What is ‘Timeless Consciousness’ …


When I clearly chose to experience my Enlightenment… to live as an integrated DivineHuman Master Creator, I choose to allow my IAM presence to shine ‘timeless consciousness’ into my physical reality. It is the part of me that has waited patiently for my Human self to get tired of playing my roles in the Human game and be invited to share the free and loving expression my Divine essence is, in my physical reality.

I observe the flowers around me shining their grace and beauty and the stars above shining their light and wisdom. I too shine my light into my world as uniquely as I can.  IAM very much Human too so my Human challenges continue, but instead of focusing on ms miserable, thinking about how unfair life might be at times or listen to the uncaring words of others… I accept and embrace everything IAM and relax into my experience… Knowing full well that when I have realised enough about a particular experience, my challenge will gradually become part of my background and transmute into new potential that will serve a new experience that IAM quite clear I desire.

I wrote a poem last year, IAM wide awake that seems appropriate to copy here.

IAM wide awake…
Aware of the integration of my Body Consciousness…
Feeling the great love affair…
The graceful dance between my Divineness & Humanness…
Choosing to go beyond all that is known…
Allowing the birth of my crystalline DivineHuman self…

IAM creative, expressive & explorative…
IAM freedom itself…

 I take a conscious breath…
Expanding my Body Consciousness…
Reaching beyond all my senses and life I know well…
Going beyond  feeling like a caged animal…

I no longer fear the conflict, pain and desperation…
I observe the carelessness and irresponsibility…
I cannot help others, I can only help myself…

I choose to be the change I so passionately want to see…
A world of harmony, love and laughter…
I choose to wake up from my long Human experience…

I’ve invited all of myself back home…
The darkness and the lightness…
Choosing to go beyond my karma and destiny…
Allowing my true essence to play out my hearts desire…
IAM wide awake now…
Allowing my Enlightenment to be…

Barbara Franken…  Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

I also wrote last year a couple of posts about my Enlightenment, that may be an interesting read again.



The question is are you allowing your own timeless consciousness to shine into your physical reality?  I’d love to hear how you are uniquely shining.

Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

p.s.  Can I ask you a favour… IAM expanding my friendship foundation in preparation for the launch of my first book later this year… Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom… I’d love it if you would share this post and like my new Facebook page… Me, My Magnificent Self. Thanks so much…


10 thoughts on “What is ‘Timeless Consciousness’ …

  1. Absolutely wonderful and deeply insightful. I Love when you said you are not able to change anyone but yourself, and OH, how I wish other people would understand this. Walking towards enlightment each and every day, is very challenging, especially when the bumps are extreme. Keep on shining your Light, Barbara. You are precious!! Love, Amy ❤

    • Slowly others are waking up to this realisation, but in the mean time we are shinning and being our best selves… lumps and bumps and all… Thanks so much for your loving words Amy… Love Barbara

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