What is ‘Timeless Consciousness’ …


When I clearly chose to experience my Enlightenment… to live as an integrated DivineHuman Master Creator, I choose to allow my IAM presence to shine ‘timeless consciousness’ into my physical reality. It is the part of me that has waited patiently for my Human self to get tired of playing my roles in the Human game and be invited to share the free and loving expression my Divine essence is, in my physical reality.

I observe the flowers around me shining their grace and beauty and the stars above shining their light and wisdom. I too shine my light into my world as uniquely as I can.  IAM very much Human too so my Human challenges continue, but instead of focusing on ms miserable, thinking about how unfair life might be at times or listen to the uncaring words of others… I accept and embrace everything IAM and relax into my experience… Knowing full well that when I have realised enough about a particular experience, my challenge will gradually become part of my background and transmute into new potential that will serve a new experience that IAM quite clear I desire.

I wrote a poem last year, IAM wide awake that seems appropriate to copy here.

IAM wide awake…
Aware of the integration of my Body Consciousness…
Feeling the great love affair…
The graceful dance between my Divineness & Humanness…
Choosing to go beyond all that is known…
Allowing the birth of my crystalline DivineHuman self…

IAM creative, expressive & explorative…
IAM freedom itself…

 I take a conscious breath…
Expanding my Body Consciousness…
Reaching beyond all my senses and life I know well…
Going beyond  feeling like a caged animal…

I no longer fear the conflict, pain and desperation…
I observe the carelessness and irresponsibility…
I cannot help others, I can only help myself…

I choose to be the change I so passionately want to see…
A world of harmony, love and laughter…
I choose to wake up from my long Human experience…

I’ve invited all of myself back home…
The darkness and the lightness…
Choosing to go beyond my karma and destiny…
Allowing my true essence to play out my hearts desire…
IAM wide awake now…
Allowing my Enlightenment to be…

Barbara Franken…  Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

I also wrote last year a couple of posts about my Enlightenment, that may be an interesting read again.



The question is are you allowing your own timeless consciousness to shine into your physical reality?  I’d love to hear how you are uniquely shining.

Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

p.s.  Can I ask you a favour… IAM expanding my friendship foundation in preparation for the launch of my first book later this year… Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom… I’d love it if you would share this post and like my new Facebook page… Me, My Magnificent Self. Thanks so much…


How are you making a difference in the world…


When we look at ourself surrounded by so many people in the world… it is easy to believe we are insignificant and unnecessary… but KNOW this, without our own presence something is definately missing in life. If we could hear the thoughts of the ones near us, we would hear how important we are to them, not for what they can receive from us… but from how we make them feel. Life is just a nicer place to be in when we are around… Unless we moan and focus on the negative and don’t share and connect with our Environment.

So the question is how brightly do we allow ourself to shine each day… I do understand that some days we need to be alone and recharge, but apart from this I’d love to hear how bright you shine and are making a difference in the world…

Later this week I will write about how IAM planning to make a difference to children and adults here in Benalmadena… by just being me, my magnificent self…

Call to Action…
Thanks so much to the ones who have liked my new Facebook page or Twitter and connected with me… If not, could I ask you to now?  Links are in my sidebar.  Thank you…

Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

4 Affects the Full Moon has on us…

full moon,

4 o’clock this morning, the full moon’s bright light woke me up to say a big Hello… I couldn’t resist taking this picture and sitting quietly for a while to admire its shine and feel into the energy it emanated. I saw a giant rainbow circling around it. It felt very powerful and magnificent as it’s shining light fell onto the ocean and all below. It was as if it was calling out… for us all to be aware of the affect and influence it has on us and not to be afraid of our own light and colour.


  • The full moon brings a woman’s menstruation cycle into ovulation… (mens = moon) The hormones Oestrogen and Testosterone rise at the end of an inspiring and creative cycle and in celebration the women connects with her community and loved ones. However, having said this most women are so disconnected from nature, Mother Earth and the Cosmos for various reasons that their menstruation doesn’t run parallel with the lunar moon cycle anymore.
  • The full moon, lines up with the earth and sun and brings is the second spring tide of the month (following the time of the new moon) and creates a high, high tide and a low, low tide. Our Human Body is 70% water and this time brings in our high and low moods. When we are very happy, we act extrovert, others might think we are a little crazy… but who cares.
  • The light of the full moon can keep you awake during this time.
  • The full moon brings the completion of a cycle, shining light on everything that may no longer serve our best interest. It is a perfect opportunity to take some quiet me-time and reflect and feel… Northing to do but be.

People often ask me how they can get back into the natural rhythm of nature and the lunar moon cycle and feel the affect the Full Moon in particular has on them and I simply answer… be aware and feel into nature at the different stages of the lunar moon cycle. Remain curious and keep asking yourself how you feel… what you feel.

Remember… We are a reflection of our Environment and Our Environment is a reflection of our Self.

Happy Full Moon time… Barbara Franken… Divine Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

Celebrating BIG time… 80 and 50 years young…

IMG_4843The beginning of a week of celebrations for our family…

For a long time Tom and I have had our eye on a spectacular journey through the English countryside, back in time… and what a perfect time to organise it… for Barrie/my dad on his 80th birthday.  Barrie has always been crazy about steam trains, so when we found the Belmond British Pullman (Belmond, an American Company recently bought the Venice-Simplon-Orient-Express Business) was available for a journey back in ‘The Golden Age of Steam Travel’, we began to ‘secretly’ arrange it all.  Barrie and my sister Angie came down to London on thursday night and here we are above on the eve of our mystery celebration journey.

Novemember 7th The taxi took us through the London streets to Victoria Station where we walked through to the departure boards… ‘Are we going on a rail journey?’ Barrie asked.  It was all quite exiting.  To the left I saw platform 2 where we had to be, we walked along the platform and came across a red carpet, a 1920’s brass band playing and a grand entrance… to the Venice-Simplon-Orient-Express.

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We checked in and received our boarding tickets for our seating in the grand old carriage Gwen…. she had been in service in Britain on the Brighton Belle 1934 – 1972, the first all-electric Pullman car train in the world.  It operated between London and Brighton.  It’s lavish interior of plush carpets, velvet upholstery, marquetry panels, fronted glass lampshades and brass fittings was nothing but luxury at its very best and available to shuttle the wealthy and distinguished travellers around Britain and the new continent.

Life took on major change in the 1960’s and 1970 and the British Pullman trains/carriages were pulled out of service and either sold off or left for the scrapheap. But a man, James Sherwood had a dream… to revive the legendary Orient-Express.  He located all the lost carriages and acquired 35 historic sleepers, pullmans and restaurant cars and using both new technology and the original marquetry business, together they restored the carriages and engines to their former fame and glory. 1981 saw the re-launch of the Venice-Simplon-Orient-Express from London Victoria Station.  The cars were all stars once again, palaces on wheels, for all to enjoy.

So here we were, walking up to the front of the British Pullman 35028 (in service from 1948 until 1967) and now once again in service to us for a wonderful journey back in time.  We were greeted like royalty and seated in one of the closed compartments in Gwen’s luxurious carriage. A thick linen cloth decked the table and china, silverware and crystal glistened as the sun shone in through the window. Before we could take in and register this grand abundance of richness, the champagne was served and we tasted the delicious hors d oeuvres.

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We left the station, smoke bellowing along side the carriage, we heard the nostalgic sound of ‘chuff chuff’ as we gained speed, the smell of the coal being fired up and the ‘woo woo’ signal as it approached each station… Our throats were filled with joy and tears came to all our eyes as we were taken back in a time of ‘no time’ with richness all around our magnificent and distinguished self’s.  This was our celebration, we found ourselves in a time capsule, peaceful and truly out of this world…a once in a lifetime experience… quite beyond words to write down.  Instead our hearts and souls expanded and took it all in as we enjoyed the wonderful five course lunch, plenty of champagne, wine, port and liquors, blue skies and sunshine (in England…), lighting up the beautiful lush countryside of SouthEast England.

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Four hours later our journey had come to its end in London Victoria where we disembarked the British Pullman with big smiles and feelings of deep joy and gratitude.  We said our thankyou’s and goodbye’s and made our way back home.  IMG_4931IMG_4939IMG_4947

So Barrie was exceptionally happy today… 80 years old, still wonderfully healthy and active with optimism and a positive attitude which I knew takes everyone into a grand old age of thriving and continuous celebration with family and friends.

We travelled back by modern electric train to Derby and prepared for our next celebration. Angie was becoming 50 years young… which we again celebrated in style together with family and friends in Shardlow… thanks to Jon her boyfriend and friend Tracy for organising it all.  Here’s a few pictures to enjoy… (please note the face masks of Angie that we all wore… just to confuse her) and what do you know… after the wonderful meal Jon got down on his knees in front of us all and asked Angie to marry him.

IAM so so happy… My little sister has found a magnificent person in Jon, a kind active and happy gentleman… Jon, welcome to the family, Tom and I love having you as our younger brother… and looking forward to many more family ‘once in a lifetime’ journeys in the world.  



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Thanks to all our family and friends who want to share an extraordinary life with us. Until the next time I put pen to paper… IAM so involved in day to day experiences and focusing on my first book and painting (intuitively from peoples names/passion/colour/birthplace)…  my book will be ready soon and my first painting by name is here… Please have patience, I’ll be back more regularly soon…


Barbara Franken… Inspiriing New Energy Consciousness…

Happiness Is… Love, Love and more Love


Happiness is

IAM Mr Magnificent, I love and care for myself first, making sure I play and have fun…
then IAM able to love and care for everyone all around me…

The secret to my happiness is…
Love, Love and more Love…

Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

p.s.  IAM in the middle of a big upheaval..
(according to my husband Tom… IAM taking way too much… ha…ha…ha…)
We are moving to our next adventure further down the southern coast of Spain…
So quite busy…
Benalmadana… Here we come…
Love Barbara x

A WOMAN Awakens…


Something inside me stirred, it had been a long and arduous road…
experiencing the calm, the drive, the dark, the light, the pain, the love, the sadness and the peace…

And like a bolt of thunder and strike of lightning, I brought myself to this moment, and knew with all my being…
I was the dance, the union and coming together of the two extremes…

In each moment I could choose to celebrate, to cooperate and playfully create a life so longed for…
something inside me stirred, the energies had found each other and wonder exploded…

I AM both the inner and outer, the inspiration and creator, the nurturer and builder…
Will you join me in your new awakened state to follow your dreams, create your desires and live together in a peaceful and loving earth.. right here…NOW…

©Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…