TRUST that everything is perfectly WELL just as it is… right NOW…

My Sanctuary & Potentials...

My Sanctuary & Potentials…

From the Balcony...

From the Balcony…

Much has flowed into my life since moving and settling into our new home in Benalmadena… and much has stood stagnant… putting me in a position of CHOICE… should I scream, declare things never work for me, that IAM stupid and throw the yummy cheese board I’d made across the room OR take a deep breath, look at what is happening, realise that it is all part of aligning with my passion and TRUST that everything is perfectly well as it is right NOW…  

I painted my vision of my ‘sanctuary of potential’ (paradise) at the beginning of 2013… Last week it dawned on me that my new home which overlooks a beautiful butterfly shaped pool, a landscaped garden and a vast ocean… is so much like my vision that I had painted of my paradise, a place where I could be at peace and allow the next stage of my being to naturally come about.

When I trusted my ‘soul’s passion’ to create my hearts desire… I could ‘trust that everything is perfectly well just as it is, right now’… No matter what… No matter that my laptop crashed with the last half of my book not saved... my website sacredheartsretreat not wanting to upload to the right place...  ear infection… red dry patchy face… dry scalp… no inspiration to write… I trusted that before my creation comes into the physical, things that no longer serve me will be released and cleansed.  Creating space for something new to come in and happen.

Looking around me I see a lot of people experiencing dis-ease of the body and mind whether it’s the rhythm of the heart, space in the lungs, deficiencies in the blood, expanding bodies, skin irritations, red sore lumps and bumps appearing, eye, ear and nose sensitivities, headaches… emotions, grief, anger and irritation.

It is all part of a normal cycle of CHANGE, the physical body and mind is undergoing intense reconstruction, changes from deep within are naturally occurring as the body releases old ancestral lineage, especially the old male lineage that has dominated and suppressed the feminine sacred creative powers.  The body is rebalancing, the male and female energies are coming together in a new balanced way.

The integration of the DivineHumanBeing is well underway.

The Earth also continues to realign herself to a new course and vibration as the intense solar flares and the incoming new energy cause the magnetics to change, creating new dimensions.  The Earth environment and our bodies are becoming crystalline… clear, pure love.  Our divine light body is coming in and absorbing the physical body and mind… Humankind is taking a quantum leap.  Integrating the body, mind and soul.

Once we understand what is happening we can begin to trust this process and allow our body consciousness (body, mind & spirit) to go with the flow.  Our body, mind and spirit know what to do, the human self just has to get out of the way and ALLOW.  With the conscious breathe we can let go of our need to control, go beyond the mind and just allow.  We can choose not to fight, not to panic, not to care what others think about us and be without fear.  We can align with our divine light body of pure love and trust that everything is perfectly WELL just as it is… right now.

When we live in trust and stay consciously aware of our life… we will find ourself experiencing less and less grief, emotion and pain.  We will connect with our passion and be aware of our CREATOR self.

Barbara Franken… Inspiring Living in the New Energy Consciousness…  



20 thoughts on “TRUST that everything is perfectly WELL just as it is… right NOW…

  1. Barbara, what a wonderful read, your art does in fact reflect your reality, which is cool by itself. It would appear that you are handling change quite well, and that your reconstruction is on track. I hope it continue on this wonderful course. Please take care, Bill

    • Thank you Bill… Here’s to us all going through our experiences, choosing to always look on the bright side and be the best way we can… You are such a good example of this too Bill. Here’s to the next great experience… take care, Barbara

  2. I can relate to this post. It is very cool how your art reflects your new home. I am so tired of the negativity, drama, physical dis-ease, etc.
    Attempting to refocus on gratitude so that I can realign with potential for joy, expansion, and peace.

    xx Linda

    • Thanks Linda for resonating with this post… the energy is very intense and we clearly have to choose our path very carefully now… The human self though likes the old ways and trys to convince us to stay in the drama and control… But WE are determined now to CHANGE… Take care of yourself Linda and as the lego movie says BELIEVE you are special and can do it… Barbara x

    • Ingrid it is because of loving people like yourself that continue to inspire me to continue to be bold… so I Thank you and he’s to us all being clear when we take each step. love Barbara x

  3. Whatever you do, DON’T waste the yummy cheese board. I just had to say that as a lover of good cheese.

    The place where you live is extraordinarily beautiful. I say your vision is well on its way to manifesting. As far as some of the glitches…well…part of what makes life fun is that it’s unpredictable.

    • Thanks for coming by, reading the post and taking time to comment. It is much appreciated. Yes I love cheese too and this time the cheese stayed on the board for me to enjoy. Glitches… unpredictability… all helping me to be patient to accept and allow ALL… Here’s to embracing and releasing all the anger…

  4. This is a wonderful post Barbara! Unfortunately, or not, life always seems to be filled with glitches just when we think we have things settled or figured out, but so it goes…. I love your new place! ❤

  5. Wishing you a little more gentleness. I wanted to invite you to my new blog space.. a little more quiet space.. but I didn’t have your email. If you’d like to send me an email note, I will try again.
    Just a quiet place to visit whenever you feel like it. ❤ Your words and stories and wisdom is inspiring to me. Thank you. ❤ Laurie

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