What’s 888 and The Lion’s Gate all about…


I’ve had quite a bit of information flowing my way about today 888 and the opening of the Lion’s Gate. So yesterday I decided to take some time and ‘feel’ into the energies during a 36 hour period and write about what comes up. But first I’d like to explain that whereas I used to be quite interested in all the dates and eagerly went out of my way to feel and celebrate them with my local friends or online around the world… I now realise that although they help create awareness of the ongoing influx of new and intense energies… they can become more of a distraction if they keep you away from the NOW moment and experiencing your own life.

I know it is no coincidence that Cecil the friendly lion was killed just before this date and similar to when people die and compassion is felt between everyone, causing hearts to open… Cecil’s death created worldwide compassion which opened many hearts, bringing in much awareness, in particular to the date 888 and the Lion’s Gate. I can imagine Cecil standing there pouring his raw masculine power down from the Heavens onto Mother Earth, who simultaneously pours her raw feminine power up to meet the masculine energies and enjoy a beautiful union.

This is what I first felt early last night and it reminded me of my SoulArt of Balance I created with Ormus (an elemental being) a few years back.


During the night I experienced the heavenly incoming energies as very intense… and if I wasn’t so aware, I could be quite frightened. I felt as if everything was being sucked out of me… also the sea outside my window, I could feel the magnetic energies pulling the sea up. Only when I began to consciously breathe and connect with all the energies, the heavens, the Earth and my own, did I feel the energy flow take on a calm, balanced and loving feeling. Somehow the intense heavenly energies continued to pull all the old and obsolete parts of Earth and humanity up to the surface for release… me included… similar to the affect the full moon has… but much more intense.

So this brings me to this morning, I awake early feeling quite vibrant (so early) and went for my morning walk along the sea-shore and felt everything to be calm and balanced. Upon my return home I spent an hour sitting quietly, it didn’t take me long before I knew I had to face my back towards the sea, to allow the back of my heart space to open up towards the light of the sun. The back of our Heart is a very sensitive portal that connects us directly to other portals of the Heavens and Earth. After quite a while consciously breathing I felt empty yet full and very much loved, calm and balanced and I knew that what was taking place (beyond the understanding of my mind) was all part of Humanities integration and quantum leap to the next level that is ongoing in the now moment and not isolated on a particular date.


When each person is ready and chooses to expand their awareness, they will be able to allow their own Integration with their Divine self to take on a more loving, calm and balanced feeling, rather than an intense and somewhat frightening experience that the incoming energies can have on people now.

Ormus is an Elemental Being that brought me the understanding of Energy Dynamics that I write about in one of my chapters in… Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom... coming soon… If you haven’t liked my new Facebook page yet, could I ask you to go there and click on like…  https://www.facebook.com/MeMyMagnificentSelf Thanks so much… Upwards to 200 now…
Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

Overcoming Writers and Bloggers Block…

Where there is a will... there is a-2I have to admit, in the past I have found myself not being able to write or blog… and not just for a day, or a week but sometimes weeks. Only recently have I understood why I couldn’t be inspired and get back into my creativeness and overcome my Writers and Bloggers Block. I have now put into place measures to ensure I can forever write and blog… no matter what…

Maybe my tips can help you too…

  • I know exactly who IAM, what I stand for and how I want to live my life.
  • IAM conscious and clear minded of my heart and soul’s passion and desire to experience a loving, peaceful and creative life. This allows me to have the attitude or will to explore and discover what comes next.
  • I trust that I will always bring myself to something or someone that will inspire me.
  • I read my friends writings regularly as part of my ‘research’ and ‘re-balance’, they always inspire me and we enjoy getting together in many writing challenges.
  • There are no rules and sometimes life happens… an image and quote is enough to share a now moment along my journey.
  • Time can be an issue, so each year I outline a realistic plan of action and each month fill out the details . This wonderful tip came from Sarah and her 30 day blogging challenge.
  • I focus on being clear in mind and word, organise what I can and be spontaneous for the rest.
  • I give myself plenty of quiet Me-Time to re-balance myself… because IAM Human too.

So here’s to being clear about who we are, what we stand for and how we want to live our life… as a shinning pebble on the beach… and be able to overcome Writer’s and Blogger’s Block.

Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness.

With gratitude for ALL of my life…


IAM Alexander…

Like a flash… the winter months have flown past and I find myself in March, the beginning of Spring here in Spain. The weather is mainly lovely and warm with blue skies and a gentle breeze, but today out of nowhere the dull thick clouds hang above me, the sea is frothing and noisy and I have had to put on 3 layers of tops to feel warm. It’s as if my environment is reminding me of the underlying turbulent current that life is made of… that no matter how much joy and happiness I experience it hangs in balance with the unrest in the world. I breathe life deeply in… embracing the sombre yet fiery environment… acknowledging and accepting with gratitude ALL of life. I sense a welcoming time to release my yesterdays… memories and energies that no longer serve me… Having said this, I realise that today is March 5th and the moon is completing its full cycle later today. It is the end of another cycle and an opportunity to begin something new… and it is up to me to be very clear of what IAM releasing with gratitude and allow myself to focus on a heart’s desire or two.


Flowers for the ladies everyday…

I wish to gently release any remaining doubts of my own true magnificence and any obstacles that may stop my creative process… and instead focus my energy on getting my book (that is nearly at the publishers) out into as many homes as possible, sharing my journey to freedom… Awakening to the Magnificent person I truly am… to inspire others to realise their own magnificence and creator self.  Not forgetting my grandson Alexander… who we love to see as often as possible… may the next time be soon as it is such a delight and honour to be in his company.  He teaches us how to live and enjoy each moment… the now moment being the only time that is important. He is such a well mannered child with a great sense of humour.  He also knows exactly what he likes and doesn’t like… we find we have to be quite clear with our own boundaries though, to ensure his respect and tame his mardiness that most children play at when they don’t get their own way.


Princess Juliette’s birthday breakfast… an abundance of fruit and chocolate cake…

February was a wonderful month that our family all got together, to celebrate our daughters 40th birthday… and catch up on each others lives… on a warm and fun caribbean island… St Maarten where she lives. We were spoiled with beautiful weather, delicious foods and cocktails and of course the company. We all managed to relax, have fun swimming in the pools and ocean, exploring the mountain nature, discovering new beaches, collecting unusual shells and crystals and making presents for mummy and daddy (who were working at home)… and of course shopping for island jewellery, clothes and sandals.


Beautiful St Maarten… Simpson Bay

Now we are home and settling into our quiet and peaceful life we enjoy here. Its been nearly 4 months since Tom found out he was diabetic and we continue enjoying our low carb, high good fat lifestyle… Tom feels like a new man, he continues to lose his weight and has to now give away his old baggy clothes.  He is nearly back to his perfect weight. Myself, IAM toning up nicely, losing my cellulite and am also nearly back to a perfect weight (for my height and body mass). What a blessing in disguise Toms diabetic experience has turned out to be. This summer we have my sister’s wedding to attend and we are going to look simply beautiful.

Here are our winter holiday photos which tell our story… enjoy… until next time…
Barbara x Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

IMG_5256 Waiting patiently for our catch...





Playing on the beach with Grandmas Ingrid



Intergalactic Help…


My friend Shaun has created a great library on the ISON comet and is observing it, tracking and questioning it… I replied to him that I was glad that he was skeptical because to blindly accept things from others is not really smart in this day and age when we can be our all knowing and authentic self… I also said that no matter what the religious and scientific people say about doomsday scenarios, fear mongering aliens and end of the world… I know for sure, after working hard for the last 25 years together with my divine brothers and sisters (here on wordpress too) to balance the duality of love and fear… The balance is swaying on the side of LOVE…

And because of this positive attitude and compassion we have generated for ourself and each other we are attracting more and more LOVE and YES these ufo’s that can be seen… are escorting a big meteorite on it’s journey safely past Earth’s Solar System… They have the technologies that can help redirect it past Earth and our Solar System safely, if necessary… Our friends from other planets are helping our planet keep safe… Earth is a very special planet, it stands for the experience of LOVE and NURTURE…


Similar to life on Earth, having both loving and fear-mongering people… there must be both out there too… The bad guys have visited us in the past, but now it’s time for the good guys to come and help us save our planet…  (See my Galactic post on the original sin and fall from grace) https://memymagnificentself.wordpress.com/2013/10/05/does-our-galactic-history-explain-original-sin-and-the-fall-from-grace/

So lets not doubt and worry… but observe and feel into the positive side of duality and allow LOVE to expand… No more fear… and so it is… Barbara

A link to Shauns post… http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/11/12/comet-ison-has-2-bodies-orbiting-it-nasa-dont-know-why/

Balancing the Feminine and Masculine Energies…


Rivers of divine feminine energy flow in abundance on the physical world now… Earth and Human kind have called this forth… feeling the urge to balance the masculine and feminine energies and bring about a new and creative dance of DivineHuman potential…

The Masculine Energy is a very powerful fire energy that builds, creates and manifests our hearts desire in the physical…  but we have allowed it to strengthen the human identity and ego in ways that have led to domination and the destruction of each other…

The Feminine Energy is a very powerful water energy that flows, heals and loves… it perceives the unmanifested forms and realms and is connected to the vital source that is pure being and all knowing…  of which most of us have long forgotten…

Yes… IAM awakening, remembering my true authentic power… IAM indeed both the fire and water… IAM both halves… IAM wholeness itself…  The tide turns, my feminine energy brings forth love and transforms all the fear that I have instilled upon the world… Continue reading

My PASSION is my TrIumph…


A couple of weeks of awe, inspiration, achievement, reaching beyond, legendary, teamwork, emotion, tears, pure joy, personal bests and so much more than the world has seen in many years…

Is this a turning point, not only for Britain, but for the whole world?  Coming together, standing side by side with fellow sportsmen and women to celebrate individual and team performance of going beyond… Being the most magnificent and unique performer at ‘The Olympic Games’  you can be… Picking up the bronze, Silver and Gold medals as a bonus… a THANK YOU from the rest of the world for your outstanding, confident, legendary and inspiring performance… Continue reading

Lets keep it simple… Mental Health…


Something outside of yourself happens, you are involved in a car accident, an embarrassing situation, lose a job, lose a partner… You become involved with ‘the happening’, the drama and it becomes YOU.  YOU become the downfall, the injured, the victim… and in order to keep the drama going (as it really keeps you busy) you blame others or create other self’s to continue the conflict with… to blame, to fight, to feed off…   The latter is the start of a multiple personality disorder, when you create divisions in your identity and interact with other self’s.

And you hear yourself saying ‘I’m losing my mind!’ …  and yes indeed… you are… Continue reading