My Review… 30 Day Blogging Challenge…

Where there is a will... there is a-2

My roller coaster ride is coming to a stand still… My whole being has been shaken up, old habits and styles have been relieved of duty and in place are new amazing practices that are bringing clarity and focus to me as I interact within the multi-dimensional connections of today.  My friend Sarah’s 30 Day Blogging Challenge has made me a wiser person today and I feel that when the winds blow and sway me from side to side, IAM more grounded and steady within my Self.

I began this challenge to help myself be more focused and clear of my project this year… self-publishing my first book Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom and online & local Master Creator Class. I can say in this respect the challenge has been a success… and I have gained so much more. Without spoiling beautiful surprises, I can say that Sarah brings this writing challenge in a unique and authentic manner that only brings out the best in all of yourself. This really resonated with me, because this is exactly what IAM all about, being true to all of my Self… Body, Mind and Spirit.

If you want to make new friendships, test your will-power, analyse data, work hard, find out what you love, become smarter at marketing, find out what works for you and share your success. Go and hang out with Sarah.  You’ll be back to thank me for this tip… this I know for sure.

IAM so pleased I took this challenge, I yelled a few times and thought about throwing in the towel… but that’s when my Body Consciousness expanded, I became inspired and I will never look back again… and you know what… I love Sarah and next time she comes to Spain I’ll tell her so. Thank you Sarah for making me a wiser and cooler person.

You can imagine IAM going to take some time off… IAM going to England to enjoy my little sisters wedding, but I’ll stay in touch… take care…

Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

What is Awakening, Integration and Enlightenment…


I often use the words Awakening, Integration and Enlightenment in my writings and my first book… Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom being released soon, is indeed all about my own journey discovering Who I AM and experiencing my own Awakening, Integration and Enlightenment. The words mean different things to different people but I would like to explain today about what the words mean to me.

To remember who you are… a Divine loving being, who lives consciously with the heart of compassion in each moment.

A couple of years ago I wrote a blog post about the stages of Awakening based on my own experience of awakening. Creating awareness to help others understand what is naturally happening now and instead of being fearful, we can accept and allow the love that each of us truly is, to shine through our Humanness and out into the world.

The coming together or fusion of all parts of Self… Human aspects, Alien and Divine force.

In the beginning we separated Self from All That Is (at least the illusion of separation) to enable us to play and experience Human life full on in all it’s glory and terror. After experiencing so many distressing Human roles, we abandoned and hid all the broken and hurt parts of Self too. Now after all our Human life times, we feel fragmented, broken and incomplete. Do you maybe resonate with the feeling of something is missing?

Humankind is naturally awakening, we are remembering who we truly are, to this end we have claimed no more fear, domination and greed and in turn it has attracted a New Energy to us, to help us bring back all parts of Self that we have been separated from and to once again be whole… and experience… something never before experienced… our complete and true self… our IAM presence in the physical reality.

To be fully integrated with all your Human selves, your own Divine light and IAM presence, living live in expanded consciousness as the DivineHuman Master Creator each of us truly is… in the physical reality.

I’ve recently asked a few of my sacred friends to write a short testimonial about their experience with me in monthly Creative Workshops and weekly Circle of Potential I have held over the years. Here are a couple.“I always looked forward to our weekly meetings. They were an oasis of calm in a busy-busy world. I particularly enjoyed the visualising expanded journeys and experiencing the calm of being in a group. Many things that we read, talked about and did resonated with me and has made a change in me for the better, in the way I think and do things now.

The creative workshops were an insight into my inner self. The “Healing” cards we created were astonishing and I still use them today on friends and family. They were not made to for-tel the future but they always give an insight into what that particular persons mind is busy with at the time. Thank-you Barbara for opening up my mind to so much potential” JJ .


Over the last few years I have attended numerous workshops of Barbara’s and attended the weekly Circle of Potential regularly. What can I say about these events!!!! They are fantastic.

Barbara creates an atmosphere of peace and calm for all. Her sessions are always challenging, opening your mind to new ideas and experiences that you would not have done yourself. Saying that she never pushes her own ideals on you, always allowing you to think for yourself and expand to your own potential.

I am grateful for all Barbara has opened my eyes to, and feel she is a friend and mentor now, that I will always have wherever we both are in the world. Thank Barbara.

Love & Light

Mary xx

Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

Who Am I if not the reflection of JOY, LOVE and BEAUTY in the world…


Taking my daily morning walks along the ocean coast brings me into a special space… deep within my being… where I feel truly part of the natural world. With my conscious breath I breathe in the magnificent joy, love and beauty I see and feel all around me and know… this is who I AM.. IAM the reflection of my Environment… IAM my Environment.

For a long time now, I have carried in my heart and soul the grandest dream of bringing my Divine self into my physical Human reality… to allow my Divine self to shine through my Humanness and be able to experience the simple, sensual and passionate presence of life itself.

It is with this attitude of being joy, love and beauty that I live my life and I see that it is bringing in or attracting more of it into my life. Lately I have connected with lots of local  magnificent women here on the Costa del Sol… thanks to the online group Costa Women. Together we enjoy a great social and business life (the latter if applicable). I have a feeling that IAM not the only one that knows that it is up to each and every one of us to be in action and be responsible for creating our own life. I feel quite blessed at meeting such lovely women lately. Thankyou Costa Women.

costa women, Benalmadena

Torremolinos/Benalmadena Magnificent Costa Women

costa women Malaga

Malaga Magnificient Costa Women

Quite recently I have accepted a 30 day challenge as part of my PR campaign for the summer launch of my book… Your Magnificent Self.. A Journey to Freedom that is  inspiring me to be my very best self in the blogging world and learning so much about marketing. Please check it out… you never know if might help inspire you too.

So here’s to more and more of us reflecting the joy, love and beauty of our Environment and being the loving DivineHuman Beings we all truly are.

Have a great day, evening and until tomorrow… I wonder how IAM going to be inspired tomorrow…

Barbara Franken… Divine Master Creator…
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

10 Simple tips to deal with Awakening and Integration Symptoms…


All in all the last five years have taken quite a toll on my physical and mental body’s… In the beginning I went to see classic and alternative doctors but no improvement or answer to my eczema/psoriasis was experienced or found. It left me to face it all by myself. Looking back I know that this was necessary for many reasons, but the main one is that life is taking on a new way of being and it is in my own best interest to find the answer for myself.

I explained yesterday in my post that through this experience I have learned to love myself… accepting and loving myself completely… no matter what… No matter that I sometimes have red inflamed patches on my face and hair. This experience is my way of confronting my beauty… and daring myself to stand and shine no matter what others say.


I know that my physical/mental challenges are all to do with the integration of my Divine  body and mind with my Human body and mind. My Body Consciousness (body, mind and spirit) is upgrading to Humankind’s next level of being. Eventually my integration symptoms will go, but in the mean time I accept and focus on loving myself even more.

I’d like to share here my 10 Simple tips to deal with Awakening and Integration Symptoms that have helped me…

  • Consciously breathe in the New Energy for a few minutes each morning and evening, especially into painful areas and become one with all…
  • Eat consciously and healthy, enjoy small portions of protein, good fats, lots of fruit and veg… Moderate use of carbohydrates and sugars
  • Drink plenty of fresh water… Moderate use of caffeine, coffee, tea and alcohol…
  • Positive and Loving self talk…
  • Share your feelings with others, not to receive answers but just to have yourself heard
  • Soaking the body in warm water and essential oils…
  • Walk in nature or enjoy gentle exercise each day…
  • Sleep a lot, naps through the day if possible…
  • Trust that everything is OK, even when doubts try to creep into your mind…
  • Remember you are not your mind… You are so much more…

I explain much more about what is going on with Mother Earth and the changes to Humankind in my book Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom, which will be launched this summer.

Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom

IAM Barbara Franken… Divine Master Creator…
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

TRUST that everything is perfectly WELL just as it is… right NOW…

My Sanctuary & Potentials...

My Sanctuary & Potentials…

From the Balcony...

From the Balcony…

Much has flowed into my life since moving and settling into our new home in Benalmadena… and much has stood stagnant… putting me in a position of CHOICE… should I scream, declare things never work for me, that IAM stupid and throw the yummy cheese board I’d made across the room OR take a deep breath, look at what is happening, realise that it is all part of aligning with my passion and TRUST that everything is perfectly well as it is right NOW…  

I painted my vision of my ‘sanctuary of potential’ (paradise) at the beginning of 2013… Last week it dawned on me that my new home which overlooks a beautiful butterfly shaped pool, a landscaped garden and a vast ocean… is so much like my vision that I had painted of my paradise, a place where I could be at peace and allow the next stage of my being to naturally come about.

When I trusted my ‘soul’s passion’ to create my hearts desire… I could ‘trust that everything is perfectly well just as it is, right now’… No matter what… No matter that my laptop crashed with the last half of my book not saved... my website sacredheartsretreat not wanting to upload to the right place...  ear infection… red dry patchy face… dry scalp… no inspiration to write… I trusted that before my creation comes into the physical, things that no longer serve me will be released and cleansed.  Creating space for something new to come in and happen.

Looking around me I see a lot of people experiencing dis-ease of the body and mind whether it’s the rhythm of the heart, space in the lungs, deficiencies in the blood, expanding bodies, skin irritations, red sore lumps and bumps appearing, eye, ear and nose sensitivities, headaches… emotions, grief, anger and irritation.

It is all part of a normal cycle of CHANGE, the physical body and mind is undergoing intense reconstruction, changes from deep within are naturally occurring as the body releases old ancestral lineage, especially the old male lineage that has dominated and suppressed the feminine sacred creative powers.  The body is rebalancing, the male and female energies are coming together in a new balanced way.

The integration of the DivineHumanBeing is well underway.

The Earth also continues to realign herself to a new course and vibration as the intense solar flares and the incoming new energy cause the magnetics to change, creating new dimensions.  The Earth environment and our bodies are becoming crystalline… clear, pure love.  Our divine light body is coming in and absorbing the physical body and mind… Humankind is taking a quantum leap.  Integrating the body, mind and soul.

Once we understand what is happening we can begin to trust this process and allow our body consciousness (body, mind & spirit) to go with the flow.  Our body, mind and spirit know what to do, the human self just has to get out of the way and ALLOW.  With the conscious breathe we can let go of our need to control, go beyond the mind and just allow.  We can choose not to fight, not to panic, not to care what others think about us and be without fear.  We can align with our divine light body of pure love and trust that everything is perfectly WELL just as it is… right now.

When we live in trust and stay consciously aware of our life… we will find ourself experiencing less and less grief, emotion and pain.  We will connect with our passion and be aware of our CREATOR self.

Barbara Franken… Inspiring Living in the New Energy Consciousness…  



Enjoy this Spring Equinox… 21-03-14



Days around the Spring Equinox is a great opportunity to take some ‘me-time’, to sit and relax or walk in nature and consciously breathe…

Breathing in the balanced cleansing energies of this time…

Opening and expanding yourself… feeling into the energies… Being aware of outside triggers and thoughts that question your boundaries… Allow your conscious breath to move through and release stuck energy that remain lodged in your body consciousness (body, mind & spirit)…

Feel cleansed and light… Know that you are a magnificent DivineHumanBeing… Creator of your destiny…

Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

I feel and see MAGIC everywhere…


I have felt for quite a while that IAM walking in two worlds… one part of me firmly anchored into Mother Earth, consciously breathing in the loving life force that IAM, living in each moment and being true to myself and my soul’s dream… and the other ‘human’ part of me, seems to be practicing an increased amount of ‘doubt’… instead of my normal feeling and responding to my human experience in a loving way… IAM hearing my mind’s voice shouting quite loudly ‘what’s happening’, ‘what can I do’, ‘I said it wrong’, ‘they don’t care’, ‘I didn’t do it right’ and on and on and on…  I even went to bed the night before last asking for help…. It felt like I couldn’t get out of this rut… Continue reading

I feel the energy…

hazy mountains

I feel the energy thick like treacle in the air around me,
it covers the nearby mountains in a misty haze…
The solstice and full moon have just been around,
and I wonder if this is part of their call…
Or is something else happening on Earth,
are we travelling into someplace unknown…
Moving and aligning into a different space,
where people laugh, create and feel joy…

But now I feel only sadness and loneliness,
caught up in old patterns of ‘small mindedness’…
Breathing in… acknowledging and embracing them all,
encouraging wounds to come home… as all is now well…
Distilling the essence of my experience in my soul,
and breathing out… releasing all that no longer serves me…

I feel the energy of lighter realms coming down to join me,
and see crystal lights shimmer and dance all around me…
I feel at peace, one with all… and know it is happening,
my dream is manifesting here in the physical…
My body consciousness ready for the new adventure,
exploring and discovering beyond all that is known…

©Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…  


Happiness Is…


Happiness is....

Happiness Is…

*Breathing consciously in the present moment… rather than thinking about the past or future

*Trusting your body consciousness completely… rather than doubting yourself

*Knowing you are magnificent and authentically powerful… rather than a nobody struggling to become somebody

*Knowing that you hold all your own answers… rather than relying on the knowledge of others

*Feeling the passion and excitement flowing through your body consciousness… rather than feeling numb

*Choosing to LOVE yourself first and radiate LOVE out to others… rather than believing you are not worthy of love

*Choosing to create your reality and destiny… rather than being a victim of life

Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness &