What is ‘Timeless Consciousness’ …


When I clearly chose to experience my Enlightenment… to live as an integrated DivineHuman Master Creator, I choose to allow my IAM presence to shine ‘timeless consciousness’ into my physical reality. It is the part of me that has waited patiently for my Human self to get tired of playing my roles in the Human game and be invited to share the free and loving expression my Divine essence is, in my physical reality.

I observe the flowers around me shining their grace and beauty and the stars above shining their light and wisdom. I too shine my light into my world as uniquely as I can.  IAM very much Human too so my Human challenges continue, but instead of focusing on ms miserable, thinking about how unfair life might be at times or listen to the uncaring words of others… I accept and embrace everything IAM and relax into my experience… Knowing full well that when I have realised enough about a particular experience, my challenge will gradually become part of my background and transmute into new potential that will serve a new experience that IAM quite clear I desire.

I wrote a poem last year, IAM wide awake that seems appropriate to copy here.

IAM wide awake…
Aware of the integration of my Body Consciousness…
Feeling the great love affair…
The graceful dance between my Divineness & Humanness…
Choosing to go beyond all that is known…
Allowing the birth of my crystalline DivineHuman self…

IAM creative, expressive & explorative…
IAM freedom itself…

 I take a conscious breath…
Expanding my Body Consciousness…
Reaching beyond all my senses and life I know well…
Going beyond  feeling like a caged animal…

I no longer fear the conflict, pain and desperation…
I observe the carelessness and irresponsibility…
I cannot help others, I can only help myself…

I choose to be the change I so passionately want to see…
A world of harmony, love and laughter…
I choose to wake up from my long Human experience…

I’ve invited all of myself back home…
The darkness and the lightness…
Choosing to go beyond my karma and destiny…
Allowing my true essence to play out my hearts desire…
IAM wide awake now…
Allowing my Enlightenment to be…

Barbara Franken…  Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

I also wrote last year a couple of posts about my Enlightenment, that may be an interesting read again.



The question is are you allowing your own timeless consciousness to shine into your physical reality?  I’d love to hear how you are uniquely shining.

Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

p.s.  Can I ask you a favour… IAM expanding my friendship foundation in preparation for the launch of my first book later this year… Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom… I’d love it if you would share this post and like my new Facebook page… Me, My Magnificent Self. Thanks so much…


IAM Reverence… I perceive and honour ALL life around me…


Today feels like a restful day… a joyful day… in which IAM receptive, perceptive and honour ALL life around me… So how better to honour my day and ALL of you… than to share my sacred images and writings that are special and a unique part of me….

IAM Reverence
I take some deep beautiful breaths… eyes wide open…
peacefully looking around me… content in my knowing… IAM Creation…

Everything I see is the outer layer… the chosen form to embody…
authentic beauty and power that emanates out in the world…

I feel the sacredness and honour ALL… every form unfolding its unique story…

This perception of mine is my response to the qualities I admire, resonate with
and accept on my journey… experiencing ALL in the dense fog on the Earth plane…

IAM Reverence… I recognise the Divine within and without of myself…
the interconnection… the interdependence… the uniqueness within the oneness…

Call to Action
If you like my image and quote… why not pin it…

IAM Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

How are you making a difference in the world…


When we look at ourself surrounded by so many people in the world… it is easy to believe we are insignificant and unnecessary… but KNOW this, without our own presence something is definately missing in life. If we could hear the thoughts of the ones near us, we would hear how important we are to them, not for what they can receive from us… but from how we make them feel. Life is just a nicer place to be in when we are around… Unless we moan and focus on the negative and don’t share and connect with our Environment.

So the question is how brightly do we allow ourself to shine each day… I do understand that some days we need to be alone and recharge, but apart from this I’d love to hear how bright you shine and are making a difference in the world…

Later this week I will write about how IAM planning to make a difference to children and adults here in Benalmadena… by just being me, my magnificent self…

Call to Action…
Thanks so much to the ones who have liked my new Facebook page or Twitter and connected with me… If not, could I ask you to now?  Links are in my sidebar.  Thank you…

Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

Awakening and Integration is brutal and harsh… quiet and peaceful…

Barbara Franken

A sunny peaceful day in Benalmadena Costa

It is all happening now… quiet tranquil days of sunshine, feeling peaceful, calm and having lots of sleep… followed by stormy and wet days, feeling boundaries being crossed, stripped naked of comfort and familiarity and finding no rest or sleep. Pounding heads and hearts, painful joints and organs, weakness, skin irritations, indigestion and imbalance… falling down… and on and on the cycles come and go.

We are ALL in our own unique way experiencing the great shift of consciousness… that is naturally happening on Earth and to ALL Humankind at this moment. Natural CHANGE to CONSCIOUSNESS… that we are.  Earth and all HumanKind are naturally detoxifying our low, limited and fearful vibration and upgrading to a high loving and joyful vibration.

The detoxification and upgrade is brutal and harsh at times, rubbing our ego identity and physical body down to our bare essence… but we have to remember that times of peace and calmness follow… for us to catch our breath and relax… before the next onslaught.

All our nonsense and fear has to go… negative thoughts, excessive thinking, control, unconsciousness, unawareness, processing, programming, old behaviours, ancestral influences… Everything has to be either owned or released. We have to become empty yet complete vessels… for our Magnificent and Divine self, integrated with the essence of our Human love and wisdom to shine through our physical body.

Hang in there... and keep your hat on... Barbara x

Hang in there… and keep your hat on… Barbara x

When we are aware of this natural shift of consciousness, that I have been experiencing for the last 20 odd years, we can be the quiet observer of this wonderful and unique opportunity. We can allow ourselves to discern what pains and fears are our own, release everything that is not and embrace and own everything that we choose to make us whole. We are coming to the end of this shift… from living in a dual world of fear vs love to living in a world of unity, love and joy… so we are feeling the intensity now.

People who remain unaware of the happenings around them and focus only on their pain and lack will get swallowed up in the chaos. People who are addicted to drugs/alcohol or may be taking a high dosage of anti-depressants could be numbing their feelings and awareness and be a perfect target for mind-control. A game that power-hungry and evil groups play with. (Observing the Malaysian and German pilots).

It is essential for each one of us to pay attention, care and put ourself first. Drink enough water, eat lots of veg/fruit and a bit of protein.. Chicken Soup is a great comfort too. Dump the excess stodgy carbs… they are poison to the body. Walk a little if you can or imagine you are walking. Smile just because you made it to a new day. Breathe consciously and deeply each morning and evening for about 10 minutes…. saying I EXIST.. this aligns our Human self with our Divine self. Find a balance between working and relaxing.

When we care for ourselves we are acting in compassion and awareness… as examples for our children and neighbours to follow suit. Love… Love and Love yourself first and foremost. Thank you.

Rough seas and garbage spewed over the boundary walls.

Rough seas and garbage spewed over the boundary walls.

This mornings stormy walk by the ocean showed me quite clearly and to the point… the immenseness and greatness of the cleansing that is taking place now within the Earth and within each person… boundaries are being crossed and garbage being spewed up and expelled. I know it is a little painful… I have fallen down a couple of times now… (warning me to be super careful) but with knowingness, trust, a spring in our step and smile on our face, we can hang on and get through it the best we can.

Me, My Magnificent Self... My Journey to Freedom By Barbara Franken... DivineHuman Master Creator

Me, My Magnificent Self… My Journey to Freedom
By Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator

My first book… Me, My Magnificent Self… My Journey to Freedom will be born shortly... at least the E-book that I want to give as a gift to friends and family for a while. 

I’ve always liked the thought of people paying forward, asking others to do the same in their own unique way until we all have everything we desire. 

I’ve drawn up a list of people interested to receive and read my unique and magical true story that describes my journey through My Awakening, Integration and Enlightenment. If you would like to receive it too… please email me at barbara@memymagnificentself.com and I’ll send you a copy as soon as it’s published… (may/jun).

I began writing about my true experience, expanding out of my Human limited identity into an infinite and time-less space of who I truly AM  Me, My Magnificent Self… DivineHuman Master Creator… to visualise and record the potential that I found here and now that is available to everyone who is aware and chooses for themself… to inspire others to realise and experience their own magnificence, potential and truth. And so it came into being as my gift to YOU.

If after you read my book, you would like to review it and share how it resonated with you… I’d love it…  If after you read my book, you share with me any writing errors… I’d love it too… If after you read my book, you tell all your friends and family about my book and spread the ‘good word’ around your network… I’ll love you… probably forever.

A brief introduction to… Me, My Magnificent Self… My Journey to Freedom… By Barbara Franken DivineHuman Master Creator…
…It was not until my husband Tom and I moved to a peaceful and tranquil part of Southern Spain, that I could truly relax and open fully to the natural world, the present moment and my core truths. These truths were made clear to me in the form of nine Elemental Beings as I began to perceive them. They were all aspects of me, separated during many lifetimes on Earth… but now I was choosing to bring all parts of myself back together as ONE Body Consciousness.
My First Elemental friend was Magdalena…
…I asked myself what this loving feeling was and understood that it was my true Divine and timeless self naturally unfolding and integrating within my Human self. I imagined a beautiful guardian angel, Magdalena sitting beside me and rocking me back and forth. She had come to share her loving wisdom with me. Magdalena explained that she was the part of me that radiated pure love throughout my being and beyond, a timeless consciousness of light that emanated my true sovereignty and magnificence from within. I was an amazing beauty that could feel safe knowing that no one, Human, Spirit or Alien would ever waste their time intruding or playing games with such a loving and beautiful presence.

Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…
Barbara FrankenEnergy Consciousness allows everyone who individually chooses to listen to their own heart and participate in their own truth of being their Magnificent Self and Master Creator… to expand into a new experience of no-time and go beyond the limited mind and physical reality and live a life of joy, harmony and freedom. New Energy Consciousness is filled with abundant potential… beyond everything imaginable or ever experienced. It allows Magnificent Master Creators to live and experience the embodiment of their Divine IAM presence, here on Mother Earth… experiencing being New Energy Pioneers and Grand Master Creators we all truly are.