Where are we all NOW… A Selection of True Awakening Experiences

It’s coming up to 2 years ago when my WordPress friends and myself published this beautiful Free E-Book sharing a selection of our True Awakening Experiences. IAM re-blogging it today because IAM sure there are people who haven’t read it and will certainly be inspired by it and there are the bloggers who wrote their story here and would love to re-read their unique story and see where they NOW find themselves.

Wouldn’t it be cool if we could all write a follow-up true story of Where we are all NOW.. on our unique journeys. I do hope you love my ‘crazy idea’. It could be our winter project and release our new stories in Part II February 2016… 2 years later. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.


A Selection of True Awakening Experiences…
Art by Kimberly Harding…

The Magnificent bloggers who created this Free E-Book are…

1st Barbara – https://memymagnificentself.wordpress.com
2nd Paddy – http://paddypicasso.wordpress.com
3rd Emanuel- http://emantable.com/musings-of-a-table/
6th Julianne – http://juliannevictoria.com
7th Sarah – http://theskycladwriter.wordpress.com
8th Shree – http://heartsongsblog.wordpress.com
9th Dace – http://mywaytotruth.wordpress.com
10th Korinn – http://www.korinn.com
11th Sindy – http://bluebutterfliesandme.wordpress.com
12th Stefanie – http://dancingwithstefanie.com
13th Mick – http://meticulousmick.wordpress.com
15th Megan – http://mychroniclifejourney.wordpress.com
17th Marga – http://lifeasimprov.com
18th Kimberley – http://kimberlyharding.wordpress.com
21st Heather – http://wildflowerwomen.wordpress.com
23rd Sue – http://suedreamwalker.wordpress.com
24th M… – http://seeingm.wordpress.com
25th Brian G – http://middlepane.com
26th Dotta – http://dottaraphels.wordpress.com
27th CW – http://sunflowerrosecw.wordpress.com
28th Laurie – http://lauriesnotes.wordpress.com
29th Debra – http://ptero9.com
30th Linda – http://lindalitebeing.wordpress.com
31st Michael – http://navigator1965.wordpress.com
1st Leigh – http://bluegrassnotes.wordpress.com
2nd Shaman – http://shamanictracking.com
3rd Joss – http://ccwow.wordpress.com
4th Jenna – http://jennadee222.wordpress.com
5th Shelley – http://livingwithshadows.wordpress.com
6th Elisabeth – http://almostspring.com
7th Michael – http://embracingforever.com
8th Lehua – http://amusingspirit.wordpress.com
9th Aleya – http://alohaleya.wordpress.com

Below is the post I wrote January 2014 as we published our Free E-Book.
Together with 33 magnificent bloggers here on WordPress we have created a Free E Book…  A Selection of True Awakening Experiences… that we have written in order to help put our own life’s journey into perspective and inspire us on and to inspire the many hearts of HumanKind to aspire to their own true and unique potential… to be the change they want to see in the world and help create a peaceful and loving world in which to live in harmony and cooperation with each other..

As an introduction to this inspiring collection of true stories I wrote the following…

2014 was approaching and I was inspired to ask my sacred friends to share an account of their life’s journey and in particular the moments of their awakening to who they truly were…  What followed is something I couldn’t of possibly imagined… An incredible avalanche of unique beingness… has gently flowed through me for the whole month of January and into the middle of February 2014…  As each new day arose and my friends posted their awakening journey, I felt my body consciousness (body, mind and spirit) expanding in knowingness, in love, in pain, in joy… Floating on a new high vibration and frequency, observing life… gaining new insights, perspectives that, to put it bluntly… exploded my whole being…

I came into a new space of acceptance, reverence and trust… Feeling the IAM speaking so individually and uniquely through each journey, yet resonating at the core of ALL was a new sense of passion and understanding… I felt a subtle shift of consciousness exposing ‘The Truth’… or is it that we are creating a ‘New Truth’… setting new standards to live as DivineHumanBeings here on Earth…

If we ALLOW ourself to be the new standards, living our passion and creating our hearts desire… to go where no one has ever been before… as an embodied ascended DivineHumanBeing… Can we bring into being… new potential… to be able to create together a peaceful and harmonious world here on Mother Earth?

I thank ALL my friends here on WordPress from the bottom of my heart and soul for making this a wonderful and enlightening experience…

To conclude this introduction, I have chosen some beautiful unique words that both resonated with me when reading and was inspired to write after each awakening experience was told…

Without the discovery of love, you can only talk small, judge and compare another…
It is your choice to journey into the depths of the divine…
Being the light, no darkness can penetrate you…
IAM GOD too… You are GOD too…
No more sleeping, but living your truth…
I feel, I exist…
I choose the games I play in life’s theatre…
Awakening to the feeling of pure joy and oneness of life that IAM connected to…
To experience life in the fullest sense is to trust self…
Living in Freedom Now…
Love of Self is at the core of ALL…
Feeling the humor, the sadness, the pain and the joy…
I feel the wisdom, acceptance and love that I gain through my experience…
IAM coming into my own crystalline structure of awakened light…
I have my own answers and signs that lead to the truth, my truth…
IAM a vital piece of a giant jigsaw…
Being, Allowing, Loving and Living in balance with ALL…
I recall pure bliss when I was in love, such an expansion of the heart with nature, and the universe. That exist within me and should be accessible at anytime, but is it?
To be awake, to be conscious, to be aware of what I truly feel…
Awakening to what I feel to be true…
Awakening to get myself untangled from the matrix web of ‘this is how it should be’ to a feeling of freedom…
Beingness disappears when I allow doubt to creep in…
Allowing myself to expand consciousness and raise my vibration to be a great representative of IAM… LOVE…
The physical self shattered to feel the ooze and soothing force of an underlying calm beingness…
You can awaken in a quantum leap now… if you so choose…
Awakening is a natural cycle, similar to that of the butterfly…
Once you are awake you can allow self to ascend, to be enlightened and walk tall as an embodied master…
A healing journey is to love self…
Let’s not allow words to separate you and take away your beingness and peaceful existence…
Releasing all the walls of protection that you have built up from such a young age…
Heal at your own pace, but persevere…
Awakening is simply waking up…
You are taking quantum leaps of faith to a new way of living in freedom, in love…
From blindly following old conditioned patterns of others to following how you feel in each moment…
To sing out loud, IAM free… IAM love… la…la…la
Keep living until you feel alive…
Emerging from a state of deep sleep…
Allowing self to expand consciousness…
Consciously living in the world being YOU…
Aligning our mind, heart and soul and opening self to love…

For my WordPress Friends who created this book with me…
You can download the pdf file of ‘The Selection of Awakening Experiences’ from my side bar on my home page… which I’ll keep there for a while…  (IAM new at all this and not at all handy on the technical side… so IAM learning….) Any help is much appreciated…
My email address is barbara@memymagnificentself.com 

IAM Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness… http://www.memymagnificentself.com

November 1st 2015
Book Launch Party Week for my first book…

Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom.

Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom

Call for Action
IAM still looking for 5 more friends to review my book or interview me regarding my book… This will help me create a buzz around the first 2 weeks of my launch… Thanks so much. Barbara x

Mankind solve the European Refugee Crisis with LOVE…


Good Sunday morning to everyone I know in this NOW moment. I just awoke from my magnificent dream. Mankind, thats me and you found the true meaning of our Humanity… to love without comparison, with no borders and no separation. Please take a moment NOW to close your eyes, breathe and walk with me through my dream once again. We are MANKIND and we solve the European Refugee Crisis with LOVE.

It is early morning and the countryside grass and wild herbs is freshly trodden, leaving a wonderful aroma lingering in the air, as thousands of people rise from a good sleep and feeling revitalised begin their new day walking as best they can to their new homeland. The skies slowly become lighter as the sun rises and shines its light on the path for many refugees to find a new, peaceful and loving life.

They have chosen to leave behind the crazy madness of the ones who couldn’t find it in their hearts to remember (yet) they are part of MANKIND too and their very special task as part of humanity to honour and love each other so that each can create their own heart and soul’s desire on the physical plane.

So walking on a new path the refugees feel a renewed sense of hope, they can’t really explain how they feel but it is as if they are being welcomed home by long lost family. Tears of happiness flow from their eyes as they begin to feel the millions of transparent and bright coloured bubbles exploding onto their skin and clothes… that release the purest sense of LOVE that flows through their body, mind and spirit. It is a love they recognise from when they were innocent children playing and laughing in the open fields being totally free.

Everyone among them felt this feeling of unconditional LOVE intensifying, their heart opening wide and all previous hurts and pains seemed to dissolve. A few of the young men who weren’t sure why they too had chosen to walk to a new land began to feel for the first time an innate knowing of how they were going to allow their unique and creative expression to unfold in the heart of life. The people in authority they met on the different European borders and organising the transportation were kind and welcoming, there was an abundance of fresh foods and water along the way and as if by magic everyone seemed to know how this new integration would naturally unfold and be the beginning of a new way of living and loving together.

Breathing In and Out… in full Awareness… Deep and Calm… Breathing In and Out

People from all around the world were focusing on the extra-ordinary exodus of people walking to Europe and together they joined one focus. Consciously breathing in the original LOVE of MANKIND… to love without comparison, with no borders and no separation… and expanding the love that they are to the area of Europe where it manifested as transparent and colourful bubbles that held the solution and the beginning of a new way of living on Earth…in peace, harmony and natural order.

Breathing In and Out… in full Awareness… Deep and Calm… Breathing In and Out

And so it is…

Barbara Franken… Creative visionary and Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…


12 Important and Simple steps… How to get through the Shift of Consciousness NOW…

www.memymagnificentself.comI find myself living in similar circumstances to 2 ½ years ago when I experienced the high vibrational energies that are coming in to help Humankind shift their consciousness from fear to love. I felt the effects on my physical body, especially my face that became dry, red, sore and peeling and challenged my personal identity with beauty. You can read here my post. The Intense light energy continues to literally pour down, rebalancing the magnetics on Earth and within all Humankind. IAM obviously still releasing my identity with beauty as my scalp burns with fire and scales in challenging ways. Thankfully I know what is happening and can remain calm and balanced… the majority of the time… and am able to ride through this shift of consciousness reasonably unscathed.

You may find these links interesting to look at, they show images of beams of light being observed around the world… beforeitsnews, allnewspipeline, watch utube

Last year I wrote another post about the shift of consciousness and what it is all about and how important it is to keep ourselves balanced as the new energies come in and change the Earth’s and Humankind’s frequency from the dense and low frequency of fear to a high frequency of love.  As of today’s partial solar eclipse, 13th September and for the next 3 weeks, until the full lunar eclipse on the 28th September… the energies are going to reach their highest potential. It is therefore even more important to remain strong in our shoes and remain safe and secure within ourselves. From a balanced, focused and calm space we can observe the polarisation of Fear vs Love as it continues to escalate… Fear will try and claim more victims… the fear of our mind within and the fear of our emotions we project outside of us… but we can choose to allow the love that we are, to carry us through.

So how do we get through this shift of consciousness?
I’ve listed 12 important and simple steps that I practice and continue to help me on my own journey through this shift of consciousness… from fear to love.

  • Breathe consciously and relax within yourself
  • Be aware of how you feel
  • Connect with the part of you that is stirring, the love that is awakening
  • Feel this love that you truly are
  • Trust that your love will guide you through
  • Anchor yourself with love in your shoes and stand strong
  • Allow yourself to embrace all of yourself, broken, hurt and painful parts of you
  • Honour your journey, that you and your biology have brought you to now
  • Choose to be free from the limitations of the physical mind, body and reality
  • Allow yourself to release everything that no longer serves you
  • Allow yourself to go beyond everything known
  • Allow your Loving and Divine self that awaits within, to guide you into your truth and freedom

My book, Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom, which is nearly ready to be launched, shares my own journey exploring and discovering Who IAM and what life is all about for me… and how I eventually leave the world of fear, struggle and limitation to live in the New Energy Consciousness as my Loving, Magnificent and Sovereign self, creating my heart and soul’s desire in each moment and going beyond everything that is known.

Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom

Please remember that life is quite simple and their is nothing to do… no power or effort to exert… only breathe, observe and allow Self to align to the truth of who YOU truly are. Allow the truth to set YOU free.

Call to Action
To help share these important and simple tips with others, please share this post… and to keep you informed of my book launch… like my new Facebook page if you haven’t already done so… https://www.facebook.com/MeMyMagnificentSelf

IAM looking for friends to help me co-host an online Facebook launch (first week of november) in the different time zones around the world… Is this something for you? Please let me know via the comments if you are interested. Thank you so much.

Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

How well AM I loving myself this Summer… Part II


Vineyards in Verzenay… Barbara Franken Photography

Finally we were driving along the outskirts of Reims towards the village of Verzenay, seeing the horizon filled with vineyards and we knew we were almost there. It had been a long but beautiful day driving, the sun shining strongly, turning the heads of the sunflowers that filled both sides of the motorway.  Now all we could see were rows and rows of vineyards in this special part of the world that is famous for making champagne. We had arrived at no 6 Rue Venve Pommery, Verzenay… at the Champagne establishment of Emmanuel Pithois.


Champagne Emmanuel Pithois, Verzenay… Barbara Franken Photography

A lovely french lady, Catherine was waiting outside to greet us, guiding us through her gates and into the parking at the back of their home. She had a lovely smile and manner and spoke wonderful English and kissed us a lot. We grabbed out bags and followed her into her home, passing delicious aromas that hung in the air as we climbed the stairs to be shown our grand bedroom… fit for a king and queen. She asked us if it was possible to meet her downstairs in 15 mins to begin the tour of her husbands champagne cellars before we began the tasting, followed by a meal that she had prepared for us.


Nothing but the best bottle of Champagne they produce… Barbara Franken Photography

We were welcomed into a beautiful sitting and dining room, that was ours to use for our stay. The decorations were just wonderful, I heard later it was Catherine’s passion and part of her enjoyment running their family bed and breakfast/champagne business. We sat down, quite weary and hungry, so the display of freshly baked savoury pastries were a delight and went down a treat with the bottle of champagne that kept being poured. Cheers… Sante… We chatted nicely for about an hour before Catherine said the dinner was ready to be served.


A Delicious dinner at La Maison Des Vignes… Barbara Franken Photography

We enjoyed a starter of goats cheese and figs on homemade olive bread with a glass of sweet champagne followed by a delightful plate of salmon and sauteered vegetables and a bottle of red wine, a refreshing lemon sorbet as a palette cleanser and finishing with fruit ice-cream cocktail with a champagne liquor… my mouth is watering again as I remember this evening… but boy were we tired, a little tipsy… and ready for bed.

Bouquet of flowers

A welcome bouquet of flowers… Barbara Franken Photography


A room fit for a King and Queen… Barbara Franken Photography

It was a delightful evening and we had a good night sleep… sleeping a little later on our day off, going down for breakfast for 9.30am. Breakfast was another wonderful experience here, I do love it when someone goes all out with their passion, you can feel it in the air and in the food… and Catherine’s food was no exception.


French Breakfast… Barbara Franken Photography


Such nice displays… Barbara Franken Photography

We decided to go into Reims and take a look at this royal city that we’d heard so much about. Apparently many french royalty were crowned in the Notre-Dame Cathedral, following Hugh Capet who was crowned King of France in 987 and began the tradition of serving the local wine, a pale pinkish Pinot noir at the coronation banquets which helped grow the reputation of the regions wine and later Champagne. History of Champagne, wikipedia.

Notre-Dame Cathedral, Reims

Notre-Dame Cathedral, Reims… Barbara Franken Photography

The Cathedral was quite stunning from the outside, they had begun the restoration on the outside as it was looking a little dark and with the clouds descending upon the city it felt as if we had arrived in a dark part of the world. We stepped inside to take a peek and saw the magnificent stained glass windows at one end of the Cathedral… I personally love Chargall’s dreamy artwork and found his window quite breathtaking and brought a spirit of lightness to the heaviness I always feel in places like this.


Chargall’s Stain-glass window Reims Cathedral… Barbara Franken Photography

We began to walk through the streets of Reims, to see the sights, feel the atmosphere and find a nice place to have a little lunch. The buildings were indeed grand and elegant, fit for a king and queen… but the more I walked amongst the buildings and conversed with a variety of people… I began to feel quite intimidated.

It had begun to rain so we looked for somewhere to have a nice lunch before returning for a quiet relaxing afternoon. We had hoped for an afternoon in their beautiful garden by the pool, but the rain was here to stay for the day. So a good opportunity to relax in our bedroom and I take myself on an inner journey, breathing consciously in and out.

I knew these feelings of intimidation weren’t mine and remembered feeling a similar way in the old city of Valencia the other day. I was beginning to realise these feeling belonged to all the people who were oppressed so long ago by the higher patriarchy and the fear had become trapped in the buildings and in our bodies until this day. Maybe this is why a lot of people, seem at times to be arrogant or lost as we literally take on the past feelings of all our ancestors as our own.

We carry the fear around with us, until we realise it isn’t our fear and become aware of how the higher patriarchy today continue to use us, feeding us with mis-information and playing-out their latest mind games through the media and digital electronics to control the mass… and want nothing more than the fear to be our end.

How does it make you feel when I mention that 1% of the population controls the rest?

My summer holiday was becoming a real reminder for me to question deep within myself just how much I loved myself… because I knew that one can’t truly love Self and remain in fear at the same time. Did I still have ancestral fears lurking so deep within that were now ready to be welcomed home by me… before their ultimate release?

Breathing deeply and calmly… in and out… I chose to allow fears that were ready for release to come back to the physical moment, to be embraced for the truth that they are. They were nothing to do with me, I was my own magnificent sovereign self whose essence is pure LOVE… everything that no longer served me could now be released.

There was no sign of Catherine or Emmanuel, so as the rain had stopped we went for a walk around the town, but didn’t come across any bars, cafes or restaurants so as it was time for a drink and nibble we decided to get in the car and return to Reims to find a restaurant for an early dinner.

Next morning we were up early to take the next leg of our journey to Holland, unfortunately Catherine thought we wanted breakfast at 9.30am again so we were waiting quite a long time before we could eat to our hearts content before heading off.

Holland wasn’t so far, a few hours drive from the mountainous regions of Spain and France, descending upon the green flat lands… I knew this country well and became quite excited driving through. Unfortunately the weather was dull and wet (the main reason why we had left Holland all those years ago) but seeing the cyclists, windmills, houses and the lush nature reminded me of the many years I had enjoyed living in Holland. Holland greeted me with an overwhelming feeling of coming home.


Dutch Windmill… Barbara Franken Photography…

Over the years the energy of Holland has become more and more dense as fear grew amongst the people as they became less certain what the future held. I feel into the energy of the land each time I visit… this time was maybe a fraction better, but life was quickly changing now, old systems and ways no longer worked and were becoming obsolete, leaving people to try and discover what worked for them. I could only hope that more and more people became more aware, like myself and make the choice to love themself totally and expand their imagination beyond and begin creating the life they are passionate about.

Holland was no exception and I felt If any country could lead the way to living a peaceful and harmonic life, I would put my bets on Holland. So IAM patience and remain observing in interest.

In 2012 I wrote a blog post about how I felt the need for people to begin Choosing Love vs Fear… Blog Post Jan 2012… Now 3 years later it is urgent, we have to release our fears… My book, Me My Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom, due for release soon, shares my amazing journey of how I discovered LOVE , TRUST and UNDERSTANDING and was able to release my fears.

Part III of my story will share more of my time in Holland and our wonderful stay in England, attending the fairytale wedding of my little sister.

Take care and ask yourself, how well are you loving yourself… As we can only truly love ourself if our mind is at peace and we have nothing to worry or fear.

Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness. 

What’s 888 and The Lion’s Gate all about…


I’ve had quite a bit of information flowing my way about today 888 and the opening of the Lion’s Gate. So yesterday I decided to take some time and ‘feel’ into the energies during a 36 hour period and write about what comes up. But first I’d like to explain that whereas I used to be quite interested in all the dates and eagerly went out of my way to feel and celebrate them with my local friends or online around the world… I now realise that although they help create awareness of the ongoing influx of new and intense energies… they can become more of a distraction if they keep you away from the NOW moment and experiencing your own life.

I know it is no coincidence that Cecil the friendly lion was killed just before this date and similar to when people die and compassion is felt between everyone, causing hearts to open… Cecil’s death created worldwide compassion which opened many hearts, bringing in much awareness, in particular to the date 888 and the Lion’s Gate. I can imagine Cecil standing there pouring his raw masculine power down from the Heavens onto Mother Earth, who simultaneously pours her raw feminine power up to meet the masculine energies and enjoy a beautiful union.

This is what I first felt early last night and it reminded me of my SoulArt of Balance I created with Ormus (an elemental being) a few years back.


During the night I experienced the heavenly incoming energies as very intense… and if I wasn’t so aware, I could be quite frightened. I felt as if everything was being sucked out of me… also the sea outside my window, I could feel the magnetic energies pulling the sea up. Only when I began to consciously breathe and connect with all the energies, the heavens, the Earth and my own, did I feel the energy flow take on a calm, balanced and loving feeling. Somehow the intense heavenly energies continued to pull all the old and obsolete parts of Earth and humanity up to the surface for release… me included… similar to the affect the full moon has… but much more intense.

So this brings me to this morning, I awake early feeling quite vibrant (so early) and went for my morning walk along the sea-shore and felt everything to be calm and balanced. Upon my return home I spent an hour sitting quietly, it didn’t take me long before I knew I had to face my back towards the sea, to allow the back of my heart space to open up towards the light of the sun. The back of our Heart is a very sensitive portal that connects us directly to other portals of the Heavens and Earth. After quite a while consciously breathing I felt empty yet full and very much loved, calm and balanced and I knew that what was taking place (beyond the understanding of my mind) was all part of Humanities integration and quantum leap to the next level that is ongoing in the now moment and not isolated on a particular date.


When each person is ready and chooses to expand their awareness, they will be able to allow their own Integration with their Divine self to take on a more loving, calm and balanced feeling, rather than an intense and somewhat frightening experience that the incoming energies can have on people now.

Ormus is an Elemental Being that brought me the understanding of Energy Dynamics that I write about in one of my chapters in… Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom... coming soon… If you haven’t liked my new Facebook page yet, could I ask you to go there and click on like…  https://www.facebook.com/MeMyMagnificentSelf Thanks so much… Upwards to 200 now…
Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

Loving Self First is…


The first Elemental Being I perceived on my Journey to Freedom was Magdalena… she came to share her truth about how important it is to Love Yourself First. You can read more about Magdalena later this week as she has agreed to be interviewed…

IAM self-publishing in Spain and have come across quite a lot of legal paperwork to do, so please be patient… I assure you my book will be worth the wait.

Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom

Call to Action
One of my missions in life is to Create Awareness for Loving Yourself First… especially with our children… which I will be bringing this idea to them during my creative visits in local schools here in the province of Andalusia, Spain.

I would like to ask you, my friends to write a small piece about your own experience loving yourself first and similar to our selection of True Awakening Experiences, create a Free E Book to share and inspire others. You can post your quote on an image, quote, short story on your own blog in the month of June and mention this Call to Action… Lets call it…  Why it’s important to Love Yourself First. I will collect a thread of all our posts, so you will be getting a lot of ping backs too… Thank you and here’s to us all being the change we want to see in the world.

Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

The Wellness Benefit of taking quiet Me-Time… A Silent Walk in Nature

2015-06-06 09.24.45

Have you thought lately about getting away from your busy schedules, thoughts and noise of life? Isn’t it time to allow yourself to take some quiet Me-Time to catch a Conscious Breath, relax, rebalance yourself… to make sure you stay healthy and in wellness?

Today I took myself on a Silent Walk into the beautiful nature that surrounds me. I knew that my silent and mindful actions would bring me into the present moment and the core of life itself… the pureness of consciousness that All life and I truly AM. It is a space of beauty and oneness, where I become aware that IAM awareness and consciousness itself. IAM aware of All of myself and the Environment simultaineously and am able to feel the love and joy that pulses through me in a unique rhythm and brings me back into balance.

2015-06-06 09.35.31

I began walking along the ocean shore, aware of the whole of my body…
Aware of the soles of my feet touching the sand and pebbles, aware of my heel coming down first followed by the ball of my feet, aware of walking in the centre of my feet, not walking on the inside of my feet or the outside of my feet…
Aware of the LOVE that passes down through each footstep and embraces Mother Earth…
Aware of the distance of my stride… small… larger… larger…
Aware of my spine, straight and stretched, my shoulders back and relaxed, my head and chin slightly high, eyes focusing in front of me but now and again glancing just in front of my feet…
Aware of my breathing, shallow in my chest, quiet but fast… deep in my tummy, urgent but slow and I recognised my tummy relaxing… breathing slowly… deeply… in and out… in and out… and imagined much emotion breaking free… releasing itself… flowing out with my out breath… transforming itself into new potential…
Aware of the pure light atoms that shimmer in the air, in the earth and in All life forms and as I breathe I take in the light and allow it to fill my body and mind, fusing with the atoms within my cells… I imagine my cells opening up and becoming translucent… pure, vibrant and dancing in delight…
Aware of my Environment, beauty itself in all different forms. No labelling, no naming, only admiring all the beauty…
Aware of being thankful for being a part of this magnificent life…


Life is to live… to live with love and joy in our hearts and be our amazing and magnificent Self. Our physical life can bring us out of alignment with the loving and joyful consciousness we truly are… So it is crucial to our wellbeing and health to allow ourself some quiet Me-Time to reconnect and rebalance and be able to live a grand and creative life.

I listened to a wonderful video today about awareness, consciousness from one of my friends on WordPress… Exploring the nature of consciousness… Let us tell the world.


Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness.

Best of MeMyMagnificentSelf Week One…

What a full-on week its been, writing everyday this last week as part of my 30 day challenge… Thanks Sarah and Kevin… I hope you all enjoyed reading my posts each day… For the ones who haven’t had time to take a look at what I have been talking about… I’ve put together the best of my posts this week.


10 Simple tips to deal with Awakening and Integration Symptoms…
Life is taking its toll on all of us in some way or another and when we understand what is happening we can accept, take extra care of our self and sail through our discomforts.

costa women, BenalmadenaWho Am I if not the reflection of JOY LOVE and BEAUTY in the world…
When we are aligned with the love, joy and beauty in the world we can flow and connect with life in a magnificent way.

IMG_3583 (2)

AM I the Centre of the Universe…
Without the centre there is no circumference, without the circumference there is no centre. We are inseparable.
So who AM I?


We are all Creative Loving Beings…
Can we remember how we felt as children or have the urge NOW to let our hair down, to enjoy some ‘me-time’… to laugh, to act, to play, to create, to explore, to scream out loud and to have fun.

Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom

Breaking FREE from our limited physical dual reality…
NOW is a great opportunity to put our physical dual reality into perspective.


The Truth about… Modern Day Illness…

Our doctors do a great job, BUT there are lots of changes we can make individually and as a society.

full moon,

4 Affects the Full Moon has on us…
Isn’t the Moon showing us the natural rhythm of nature and that we are part of the rhythm too?

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Barbara Franken… Divine Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

Who Am I if not the reflection of JOY, LOVE and BEAUTY in the world…


Taking my daily morning walks along the ocean coast brings me into a special space… deep within my being… where I feel truly part of the natural world. With my conscious breath I breathe in the magnificent joy, love and beauty I see and feel all around me and know… this is who I AM.. IAM the reflection of my Environment… IAM my Environment.

For a long time now, I have carried in my heart and soul the grandest dream of bringing my Divine self into my physical Human reality… to allow my Divine self to shine through my Humanness and be able to experience the simple, sensual and passionate presence of life itself.

It is with this attitude of being joy, love and beauty that I live my life and I see that it is bringing in or attracting more of it into my life. Lately I have connected with lots of local  magnificent women here on the Costa del Sol… thanks to the online group Costa Women. Together we enjoy a great social and business life (the latter if applicable). I have a feeling that IAM not the only one that knows that it is up to each and every one of us to be in action and be responsible for creating our own life. I feel quite blessed at meeting such lovely women lately. Thankyou Costa Women.

costa women, Benalmadena

Torremolinos/Benalmadena Magnificent Costa Women

costa women Malaga

Malaga Magnificient Costa Women

Quite recently I have accepted a 30 day challenge as part of my PR campaign for the summer launch of my book… Your Magnificent Self.. A Journey to Freedom that is  inspiring me to be my very best self in the blogging world and learning so much about marketing. Please check it out… http://www.sarkemedia.com you never know if might help inspire you too.

So here’s to more and more of us reflecting the joy, love and beauty of our Environment and being the loving DivineHuman Beings we all truly are.

Have a great day, evening and until tomorrow… I wonder how IAM going to be inspired tomorrow…

Barbara Franken… Divine Master Creator…
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness