How are YOU celebrating this FULL BLOOD MOON Party Weekend…

Barbara Franken SoulArt
27 September 2015

September 27/28. today and tomorrow we celebrate the end of a Full Blood Moon cycle. It is a 5-6 hour celebration party for you to enjoy the new photon energy pouring into our atmosphere at its highest potential… It is a magnificent opportunity to FEEL and DANCE with the energies and be open to connect with your highest potential, your Divine and all loving self that has waited so long for the Human to pay attention and be aware.

There has been a lot written about this weekends happening and depending on what you are focusing on, fear or love… you will attract it to read and it will strengthen your whole thought pattern and physical reality. So be aware of what you are thinking about and ask yourself… How do you want your life to be? What is your dream?

This is why, for the last 2 years, we have been focusing on embracing all of Self and releasing everything that no longer serves us. To be clear of our heart and soul’s desire we have to be empty of all our patterns and junk we have collected during all our lifetimes of duality and the Human game. It is time to set Self free and be concerned only for ourself… Yes there are things going on in the world, people in crisis… but now is not the time to focus on others… it is time to put yourself first. Choose for yourself, allow yourself to connect to the magnificence that you are, claim your light and be the beacon of light shining the way for others to join you in creating and living a life of heart and soul’s desire.

So today and tomorrow, give yourself the best ever gift and relax within yourself, plant your feet firmly on the Earth, breathe the conscious breath, accept and be with what is happening, how you are feeling, no matter what… enjoy this celebration… be the celebration… dancing under the stars, moon, the colourful energy coming into our physical reality and know that your Divine and loving self will bring you into the perfect moment.

Breathing In and Out…
Tummy pushing out and then relaxing…
Breathing deeply and calmly…
Allowing thoughts to pass by…
Focusing only on your conscious breath…
IAM that IAM…
An empty vessel connecting with my highest potential…
Breathing In and Out…
Feeling the tummy pushing out and then relaxing…
IAM that IAM…
Everything and Nothing…
Human and Divine…
IAM calm… IAM free…
I trust my highest potential to come in and serve me…
Breathing In and Out…

And so it is…

Love to you ALL… and ENJOY

Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness 

Best of MeMyMagnificentSelf Week One…

What a full-on week its been, writing everyday this last week as part of my 30 day challenge… Thanks Sarah and Kevin… I hope you all enjoyed reading my posts each day… For the ones who haven’t had time to take a look at what I have been talking about… I’ve put together the best of my posts this week.


10 Simple tips to deal with Awakening and Integration Symptoms…
Life is taking its toll on all of us in some way or another and when we understand what is happening we can accept, take extra care of our self and sail through our discomforts.

costa women, BenalmadenaWho Am I if not the reflection of JOY LOVE and BEAUTY in the world…
When we are aligned with the love, joy and beauty in the world we can flow and connect with life in a magnificent way.

IMG_3583 (2)

AM I the Centre of the Universe…
Without the centre there is no circumference, without the circumference there is no centre. We are inseparable.
So who AM I?


We are all Creative Loving Beings…
Can we remember how we felt as children or have the urge NOW to let our hair down, to enjoy some ‘me-time’… to laugh, to act, to play, to create, to explore, to scream out loud and to have fun.

Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom

Breaking FREE from our limited physical dual reality…
NOW is a great opportunity to put our physical dual reality into perspective.


The Truth about… Modern Day Illness…

Our doctors do a great job, BUT there are lots of changes we can make individually and as a society.

full moon,

4 Affects the Full Moon has on us…
Isn’t the Moon showing us the natural rhythm of nature and that we are part of the rhythm too?

Call to Action… Never miss out on another blog post… please subscribe to receive my blog by email…

Barbara Franken… Divine Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

4 Affects the Full Moon has on us…

full moon,

4 o’clock this morning, the full moon’s bright light woke me up to say a big Hello… I couldn’t resist taking this picture and sitting quietly for a while to admire its shine and feel into the energy it emanated. I saw a giant rainbow circling around it. It felt very powerful and magnificent as it’s shining light fell onto the ocean and all below. It was as if it was calling out… for us all to be aware of the affect and influence it has on us and not to be afraid of our own light and colour.


  • The full moon brings a woman’s menstruation cycle into ovulation… (mens = moon) The hormones Oestrogen and Testosterone rise at the end of an inspiring and creative cycle and in celebration the women connects with her community and loved ones. However, having said this most women are so disconnected from nature, Mother Earth and the Cosmos for various reasons that their menstruation doesn’t run parallel with the lunar moon cycle anymore.
  • The full moon, lines up with the earth and sun and brings is the second spring tide of the month (following the time of the new moon) and creates a high, high tide and a low, low tide. Our Human Body is 70% water and this time brings in our high and low moods. When we are very happy, we act extrovert, others might think we are a little crazy… but who cares.
  • The light of the full moon can keep you awake during this time.
  • The full moon brings the completion of a cycle, shining light on everything that may no longer serve our best interest. It is a perfect opportunity to take some quiet me-time and reflect and feel… Northing to do but be.

People often ask me how they can get back into the natural rhythm of nature and the lunar moon cycle and feel the affect the Full Moon in particular has on them and I simply answer… be aware and feel into nature at the different stages of the lunar moon cycle. Remain curious and keep asking yourself how you feel… what you feel.

Remember… We are a reflection of our Environment and Our Environment is a reflection of our Self.

Happy Full Moon time… Barbara Franken… Divine Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

2014-2015 Lunar Eclipse Cycle… A Time to be Truly Balanced…

Unknown-1For a few years now we are observing the world around us literary ‘heating up’ and expanding, as high intensity solar activity and photon energy (the latter being a magnetic flow of light on the galactic plane, along the Milky Way where there is a great concentration of stars that give birth to ‘photon light particles’) influences the magnetics and core make-up of Mother Earth and all of Humanity.


It is a natural galactic cycle bringing in new energies to expand and transform our old 3 Dimensional World of Duality, Fear, Limitation and Separation… to a Multi Dimensional World of Unity, Compassion, Cooperation and Authentic Power…

We observe our weather patterns changing, the uprising of people under dictatorship, the power and greed of governments no longer being tolerated, the foundations of our financial, economic, religious, spiritual and education systems wobbling, unbalanced relationships exploding and the limited and ego-minded physical body and mind becoming sick.

We are seeing and feeling all the past trauma, pain, wounding, untruths, secrets and darkness that have been passed down our ancestral lineage, being penetrated by intense electromagnetic light that is naturally releasing all the cellular memories that have been stored on Earth, within each person and all our creations. Our divine consciousness that we have totally ignored for many lifetimes is being woken up.  The ancestral lineage ends with us and we now have a choice whether or not to allow the release of all the cultural and family patterns and beliefs of fear, conflict and darkness and come to a new understanding that our *temporary pains we are experiencing are part of this natural cycle and our transformation.

*temporary pains… We feel in some parts of our physical body and mind, both our own and our ancestral trauma, pain, wounds, untruths and darkness being released from our cellular memory.  We can consciously breathe in and out of this physical area and allow the stuck energy to move out of our body and into a neutral state… pure new potential for us to play and create with.  To remain ignorant and resist this transformation will ensure further suffering until the death of our physical body and mind.


We have the opportunity to choose to open and expand our body, heart and mind, to resonate with what is happening and allow ourself to create a balanced space of love, peace and calmness around us.  A space in which we can consciously breathe in the flow of new energies that are here to support us in the integration and crystallisation of our divine soul, human body and mind and release everything that no longer serves us.   We can allow ourself as DivineHumanBeing, that we truly are, to ascend and walk consciously here on earth, steering ourself through the chaos (that we understand to be the natural restructure of Mother Earth and Humanity) and enjoy creating in the now moment… Creating together with fellow sacred hearts a new peaceful and harmonious world in which to thrive and bring in new potential to serve our hearts desire…


Today Monday 14th April 2014 is the eve of another natural cycle, 4 consecutive full lunar eclipses with the last one taking place on 28th Sept 2015…


During this time we have the extra influence of the full moon as she represents the flowing feminine, the waters, the emotions, the east, the negative, the darkness, the mystery. She, the full moon will be helping us all to fully open up and face our woes and fears.  It is therefore so important to understand what is happening, not to be afraid, but to embrace everything, all our broken and hurt wounds of the past, to love them unconditionally from a balanced space of being and allow everything that no longer serves us to be free.  It is all going to be OK… humanity is moving on… we are going to be living in each moment, experiencing new potential and have no need to go back and compare our past or project ourself in a limited and probable future anymore.


Divine Consciousness is now awakening and wants each one of us to claim it as our own, to allow the integration of the DivineHumanBeing that will walk as an embodied ascended master here on Earth.  It’s never been done before… we are the new standards… Lets go for a new experience…

Interesting information about the four lunar eclipses and blood moons…

Especially how the christian church try and provoke more fear out of this event…

book_cover_for_How_Solar_Flares_Help_You_To_Evolvejpg.345160234_stdMy friend Heather Carlini has written a wonderful and powerful E Book about the shift we are going through and how the solar flares are having an affect on Earth and Humanity… It truly helps us to understand in a simple way what is happening… Please go to her website to purchase the book.

heavenliftsanawakeningheartA Free E Book… A Selection of True Awakening Experiences
The Earth and humanity are naturally awakening, consciousness is expanding, you are changing, the Earth is changing… It is time to find that sacred and quiet space within you, to keep you balanced and safe in the coming times of CHANGE… Together with 33 other wordpress friends we have published A selection of true awakening experiences…  A Free E Book for you to download and read… to be inspired… to let you know that it’s all going to be ok… You can also download it from my homepage side bar…

Take care, stay balanced and enjoy it all… until next week…
Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness


All about ME…


I’ve had a wonderful time with my sister staying here, lazying under the spanish sun, that is still shining brightly here, no sign of autumn yet… other than the flocks of geese that fly over head on their journey to the warmer shores of Africa…  We visited our favourite restaurants, took short nature walks, collected crystal rocks for my ‘work in progress’ Earth Mandela and gave Angie some beginners tips playing golf… and she did very well… Continue reading

Aquarian Full Moon… August 21, 2013


I’ve been watching the full moon for the last couple of days… coming into completion and feeling into the energies… The air feels laden with infinite possibilities… The light of the full moon is shining brightly on all fears and frustrations, allowing them to be clear to us…

It is time for freedom, if we choose it… time to release everything that no longer serves us…  time to choose space for self, time to be at ease with self and allow our heart and soul desires to be clear and invite them to come into our physical reality….

I found some great ‘full moon’ posts from fellow word press bloggers which are worth reading… for more in depth info… Enjoy… Meanwhile I’m doing a lot of feeling and will be writing more in a few days…

I feel the energy…

hazy mountains

I feel the energy thick like treacle in the air around me,
it covers the nearby mountains in a misty haze…
The solstice and full moon have just been around,
and I wonder if this is part of their call…
Or is something else happening on Earth,
are we travelling into someplace unknown…
Moving and aligning into a different space,
where people laugh, create and feel joy…

But now I feel only sadness and loneliness,
caught up in old patterns of ‘small mindedness’…
Breathing in… acknowledging and embracing them all,
encouraging wounds to come home… as all is now well…
Distilling the essence of my experience in my soul,
and breathing out… releasing all that no longer serves me…

I feel the energy of lighter realms coming down to join me,
and see crystal lights shimmer and dance all around me…
I feel at peace, one with all… and know it is happening,
my dream is manifesting here in the physical…
My body consciousness ready for the new adventure,
exploring and discovering beyond all that is known…

©Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…  
