What’s 888 and The Lion’s Gate all about…


I’ve had quite a bit of information flowing my way about today 888 and the opening of the Lion’s Gate. So yesterday I decided to take some time and ‘feel’ into the energies during a 36 hour period and write about what comes up. But first I’d like to explain that whereas I used to be quite interested in all the dates and eagerly went out of my way to feel and celebrate them with my local friends or online around the world… I now realise that although they help create awareness of the ongoing influx of new and intense energies… they can become more of a distraction if they keep you away from the NOW moment and experiencing your own life.

I know it is no coincidence that Cecil the friendly lion was killed just before this date and similar to when people die and compassion is felt between everyone, causing hearts to open… Cecil’s death created worldwide compassion which opened many hearts, bringing in much awareness, in particular to the date 888 and the Lion’s Gate. I can imagine Cecil standing there pouring his raw masculine power down from the Heavens onto Mother Earth, who simultaneously pours her raw feminine power up to meet the masculine energies and enjoy a beautiful union.

This is what I first felt early last night and it reminded me of my SoulArt of Balance I created with Ormus (an elemental being) a few years back.


During the night I experienced the heavenly incoming energies as very intense… and if I wasn’t so aware, I could be quite frightened. I felt as if everything was being sucked out of me… also the sea outside my window, I could feel the magnetic energies pulling the sea up. Only when I began to consciously breathe and connect with all the energies, the heavens, the Earth and my own, did I feel the energy flow take on a calm, balanced and loving feeling. Somehow the intense heavenly energies continued to pull all the old and obsolete parts of Earth and humanity up to the surface for release… me included… similar to the affect the full moon has… but much more intense.

So this brings me to this morning, I awake early feeling quite vibrant (so early) and went for my morning walk along the sea-shore and felt everything to be calm and balanced. Upon my return home I spent an hour sitting quietly, it didn’t take me long before I knew I had to face my back towards the sea, to allow the back of my heart space to open up towards the light of the sun. The back of our Heart is a very sensitive portal that connects us directly to other portals of the Heavens and Earth. After quite a while consciously breathing I felt empty yet full and very much loved, calm and balanced and I knew that what was taking place (beyond the understanding of my mind) was all part of Humanities integration and quantum leap to the next level that is ongoing in the now moment and not isolated on a particular date.


When each person is ready and chooses to expand their awareness, they will be able to allow their own Integration with their Divine self to take on a more loving, calm and balanced feeling, rather than an intense and somewhat frightening experience that the incoming energies can have on people now.

Ormus is an Elemental Being that brought me the understanding of Energy Dynamics that I write about in one of my chapters in… Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom... coming soon… If you haven’t liked my new Facebook page yet, could I ask you to go there and click on like…  https://www.facebook.com/MeMyMagnificentSelf Thanks so much… Upwards to 200 now…
Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

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