual…

…Knows that everything begins and ends with her/himself
…Makes peace with all parts of themself
…Loves themself completely and unconditionally
…Dares to live their grandest dream
…Is the change they want to see in the world
…Expands beyond the physical body and mind
…Becomes one with their soul & spiritual essence
…Realises freedom and embraces all of life



We are Creators of our reality… Creating our Hearts Desire… Living in Cooperation, Peace, Joy & Harmony with ALL

poster3Can you imagine a world full of DivineHumanBeings…

…Knowing of their true magnificence and sovereign IAM self
…Living a sensual life of ease and grace
…Living with clarity and knowingness
…Being free to express and create their heart & soul’s desire
…Honouring the reverence of all life
…Living in harmonious cooperation with others
…Allowing a new crystalline physical body to be birthed… here on earth


Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

A local school in Mazarron, children of the ages 8-11 have also created their vision and words of a peaceful world… to be added here (I have created a Project Peace Mural page), at a later date and will be exhibited together with the above at the local town hall during the Autumn 2014…

How about getting together with a group of friends and creating your vision of a peaceful world and exhibiting it locally for all to be inspired…

I have no doubt that together we will create a world of love, peace and community…

Barbara Franken…

Freedom Is… IAM Magnificent…


Freedom Is

 Freedom Is…

Living innocently like a child
Living in the unknown
No Fear
Jumping for Joy
Playing ‘Make-Believe’
Creating New
Always Moving On
No Limitations
Only Feeling…


IAM Magnificent…

IAM Beautiful
IAM Passionate
IAM Love
IAM Life
IAM Conscious
IAM Awake
IAM Observing

                                     Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…


25 years of LOVE and CANCUN… Mexico… Here we are again…


It felt as if Tom and I had stepped into a time warp… back to the early 90’s…

A wonderful breeze of hot mexican air… friendly smiling deep tanned ‘small folk’… palm trees swaying in a beautiful blue sky… stretches of ultra white glistening sand and turquoise seas… ocean waves lapping on the land, a heavenly feeling of Gaia’s gentle caress that touches the depth of your heart and soul that is connected to ALL… laughter and screams of joy from children and young adults as they jump the waves, splash in the pool and dance to the deep music vibrations in the local night clubs… lying on the beach soaking up the sun, drifting off to a place of enchantment and silence… resting the body and mind of the busyness of ‘normal’ life and allowing one’s spirit to come into the foreground and ignite inspiration and passion with a feeling of peace swaying in the background…


“What was it that brought us here year after year for 25 years… to enjoy this small piece of the world”… Tom asked…


This time warp that we had both slipped back into… so easily… connected us to the deep feeling, the joy and passion of life… that had, IAM SURE… spurred us on to settle in Mazarron Country Club 7 years ago… another unspoilt, tranquil and peaceful environment where we allowed ourself’s to connect deeply with ALL OF OURSELF… body, mind and spirit… we had learned to be at peace, to refuel, recharge and experience the nothingness in life… wherever we were…


But today… 7 years later… following the yearning of our hearts… we are back for a well deserved ‘Time Out’ before we move to our new home in Benalmadena, Costa del Sol…  There are more tall buildings, more people, traffic, shops, restaurants and hotels… but nothing could cover up the peaceful hum, the natural colours and shapes of Gaia’s presence here… Long ago we had both connected with the natural vibration of LOVE that is here… that brought us to the core of ourself… and will always remain special to us… Over the last 25 years we’ve shared this paradise with our family and friends… We joined together and committed ourself’s to each other, for better and worse here on our beach… on our rock…


Our Rock… We will respect and honour each other for eternity…


Our old apartment… Carisa Y Palma…

IMG_2117We feel truly home… a place to celebrate our love for ourself and each other… 25 years.. quite a milestone… Enjoy the photos… and here’s to new inspiration for the creation of another post from CANCUN, Mexico… Hasta Luego Amigo/a’s…



A quote that is engraved on a building here on the beach that we have always resonated with…  ‘Life is lost in dreaming… Dreaming is lost in Becoming…’  So let us live mindfully in each moment of our life and allow ourself to be our grandest heart and soul’s dream ever…

Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…


p.s.  Please share our Free E Book that can be downloaded from here and my home page on the side bar… ‘A selection of true awakening experiences’… to inspire more and more hearts to allow their natural awakening… that is happening now…


Twelve Days of Christmas Prompt… Christmas Time… A Perfect Time…

images-59My good friend Sindy Sue came up with a lovely prompt for ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’… to connect and share together our thoughts on Christmas… Thankyou Sindy Sue for yet another great challenge…

Christmas Time… A Perfect Time..

To take some quiet moments for yourself…
Reflecting on your life…
Clearing out things that no longer serve you…
Creating space for new potential to come in…

To treat yourself to something special…
Relaxing into yourself…
Having fun and laughter…
Indulging in life’s beauty and grace…

To belief and trust yourself implicitly…
Knowing all your heartfelt desires come true…
Allowing yourself to shine brightly…
Touching and influencing people you meet…

To allow yourself to feel the magic…
Of childhood innocence, spontaneous and daring ways…
Imagining parallel worlds coming together as one…
Seeing angels, fairies, elementals, Santa and the bogeyman too…

To play with your creative talents…
Creating heartfelt gifts for family and friends…
Showing them your gratefulness and love…
For being a part of your life…

To light candles in a gesture of LOVE to others…
Remembering dear ones that have passed over…
Family and Friends far away…
Others who may be ill, in pain, hungry or lonely…

To help people in your community…
Giving your time, energy, money or unwanted goods…
Redistributing and sharing wealth, health and kindness… 
Bringing smiles and joy to others…

To decorate your home as a reflection of you…
The lights being a manifestation of love…
Preparing home cooked goodies to nourish and share…
To encourage merriment and joy…

To sing out loud in joyous tones…
Listening, Hugging and hopeful kisses
Being thankful for all life’s gifts…
And the magical feeling this Christmas time…

Christmas Time… A perfect time… 
to prepare to welcome in… 
a harmonious and peaceful… 
New Year… 2014…

Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness this Christmastime…


I actually dreamed the other night about my bogeyman who I was quite fearful of during my childhood… he wanted to be part of my christmas poem and give me a message… He thought it was an appropriate time to meet again…

images-61IAM not here to hurt you… but IAM very real… just as real as loving spirit friends…
IAM an accumulation of everything bad and sad that people have done to themself and each other… the horrific acts, the pain, the guilt, the shame, the loneliness, the abandonment and all the unloved feelings…
IAM a dark energy that only wants to capture your attention, wants you to feel the fear, be the fear and as I steal the fear from you… I increase my presence to attract my next prey…

Until… a time that your light shines on me…
and you dare invite me in… in love, not fear…

Demanding I return your fearful energy…
as now you understand… it is all just energy
and cannot harm you, only stop you from
moving on…
images-62So receive your energy back with welcoming arms and allow it to transform into love, trust, or some new potential for yourself…

The lingering fears that don’t belong to you, but still reside within… can be sent 
back to their rightful place… just demand them to leave your body and they will return to a neutral state until their owner claims them… and transform them into new
potential for themself…

I actually saw many of my child self’s walking back to me… I felt so much love and so complete…

Best Wishes to all my friends here on wordpress… Thankyou for connecting with me… Have a magical and mindful Christmas time with your family and friends…. May 2014 bring you health, wealth and much joy…

If you haven’t already joined my January challenge, writing about your own awakening experience… please check out my last post… Thanks Barbara…

Challenge 2014… My Awakening Experience and Moving Forward…

I’ve copied all the 12 days of christmas posts for you to go and enjoy.reading…
Tomorrow is December~22~Shree

December 14~Me (Saturday)





December~19~ Sue





December~24~Julianne Victoria

December~25~Me Christmas Day