Mankind solve the European Refugee Crisis with LOVE…

Good Sunday morning to everyone I know in this NOW moment. I just awoke from my magnificent dream. Mankind, thats me and you found the true meaning of our Humanity… to love without comparison, with no borders and no separation. Please take a moment NOW to close your eyes, breathe and walk with me through my dream once again. We are MANKIND and we solve the European Refugee Crisis with LOVE.

It is early morning and the countryside grass and wild herbs is freshly trodden, leaving a wonderful aroma lingering in the air, as thousands of people rise from a good sleep and feeling revitalised begin their new day walking as best they can to their new homeland. The skies slowly become lighter as the sun rises and shines its light on the path for many refugees to find a new, peaceful and loving life.

They have chosen to leave behind the crazy madness of the ones who couldn’t find it in their hearts to remember (yet) they are part of MANKIND too and their very special task as part of humanity to honour and love each other so that each can create their own heart and soul’s desire on the physical plane.

So walking on a new path the refugees feel a renewed sense of hope, they can’t really explain how they feel but it is as if they are being welcomed home by long lost family. Tears of happiness flow from their eyes as they begin to feel the millions of transparent and bright coloured bubbles exploding onto their skin and clothes… that release the purest sense of LOVE that flows through their body, mind and spirit. It is a love they recognise from when they were innocent children playing and laughing in the open fields being totally free.

Everyone among them felt this feeling of unconditional LOVE intensifying, their heart opening wide and all previous hurts and pains seemed to dissolve. A few of the young men who weren’t sure why they too had chosen to walk to a new land began to feel for the first time an innate knowing of how they were going to allow their unique and creative expression to unfold in the heart of life. The people in authority they met on the different European borders and organising the transportation were kind and welcoming, there was an abundance of fresh foods and water along the way and as if by magic everyone seemed to know how this new integration would naturally unfold and be the beginning of a new way of living and loving together.

Breathing In and Out… in full Awareness… Deep and Calm… Breathing In and Out

People from all around the world were focusing on the extra-ordinary exodus of people walking to Europe and together they joined one focus. Consciously breathing in the original LOVE of MANKIND… to love without comparison, with no borders and no separation… and expanding the love that they are to the area of Europe where it manifested as transparent and colourful bubbles that held the solution and the beginning of a new way of living on Earth…in peace, harmony and natural order.

Breathing In and Out… in full Awareness… Deep and Calm… Breathing In and Out

And so it is…

Barbara Franken… Creative visionary and Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

2014 Wrap-Up Blog Challenge – My Treasure Chest of Wisdom and Truth

With thanks to linda from who began this inspiring challenge… inspiring us all to look back on our experiences in 2014… Linda asked us to consider four questions…

Which lessons did you learn?
How did you serve others?
What blessings did you receive?
Was there something you lost that turned out to be a blessing in disguise?
Did you receive any “gifts” in terms of powers or skills?

IExistAt the beginning of the year, Tom and I were back in our favourite place, Cancun, Mexico celebrating our 25 years together… enjoying a warm, relaxing and peaceful ‘wintertime’ together on sparkling white sands, in turquoise waters, under blue skies and heart shaped fluffy clouds.  It is our special place, filled with magic… that cleanses and energises our being… as we prepare to take on the rest of the year.  IAM always thankful that we can return here time and time again as it feels like coming home.  It makes me truly happy. Tom and I are planning our return for early next year, at this very moment.

Another place I love is our new home we found this year, along the seashore of Benalmadena, it too is a magical place that feels comfortable, safe and tranquil and I know that we will be here most of the time as it makes me truly happy.

barbara&jonI count both these magical places as my blessings that have given me wonderful gifts too, all year through… inspiration to express and create my writings and paintings and a constant feeling of joy moving within my Body Consciousness that shows me that IAM in the most perfect place.  My happiness radiates out into the environment for others to see, feel and take on as their own.  This is the service, through myself, that I give to others.  In this way my only requirement is to keep focused on myself and BE the Creator IAM.

It was an important truth I taught myself this year… even though my Human self is taking her time putting it all into perspective.  They do say when things go wrong or when you lose something it can be a blessing in disguise or some good can come out of it.  Deep within I know this to be true… and sore… and is taking some deep reflection and a little more time for all of me to truly expand into the wisdom of it all.

It all began last year when I felt a grand dream start to fall apart and at the end of this summer it was quite definitely ripped completely away.  Ripped away in a manner I could never have imagined and has left me with feelings of anger, hatred, disappointment, sadness and abandonment.  I know now and maybe I always knew that it wasn’t the right dream for me, but gave myself this experience for the blessing and wisdom.

It wasn’t the right dream for me because it didn’t have myself as the main focus, but instead, the lives of others.  Helping others is a service, but not if it is to our own detriment, putting others first and/or takes away their space and/or experience.


IAM now clear about how and when I can help others and if it resonates with them, they can ask me for my help or my presence.  Otherwise IAM taking good care of myself with compassionate psychology… consciously breathing and accepting it all, being in my own presence, loving myself unconditionally and serving myself first.  I know that I always did my very best in my helping others and planted many seeds of love which maybe one day will be discovered.  I enjoy living and creating in each moment and observe from afar the experience of others, without judgement.

What a wonderful chestful of treasure I have discovered this year…I feel my consciousness expanding with new wisdom and truths of who I truly AM… I walk confidently with an abundance of potential into the new year 2015.

Thankyou Linda for this opportunity to share my experiences this year with you all… whether happy or sad, I remember they are all experiences and beautiful gifts I continue to give to myself.

Tomorrow is Julianne’s account of her 2014.

May I wish you all a Merry Christmas time with loved ones and that means yourself… and a peaceful and abundant 2015.  Until the new year when I’ll be reporting about Tom and my great new ‘eating’ life style and much more, no doubt.

Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness.


Twelve Days of Christmas Prompt… Christmas Time… A Perfect Time…

images-59My good friend Sindy Sue came up with a lovely prompt for ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’… to connect and share together our thoughts on Christmas… Thankyou Sindy Sue for yet another great challenge…

Christmas Time… A Perfect Time..

To take some quiet moments for yourself…
Reflecting on your life…
Clearing out things that no longer serve you…
Creating space for new potential to come in…

To treat yourself to something special…
Relaxing into yourself…
Having fun and laughter…
Indulging in life’s beauty and grace…

To belief and trust yourself implicitly…
Knowing all your heartfelt desires come true…
Allowing yourself to shine brightly…
Touching and influencing people you meet…

To allow yourself to feel the magic…
Of childhood innocence, spontaneous and daring ways…
Imagining parallel worlds coming together as one…
Seeing angels, fairies, elementals, Santa and the bogeyman too…

To play with your creative talents…
Creating heartfelt gifts for family and friends…
Showing them your gratefulness and love…
For being a part of your life…

To light candles in a gesture of LOVE to others…
Remembering dear ones that have passed over…
Family and Friends far away…
Others who may be ill, in pain, hungry or lonely…

To help people in your community…
Giving your time, energy, money or unwanted goods…
Redistributing and sharing wealth, health and kindness… 
Bringing smiles and joy to others…

To decorate your home as a reflection of you…
The lights being a manifestation of love…
Preparing home cooked goodies to nourish and share…
To encourage merriment and joy…

To sing out loud in joyous tones…
Listening, Hugging and hopeful kisses
Being thankful for all life’s gifts…
And the magical feeling this Christmas time…

Christmas Time… A perfect time… 
to prepare to welcome in… 
a harmonious and peaceful… 
New Year… 2014…

Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness this Christmastime…


I actually dreamed the other night about my bogeyman who I was quite fearful of during my childhood… he wanted to be part of my christmas poem and give me a message… He thought it was an appropriate time to meet again…

images-61IAM not here to hurt you… but IAM very real… just as real as loving spirit friends…
IAM an accumulation of everything bad and sad that people have done to themself and each other… the horrific acts, the pain, the guilt, the shame, the loneliness, the abandonment and all the unloved feelings…
IAM a dark energy that only wants to capture your attention, wants you to feel the fear, be the fear and as I steal the fear from you… I increase my presence to attract my next prey…

Until… a time that your light shines on me…
and you dare invite me in… in love, not fear…

Demanding I return your fearful energy…
as now you understand… it is all just energy
and cannot harm you, only stop you from
moving on…
images-62So receive your energy back with welcoming arms and allow it to transform into love, trust, or some new potential for yourself…

The lingering fears that don’t belong to you, but still reside within… can be sent 
back to their rightful place… just demand them to leave your body and they will return to a neutral state until their owner claims them… and transform them into new
potential for themself…

I actually saw many of my child self’s walking back to me… I felt so much love and so complete…

Best Wishes to all my friends here on wordpress… Thankyou for connecting with me… Have a magical and mindful Christmas time with your family and friends…. May 2014 bring you health, wealth and much joy…

If you haven’t already joined my January challenge, writing about your own awakening experience… please check out my last post… Thanks Barbara…

Challenge 2014… My Awakening Experience and Moving Forward…

I’ve copied all the 12 days of christmas posts for you to go and enjoy.reading…
Tomorrow is December~22~Shree

December 14~Me (Saturday)





December~19~ Sue





December~24~Julianne Victoria

December~25~Me Christmas Day

I feel and see MAGIC everywhere…


I have felt for quite a while that IAM walking in two worlds… one part of me firmly anchored into Mother Earth, consciously breathing in the loving life force that IAM, living in each moment and being true to myself and my soul’s dream… and the other ‘human’ part of me, seems to be practicing an increased amount of ‘doubt’… instead of my normal feeling and responding to my human experience in a loving way… IAM hearing my mind’s voice shouting quite loudly ‘what’s happening’, ‘what can I do’, ‘I said it wrong’, ‘they don’t care’, ‘I didn’t do it right’ and on and on and on…  I even went to bed the night before last asking for help…. It felt like I couldn’t get out of this rut… Continue reading