Let’s not label our children with ADD, ADHD and AUTISM…

Alexander & Mimi... IAM here...Alexander... swinging high...

When my grandson was born in 2010 I knew he was a ‘new energy’ child… I had been in contact with him ever since his conception and painted with him during his first 10 months of life (within his mum)…  He actually helped me with many life issues, teaching me to LOVE, PLAY and CREATE… IAM thankful for the precious time his parents have given me… from the day of his birth to his third birthday that we have recently celebrated… I have lovingly observed him growing into a 3 year old toddler… He is a child who knows what he wants… what he needs… (a complete REBEL just like his grandma) but also one bundle of LOVE and everyone that has any worries, stress and hardship only has to look at him to know that INDEED, ALL IS WELL…

Our children are here to help humanity expand into a more LOVING space… They are here to teach us to connect and integrate with the part of ourself that is all loving, all powerful and all perfect… To LOVE ourself first and be the Magnificent person we truly are… Continue reading

To Truly Love Yourself

IAM LOVE...This last month has been really heavy for me… I feel the energies have intensified so much these past few weeks, vibrating at a very fast and high frequency…  not only coming from the cosmos but also from the centre of the earth… like hot flames burning away all my yesterdays that no longer support me… my old ways, memories, habits, addictions, patterns etc…  until IAM left with only a peaceful and solid sense of pure love, joy and light…  As I wrote in a recent blog post,  it’s taken a toll on my face.. there is no getting away from it… and it continues to flake, peeling all the layers of yesterday off…  I feel like a snake shredding its skin.. going into another phase in life...  So I do know it’s important for me to stay relaxed and peaceful and focus on healing and balancing my body consciousness. (body, mind and spirit)..

Last friday/saturday i ‘went into’ drama and started feeling sorry for myself, being the poor me and victim… that nothing works etc…  and what happened… my face followed my thoughts and beliefs and I took a step back in my healing and my face became inflamed again…  It was a way of reminding myself that I was not truly loving myself, not trusting myself to heal and knowing that IAM a magnificent light being in a physical body rebalancing my body consciousness… I knew I had to stay away from outside stress, to drink plenty of water, eat a little of good things I liked and to leave off the wine for a while…

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Loving myself and what stops me…


Loving myself and what stops me…

 My grand daughter and I painted this ‘intuitive painting’ last week… We were both not sure what it was about, we only knew that we were to let others know about ‘loving self’… of how important it is…to be happy for yourself, have joy in your life, know that nothing has to be perfect, trust the voice of your soul, be calm and at peace and care for others who come along on your life’s journey…

For the past 20 years I have guided myself and others in ‘intuitive painting’.  Being a visual person, it is something physical that represents ‘self empowerment’… ‘loving self’… ‘tools of awakening’… as it is a way, completely free of any method or programme made by ‘somebody else’  that allows you to grow, awaken and love yourself… in your way with your own terms and conditions…  ‘Intuitive Painting’ is an expression of your soul and spirit essence, the part of you that is eternal, ever-loving and divine intelligence itself… that occupies your body for a human experience here on Earth…  When you don’t hear the message of your painting, it is wise to pay close attention to what is happening in your life and what you are experiencing… 

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Meeting Mike and his ‘go for life’ on the Golf Course…


Today was our golfing day, we were playing the Palms at Pompano Beach.  We were partnered up with Mike… who was moving quiet strangely as we introduced ourselves to each other…  and seeing our concern he told us ‘I jump around a bit, I have Parkinsons’…   Oh how I admire people with ailments getting on with life, getting out there and enjoying life… no matter how people judge you for being anything but ‘normal’… or how frustrating it can be for you…

Mike was a great golfer, he lived locally and played often… he knew exactly how to play the ball… and get it into the hole… His body might of had its moments of ‘jumping’ and ‘time-out’ but Mike was patient with himself and enjoyed his round of golf with new friends on a great sunny floridian day…

Mike, we take our hat of too you, its not easy… we all take too much for granted, but I wanted to Thankyou for showing us patience, caring and most important of all to go for life and enjoy…  We had a great golfing day with you.

Reflecting my day, I had the urge to look up Parkinson’s and what the holistic community said about it… like with many other dis-eases (of the body) the medical community labelled them as ‘incurable’, terminal, chronic, chemical imbalance needing drugs, etc… etc… and as we continue to TRUST our doctors we believe it and swallow the drugs and live with our disease until ….  …

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Lets keep it simple… Mental Health…


Something outside of yourself happens, you are involved in a car accident, an embarrassing situation, lose a job, lose a partner… You become involved with ‘the happening’, the drama and it becomes YOU.  YOU become the downfall, the injured, the victim… and in order to keep the drama going (as it really keeps you busy) you blame others or create other self’s to continue the conflict with… to blame, to fight, to feed off…   The latter is the start of a multiple personality disorder, when you create divisions in your identity and interact with other self’s.

And you hear yourself saying ‘I’m losing my mind!’ …  and yes indeed… you are… Continue reading