My first Guest Interview… with JAKE

Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom By Barbara Franken... DivineHuman Master Creator

Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom
By Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator

Excitement is certainly in the air now with the launch and publication of my first book and online and local Master Creator Class… Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom... coming later this year. My Elemental friends, aspects of myself, who I perceived along my journey and received messages of truth are lined up as I speak and are eager to be interviewed.

So without further delay IAM going to share with you my first Guest Interview.

Jake is his name, he is small brownish/red squirrel with black strips. He carries 3 red balls  with him that he plays with when sitting quietly and not flying through different dimensions with his majestic red wings.

Welcome to this safe and sacred space here on my blog MeMyMagnfiicentSelf Jake. It’s been quite a while since we last talked. How are you?

IAM so well and wonderfully occupied with my wise friend Axiel. We continue to spend a bit of time flying through the infinite dimensions, attracting your splintered parts back home, but most of the time we have fun throwing my red balls around and meeting all your new friends.

You know my new friends?

Of course, silly… Me and You are one, IAM part of you and you are part of me.

Yes, I remember, it just feels like we are separated when I see you here by my side. Anyway Jake what first brought you to show up in my life?

I watched you for quite a long while you were having fun with Magdalena and Jeremy when you first moved out to Spain and then Magdalena gave birth to Cordelia and Adamus from the Crimson Circle suggested to all Shambra they play with a totem animal. That was my queue to come in. You were alone one morning spending quiet sacred time on an inner journey, consciously breathing, feeling and expanding.

Yes I remember like it was yesterday. Suddenly you were there in my awareness, flying with me through the darkness and when I had finished my journey and fully focusing on my physical body and the present moment with my eyes open… you were sitting there, right next to me.

So Barbara my dear, you are getting on so well now… a few minor physical hiccups but you know that is all part of your continued integration of your crystalline light body and mind, coming into your physical body, mind and reality. Your conscious breath indeed helps you move stale energy and brings you to a place of peace… but maybe you can spend a little more time, embracing the parts of you that you don’t like. Everything needs to be loved and accepted. It is what it is and you know everything will indeed pass.

Easier said than done… as I know it’s also part of my caring about what others think of my appearance… IAM still very much Human and do get caught up in being perfect. Maybe there is some splintered part of me far away that was cast out for not being the perfect specimen.

Spend some of your Me-Time breathing into this, you never know what might happen. So before I go my dear, can you remember my most important message of truth I gave you?

I remember feeling into myself on our expanded journeys and understanding that IAM so much more than my history and my physical perception of me and my life… IAM all of my potential… an unimaginable reservoir of abundant potential.

Yes and this understanding, allows you to accept all of Self, all the broken and imperfect parts too and invite them back home to be embraced. This releases them from their turmoil and service and frees them to transform into what ever you choose to experience next. So be clear Dear Barbara about what you want to experience.

Jake… Thank you so much for being here. IAM not at all sure who was the guest here, but it is always an honour to be with you. To be YOU. Until we meet again.

Well that was quite wonderful. Jake and all my elementals never cease to amaze me. I hope you enjoyed reading this interview with Jake and brings you into our excitement about reading more of my magnificent and magical journey.

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Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness. 

Truly Forgiving Self…


A big thank you to all my divine sisters and brothers here on wordpress, who never stop inspiring me to expand my consciousness through their presence.  The other day whilst I was catching up on my reading I came across inspiring posts on forgiveness… which in turn inspired me to want to talk about my own experience with the word forgiveness.

Thankyou Leigh for including me in your 2 week Round of Forgiveness… to read Leigh’s and the other posts on forgiveness please visit

From a young age I knew that some things that happened to me and others weren’t quite right and definitely didn’t feel good, but I moved on none the less… living my life the best I could.  During my late 20’s and early 30’s I spent one day a week for 5 years in a class of ‘Self Discovery’ with a great dutch teacher.  He helped me melt away my numbness that hung around me and discover a most passionate and sensual being that had always been within me.

I spent time looking energetically at my ancestral family, the good and bad points carried down and the actions of abuse and disease that still continue to prevail in my family.  My family seemed to either copy another or do the opposite. Either way patterns grew stronger down the line.  It seems everyone lived on autopilot which made abuse and disease of the body, mind and spirit seem quite natural. I realised that it wasn’t just happening in my family but in all families.  We were all living the lives of our ancestors… great great grandma’s, great uncle’s, granddad’s, mother’s… This was a big ah ah moment for me and made me understand why I had grown up feeling numb like a robot.  I had shut my whole self down to be able to experience human life.  It wasn’t me, I had experienced my life based on the beliefs and conditioning of my ancestors.

I knew for sure that I didn’t want to carry on with these patterns.  I wanted to be in soul charge of my body, mind and spirit, to be self sufficient and create my life and my destiny as I so desired… even down to a couple of design points that I will sculpt into perfection when the time allows.

All I had to do was choose to step out of the ancestral drama and allow myself to be the sovereign and free being IAM.. even by faking it at times…

I began to appreciate the unique and magnificent person I and everyone truly was. I understood that all the teachings and experiences in life from my parents (early on) and myself later had been chosen in order to experience the act of human love and had made me who IAM today.  For better or worse, the wisdom of my roles and lives had all been distilled and are the essence of me today.  The nitty gritty details of my past life are now unimportant and I have wiped them clean, allowing me to detach and move on living a most sensual and passionate life in freedom.

Throughout my life I’ve had a weariness about the church, religion and the word FORGIVENESS and it wasn’t until I had read a religious book on forgiveness and read the thesaurus synonyms and antonyms that I understood why it had made me so weary…

Synonyms of forgiveness
… Absolution, Amnesty, Clemancy, Compassion, Charity, Grace, Mercy, Remission, Reprieve, Vindication, Acquittal, Immunity… the words go on and on… mostly words the church uses but two words spoke to me… COMPASSION AND GRACE…

Antonyms of forgiveness… 
Cruelty, blame, meanness, accusation, censure, charge, punishment, sentence

The church, religion and the word forgiveness kept humankind (and especially me) playing the game of you are bad and i am good.  The human game of power and control that our ancestors began and we have continued to play in for far too long.  This had given me the feelings of being locked in, limited and very tired.

Had I truly understood the human game and understood that I could step out of it when I was ready?  Ready to forgive myself by being compassionate and graceful with myself.


In every given moment we can choose to awaken from the human game of duality and be aware that there is so much more to life and ourself… aware that the universe and humankind are multi-dimentional… aware that we are naturally magnificent, unique and self sufficient… aware that we have feelings, desires and finally… aware that there is no need to be better or worse than another and just allow ourself to be compassionate and graceful with ourself and everyone.

Recently Adamas, from the crimson circle shared with Shambra his observations on FORGIVENESS which truly resonated with me… I heard his words at the most perfect moment and it rounded off my own feelings about truly forgiving self wonderfully.   In order to be truly free, it is important to forgive yourself, but not in the old way of saying you’re sorry, making yourself suffer or carrying the baggage of karma around and staying in the human game.  Forgiveness is saying that wasn’t me, that was an old programmed and hypnotised me experiencing human expression.  IAM the IAM presence. Me, my magnificent self, that is responsible, compassionate and honours myself and everyone else.

Adamus spoke of the four S’s… to help forgive/have compassion for our true self…

To forgive myself for my separation… I believed I was lost and alone, but I know now I only chose another path for a while and have now found my whole self.

To forgive myself for my sin… destiny… karma… I believed I was a sinner and I believed in destiny and karma, but I know now it is not true. I know now that bad things feel bad and therefore I don’t do bad things anymore.

To forgive myself for my selfishness… I believed others when they told me it was bad to be selfish and to only focus on myself. But I now take bad out of selfish and allow it to be joyous… I know now that it is good to be self focused, loving, abundant and self sufficient. I allow myself to be a new standard to be truly myself, radiating my IAM presence, allowing my light to shine without the overlays of the good and the bad. To be self-full, self aware and release all the old and bad energy.

To forgive myself for being stupid… I married the wrong man, said the wrong thing, shouldn’t of done that… stupid stupid stupid… but that was just how I chose to experience myself, it was all part of my human expression not my IAM presence. It’s not about being smart, earning merits from others or perfecting the human being. I know the human could never figure it all out and all the teachings, especially spiritual teachings about becoming better, wiser… are all nonsense.  As the IAM presence I can appoint myself as enlightened master and release all my stupidity. And so it is.

Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

Ormus... New Elemental Being showing the potential of a DivineHumanBeing...

New Elemental Being showing the potential of a DivineHumanBeing…

I’ve just been reading my friends posts and really want to share with you all a new book my friend Michael has just published that I know is a wonderful and inspirational read… Barbara x




IAM having the most beautiful love affair… with myself

images-11For generations now we have played with and carried down the beliefs and patterns of our ancestral biology… living the best and the worse of times… we have become ill, died young, grown old and afraid with nothing but weary and painful bodies and minds to show for our self and our life…

But… what if…  YOU discovered YOU were all powerful and could change all this… by having a most wonderful love affair with yourself…

Do I sense your heart and soul stirring. Can I hear your mind wondering if there really is a way for the body and mind to be vibrant, healthy and rejuvenated… and only choose to die when you feel you have experienced enough.

This is actually happening quite naturally now… Earth and all her inhabitants are taking on a new crystalline biology… We are integrating with our true divine self… our light body and mind are melding together with our human physical body and mind… Humankind is taking a quantum leap into a pure crystalline vibration.

An ‘Earth Vortex Art Mandala’ by Barbara Franken, Mazarron Country Club…
I collected the rocks during the past 7 years… for the last 4 years they have been turning crystalline in form… showing us what is indeed happening at a molecule level…

When we remain unaware, unconscious of this magnificent happening, we will not only miss out on the best celebration party ever, but our physical body that is releasing old ancestral patterns and beliefs will feel even more tired, old and painful, and our mind if not already depressed will retire into oblivion… and find ourself departing this physical reality in a painful way… (We have to understand that this is purely because we have focused all our attention on our suffering and pain that has only magnified our being).

So if you find your heart resonating will these words and would like to be part of this grand happening… that has never been done before… with no rules and guidelines… no spirits, ascended masters, teachers or gurus to tell you how, when and where…


I ask you now to take some deep and conscious breaths, to the depth of your being… allowing the conscious breath to take you out of your mind… your thoughts, your memories and what you have to do next…

A deep breath in, pushing your tummy out as you receive your life force energy inside your physical body and mind and a noisy exhale as you release everything that no longer serves you…

Deep breaths in and out, as you allow yourself to receive so much love… are you willing to receive… receive the love that is all around you and deep within you… breathing it all in, filling you completely… allowing your body to become a flowing river of pure love…

Feeling the energy vibrate within you, as you imagine your divine light self merging with your physical self… Feel the grand love affair, the intertwining of the divine and human energies and through this union you release all that ever was, all that you ever were and give birth to a new light biology… A body that rejuvenates, vibrates health, wisdom and is self sustained…

Breathing in and out… deeper and deeper into the core of you… receiving… receiving… feeling yourself melting deeper into your body… the sweet body that you created as the home of soul… the miracle of you… the love affair… of the soul and the human… the true light body and mind absorbing the physical miracle of you… YES… All you have to do is breathe… allow yourself to receive so much love and joy…


The pressure is on, the body is feeling the tremendous energies that are coming into the Earth and humankind now, excruciating pains and emotions that make you want to shut down and stop breathing… but its important to breathe and drink deeply from this beautiful energy…

Allow yourself to feel it and know that it is here to serve you… Energy itself has no agenda, no mind or direction… With the conscious breath and no fear, allow the energy to serve you. Allow your life force energy to serve what you choose for yourself now… (Be clear and stand in your authority as to what you desire in your life) and a funny thing will happen… you’ll notice that breathing in without any fear, control or restriction… won’t hurt anymore… it’s no longer painful… your thoughts and emotions don’t become more complex… your physical body doesn’t hurt…

When you stay in fear, in control, in resistance and hold back… the energies can only hurt your physical, mental and emotional body… because again that is what your human mind is paying attention to…

Allow yourself to trust and open up to something new… having no fear, no control… just the conscious breath of allowing something different, something great to come about…

When you practice the conscious breath, going beyond your mind, you will begin to feel and connect with your divine self that has always been there, waiting for your attention… Allow your divine self to be your guide, where all the answers to your questions are answered and will prompt you as to just how and when to take the next step… but in the meanwhile… feel the love, be joyful in each new day and embrace all of yourself…

Barbara Franken…  Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…


Ormus… Showing me how we must breathe in the new energies now…

P.S. We are here in Benalmadena… it is truly great… we feel right at home and slowly settling in, finding everything a new place (so many things collected over the years)… but no tv or internet yet… so please bare with me as IAM not reading or posting much… I will return though… and in the meantime IAM breathing the conscious breath, IAM painting… IAM golfing… IAM dancing and singing in joy… IAM finishing my book… and AM with you all in spirit…

This post was written after I have been very busy packing, moving, unpacking and my body started hurting bad again… I had forgotten my conscious breath… and after reading Adamus’s channel last Saturday I was inspired to write this post. ( Adamus mentioned the cardinal grand cross, the astrological event happening between April 22 – May 10 2014 that is indeed influencing life on Earth… and my divine sister Linda wrote a lovely piece about it all this last April…   So please take good care of yourself and until next time I have internet… Barbara x


IAM a Visionary… I have a grand dream…

images-71In each New Year I normally feel an uplifting of energies as the old busy energies of the old year subside and give way to the spacious, fresh and new energies of a New Year… but this year I feel only a slight lifting of energies… I feel more space but the pace continues to feel fast and urgent… like never before…

I feel the drive to be the visionary that IAM, trusting my grand dream, for myself and the Earth, to continue to come closer into my physical reality… here and now… close and vibrant for ALL to physically see…  ‘People loving and gentle with each other… Cooperating with each other, in both living and working conditions… Everyone creating and manifesting their hearts desire, instantaneously… Both unity and individual uniqueness is honoured… The whole world is at peace and new wonderful creations are coming into being… Everyone feels magical and feels fulfilled’…

I have set my priorities for 2014, my first book is nearing the end… my crystal circle here on the Earth, on Mazarron Country Club is near completion, our Peace Mural needs only the final touches… and most important of all… Tom and I have decided to venture out into the ‘more’ vibrant southern coast of Spain to create a new space for our ourselves… A new home in which to create, to paint, to write, to explore, to play golf and most of all to allow new potentials to take physical form…  So this Spring will see a completion of many things that I have enjoyed creating here in the quiet, in the depths of myself, these last 7 years…. It is time to move on to something new, some place to match our higher vibrancy.. I believe a  couple of butterflies are taking yet another flight… somewhere… over the rainbow…


I’d like to say a special thank you to Butterfly Sue and Dreamwalker Sue for writing such inspiring posts that I just read today… they inspired me to write this post…

Our January Challenge is going strong… and I would like to say a big thank you to all my friends here on WordPress… we are hearing wonderful awakening stories each day… so please tune into them, enjoy the uniqueness of our awakening friends and maybe take this opportunity to expand our wordpress network…

Here is the latest schedule for the January Awakening Challenge… if anyone would like to join I will go into february for a few days to reach my magical number 33… Please let me know…

1st     Barbara  –
2nd    Paddy    –
3rd     Emanuel-
6th     Julianne –
7th     Sarah     –
8th     Shree     –
9th     Dace      –
10th   Korinn    –
11th   Sindy     –
12th   Stefanie –
13th   Mick      –
14th   Joss      – Postphoned
15th   Megan   –
16th   Pat         –
17th   Marga    –
18th   Kimberley –
20th   Serena      – not available at the moment
21st   Heather     –
23rd    Sue          –
24th    M…          –
25th    Brian G    –
26th    Dotta       –
27th    CW          –
28th    Laurie       –
29th    Debra       –
30th    Linda        –
31st    Michael     –
1st      Leigh        –
2nd     Shaman   –
3rd     Joss         –
4th     Jenna       –
5th     Shelley     –
6th     Elisabeth  –
7th     Michael    –
8th     Lehua       –
9th     Aleya        –

To close this post I would like to share with you some beautiful words on KNOWINGNESS that I have distilled from an Adamas Channel from the Crimson Circle


Accepting your own knowingness…
Take a deep breath… relax into yourself… Breathe nice and calmly…  Why have you pretended up until now not to know?  Go NOW into your knowingness… and breath into it…  You know it’s not found in any one place in your body, or in the body of anyone else… How could anyone else tell you what only you can know for yourself…

Long ago you planted your knowingness within the human form coming to the Earth… until the time was right for you to retrieve it…  The mind will tell you where it is and the heart will say it’s here…  NOW is the time to receive it from your self… It can’t be figured out, measured, dissected or destroyed… It’s innate and has always been there…

Breathe into your knowingness without thinking about it…  Blow the layers of dust and debris away, allow your body consciousness to receive it… Allow your knowingness to expand to all parts of you… Feel the warmth of it as you feel its presence… Feel its gentleness and compassion and know it is time to stop the search… It is here and it is yours… declare it and feel the doubts go away…

Allow the knowingness to help you understand why you bring in your doubts and sink into the drama… and how to instantly dissolve them… without a fight or negotiation… by simply choosing to now…  Allow the knowingness to remind you that you don’t need power… there is no fight and nothing to battle… it’s only about declaring your IAM…

Take a breath of your knowingness, feel it fill you whole body and radiate out to all your aspects, warming the most coldest places of your memories…  It is time to remember your dream…  to listen to it and feel it…you know what it is..  Your energies await to come in and support the creation of your dream…

The dream is not just of the human or lifetimes you’ve had, but of the soul…  The soul, the human, the embodied master all dreaming together… dreaming in unity, in harmony, in balance… The dream of the soul, dancing with the dream of the human, dancing with the dream of the master… Take a deep breath…  and feel your dream…

The dream is like the name of your soul, it cannot be spoken because it is so holy…  It doesn’t need to be defined… just known to you now… and as you allow your knowingness and the essence of your dream to come together, it calls forth the energies, the crystalline energies to come to you… Attracting them from the unconditional true love of yourself… from your passion of life… to fulfill your dream…  abundance… wealth… health… joy… passion… harmony… peace…

You’ll ask yourself… AM I ready… AM I worthy… what do I have to do, what do I have to say, what ceremony needs to be done… None… None… None… (unless you want to)…  Just breathe and embrace your knowingness… Allow yourself to know and feel your dream… and give your permission for the energies to come in and fulfill your dream…

IAM Barbara Franken… Living in and Inspiring New Energy Consciousness… 


IAM a Violinist… and the Symphony Orchestra too…


IAM playing my violin in the string section of the symphony orchestra

IAM totally focused on my violin, hearing the beautiful music I play

IAM aware of the other violins around me, playing in harmonious union

And deep inside me I know IAM part of something much bigger… the string section

So I expand… I allow myself to hear other string instruments playing next to the violins

Their tones are so different… deeper… higher… unique and beautiful

but what do I hear nearby… there is more… there is a whole woodwind section

I expand myself to the out skirts of this section and allow myself to listen

New tones… very different…beautiful and playing in such harmony with my violin Continue reading

IAM a New Energy Alchemist…


IAM a New Energy Alchemist...

IAM a New Energy Alchemist…

IAM busy… busy writing my first book (70% complete)… based on my own experience of awakening and living in the New Energy Consciousness and meeting 9 very interesting ‘new elemental beings’ (who are actually my returning aspects… recycled… my potential) who have helped me blossom… IAM writing about Ormus at the moment… the most challenging of creatures who continues to point me to the edge of our limited human life… and expand…

At the moment Ormus represents the DivineHumanBeing, showing me how I can live as an embodied enlightened being… and being the CREATOR IAM it is important to know how to alchemize and create… It was no coincidence that I stumbled upon a channel by Adamas from the Crimson Circle regarding ALCHEMY… I distilled the channel and created a Dreamwalk to help myself and others to experience alchemy as part of Ormus’s chapter (please keep in mind the writing is written in the past tense as IAM recollecting life’s happenings)… I thought I would offer my friends a glimpse into this magical art… Ormus and pyrimids Continue reading

Addiction, Depression, Suffering… How to put an end to it…


Addiction, depression, suffering it seems everywhere I look, people are affected… and I wanted to understand how we can heal it… truly heal it… I put myself on a mission and was brought to the attention of an interesting channel of information from Tobias of the Crimson Circle.  

He talked about why we became addicted to things…  He explained that in order for us, as ‘light beings’ to feel comfy within the confines of the dense physical body… We had created a network of electrical pleasure points to stimulate and entertain our body, in the hope to keep us interested in our physical experience… Now, millenniums later we can safely say that our whole body, mind and emotions has been integrated into one big electrical pleasure network that literally dictates how we live… We have the pleasures of food, alcohol, drugs, sex, cigarettes… even work, depression, victimhood and suffering that trigger our body for more and more feeding to give us another high or low feeling… and as we have come to believe that it is the pleasure, the substance, that is addictive and has control over us… we have surrendered ourself into an abyss of darkness…

I wanted to feel into this energy of addiction and my mind wandered back 10 years into my own life, to a time when I decided to quit smoking New Year’s Eve 2003… just like that… Until this day, I never really quite understood why it was so easy for me to quit, because cigarettes are highly addictive and had control over me…. right… Continue reading

What do we really want?


One big question that we all share at some point in our life is ‘what do we really want?’ and I’m sure you’ll agree that we want security, love, health, abundance, money, more sleep, joy and happiness… but this leads to another question, ‘who’s going to give us this?’  and I’m sure that we all realise by now that no one can give us anything… unless we are willing to conform to their ideas and ways… So it just leaves our self!  ‘but how do we give our self these things?’  The human mind certainly hasn’t managed to come up with an answer yet… Continue reading

Loving myself and what stops me…


Loving myself and what stops me…

 My grand daughter and I painted this ‘intuitive painting’ last week… We were both not sure what it was about, we only knew that we were to let others know about ‘loving self’… of how important it is…to be happy for yourself, have joy in your life, know that nothing has to be perfect, trust the voice of your soul, be calm and at peace and care for others who come along on your life’s journey…

For the past 20 years I have guided myself and others in ‘intuitive painting’.  Being a visual person, it is something physical that represents ‘self empowerment’… ‘loving self’… ‘tools of awakening’… as it is a way, completely free of any method or programme made by ‘somebody else’  that allows you to grow, awaken and love yourself… in your way with your own terms and conditions…  ‘Intuitive Painting’ is an expression of your soul and spirit essence, the part of you that is eternal, ever-loving and divine intelligence itself… that occupies your body for a human experience here on Earth…  When you don’t hear the message of your painting, it is wise to pay close attention to what is happening in your life and what you are experiencing… 

Continue reading