Guest Interview – Ormus

www.memymagnificentself.comMy guest today is Ormus, he is one of the main characters of my first book… Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom, shortly to be released. Both Ormus and myself are getting very excited to be able to share our amazing journey, not only is it about meeting extra-ordinary characters that I understand are all aspects of myself returning as new potential, but my experience awakening and integratiing with All of myself and being aware of the truth of my Magnificent and Sovereign Self.

Ormus, played quite a central character in my life and when I need to know anything about new energy dynamics, he’s the man who delves into the depths of me to retrieve information. Ormus was the one whose words I remember exploded my tiny mind into a multi-million fragments and gave way to a new grand perspective of an infinite expanding consciousness.

Ormus was born as a blue blob that fell from my paint brush when painting one of my healing cards in a creative painting workshop. He grew into an ancient elemental animal of great colour and beauty and had come to share with me the knowingness of The New Energy Consciousness that was now expanding within Mother Earth and each Humanbeing. As my perception grew, he took on a more Human look… and a little bit more.

So welcome Ormus, how are you feeling now that your message will shortly be read by so many people?

IAM so happy that everything is falling into place… you truly are doing your best to live according to your new role as DivineHumanBeing. Experiencing moments of worry is all part of remembering that going into mistrust and no flow creates in 3D reality… a few steps forwards and a few steps backwards… until the right time and space for your book comes and can unfold its own life in creation. I know it’s been difficult to trust this, but its important to remember there is always the perfect time and place for the people who are ready to be around you, so sit back and allow your Divine Self to bring it all into action. Your only job is to be aware of everything and allow life to unfold. 

Yes, the Human need to push and make effort has been unfortunately deeply embedded in my body and psyche which IAM now aware of and allow it to release itself. It is one of the hardest things to remember and change because of my need to organise, control and save the day. It’s the old pattern of survival wanting to play out instead of allowing myself and life to thrive and my creations to flow into my reality.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Let go and let GOD… this is one of the biggest truths…especially now that you understand that you are GOD too, Barbara.

So, Ormus, without spilling the beans, so to speak… could you say something about the core of your message in the book, the truth that is important for me and all Humankind to remember.

Life is all about consciousness. The Magnificent Consciousness that you and All life is. Look around you, everything is here to serve you, it’s one large field of potential waiting to give you exactly what you want to experience… So what do you want to experience? Be clear with your intention, the intention of your DivineHuman self who holds the grand vision of a peaceful and loving New Earth. How are you going to fulfil your new role for yourself?

I recently painted another SoulArt painting with the full moon emanating masses of colourful energy onto Mother Earth, encouraging my friends and I to dance and sing in its light and just feel glad to be alive and full of love and knowingness of how life all truly works.

…and as you paint, your passion creates your reality and you begin to feel the pure love, joy and freedom that you choose to experience. Life is so simple, it is all here… awaiting YOU.

Thank you so much Ormus for coming into the spotlight today. I do know you love standing in the light and expressing yourself… something I know you are helping me get used to. We are now 3 weeks until the release of our book, lots of media attention, interviews and talking about The Magnificent Consciousness and the Journey to Freedom that is calling for us all to choose.

Call to Action…
One of my friends gave me a wonderful idea to help create awareness for my book release and that is from November 1st untiI 14th to ask my fellow writing friends to write/blog/publish each day interviews and reviews about me and my book.  This means some special people get to read my book NOW… So IAM asking who would like to help me create a big buzz. Please let me know, either in the comments or send me an email to and lets make it happen. Thank you so much.

November Author Interview/Book Review
Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom

By Barbara Franken

1   Author Interview from Jacqui
2   Book Review by Sara
3   Book Review by Sarah
4   Interview by Spain Buddy
5   Book Review by Eunice
6   Book Review by Richard
7   Book Review by Rashpal
11 Book Review by Leigh
14 Author Interview from Linda

Until soon again, take care and keep enjoying life… no matter what is happening.
Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

How well AM I loving myself this Summer… Part II

Vineyards in Verzenay… Barbara Franken Photography

Finally we were driving along the outskirts of Reims towards the village of Verzenay, seeing the horizon filled with vineyards and we knew we were almost there. It had been a long but beautiful day driving, the sun shining strongly, turning the heads of the sunflowers that filled both sides of the motorway.  Now all we could see were rows and rows of vineyards in this special part of the world that is famous for making champagne. We had arrived at no 6 Rue Venve Pommery, Verzenay… at the Champagne establishment of Emmanuel Pithois.

Champagne Emmanuel Pithois, Verzenay… Barbara Franken Photography

A lovely french lady, Catherine was waiting outside to greet us, guiding us through her gates and into the parking at the back of their home. She had a lovely smile and manner and spoke wonderful English and kissed us a lot. We grabbed out bags and followed her into her home, passing delicious aromas that hung in the air as we climbed the stairs to be shown our grand bedroom… fit for a king and queen. She asked us if it was possible to meet her downstairs in 15 mins to begin the tour of her husbands champagne cellars before we began the tasting, followed by a meal that she had prepared for us.

Nothing but the best bottle of Champagne they produce… Barbara Franken Photography

We were welcomed into a beautiful sitting and dining room, that was ours to use for our stay. The decorations were just wonderful, I heard later it was Catherine’s passion and part of her enjoyment running their family bed and breakfast/champagne business. We sat down, quite weary and hungry, so the display of freshly baked savoury pastries were a delight and went down a treat with the bottle of champagne that kept being poured. Cheers… Sante… We chatted nicely for about an hour before Catherine said the dinner was ready to be served.

A Delicious dinner at La Maison Des Vignes… Barbara Franken Photography

We enjoyed a starter of goats cheese and figs on homemade olive bread with a glass of sweet champagne followed by a delightful plate of salmon and sauteered vegetables and a bottle of red wine, a refreshing lemon sorbet as a palette cleanser and finishing with fruit ice-cream cocktail with a champagne liquor… my mouth is watering again as I remember this evening… but boy were we tired, a little tipsy… and ready for bed.

Bouquet of flowers

A welcome bouquet of flowers… Barbara Franken Photography

A room fit for a King and Queen… Barbara Franken Photography

It was a delightful evening and we had a good night sleep… sleeping a little later on our day off, going down for breakfast for 9.30am. Breakfast was another wonderful experience here, I do love it when someone goes all out with their passion, you can feel it in the air and in the food… and Catherine’s food was no exception.

French Breakfast… Barbara Franken Photography

Such nice displays… Barbara Franken Photography

We decided to go into Reims and take a look at this royal city that we’d heard so much about. Apparently many french royalty were crowned in the Notre-Dame Cathedral, following Hugh Capet who was crowned King of France in 987 and began the tradition of serving the local wine, a pale pinkish Pinot noir at the coronation banquets which helped grow the reputation of the regions wine and later Champagne. History of Champagne, wikipedia.

Notre-Dame Cathedral, Reims

Notre-Dame Cathedral, Reims… Barbara Franken Photography

The Cathedral was quite stunning from the outside, they had begun the restoration on the outside as it was looking a little dark and with the clouds descending upon the city it felt as if we had arrived in a dark part of the world. We stepped inside to take a peek and saw the magnificent stained glass windows at one end of the Cathedral… I personally love Chargall’s dreamy artwork and found his window quite breathtaking and brought a spirit of lightness to the heaviness I always feel in places like this.

Chargall’s Stain-glass window Reims Cathedral… Barbara Franken Photography

We began to walk through the streets of Reims, to see the sights, feel the atmosphere and find a nice place to have a little lunch. The buildings were indeed grand and elegant, fit for a king and queen… but the more I walked amongst the buildings and conversed with a variety of people… I began to feel quite intimidated.

It had begun to rain so we looked for somewhere to have a nice lunch before returning for a quiet relaxing afternoon. We had hoped for an afternoon in their beautiful garden by the pool, but the rain was here to stay for the day. So a good opportunity to relax in our bedroom and I take myself on an inner journey, breathing consciously in and out.

I knew these feelings of intimidation weren’t mine and remembered feeling a similar way in the old city of Valencia the other day. I was beginning to realise these feeling belonged to all the people who were oppressed so long ago by the higher patriarchy and the fear had become trapped in the buildings and in our bodies until this day. Maybe this is why a lot of people, seem at times to be arrogant or lost as we literally take on the past feelings of all our ancestors as our own.

We carry the fear around with us, until we realise it isn’t our fear and become aware of how the higher patriarchy today continue to use us, feeding us with mis-information and playing-out their latest mind games through the media and digital electronics to control the mass… and want nothing more than the fear to be our end.

How does it make you feel when I mention that 1% of the population controls the rest?

My summer holiday was becoming a real reminder for me to question deep within myself just how much I loved myself… because I knew that one can’t truly love Self and remain in fear at the same time. Did I still have ancestral fears lurking so deep within that were now ready to be welcomed home by me… before their ultimate release?

Breathing deeply and calmly… in and out… I chose to allow fears that were ready for release to come back to the physical moment, to be embraced for the truth that they are. They were nothing to do with me, I was my own magnificent sovereign self whose essence is pure LOVE… everything that no longer served me could now be released.

There was no sign of Catherine or Emmanuel, so as the rain had stopped we went for a walk around the town, but didn’t come across any bars, cafes or restaurants so as it was time for a drink and nibble we decided to get in the car and return to Reims to find a restaurant for an early dinner.

Next morning we were up early to take the next leg of our journey to Holland, unfortunately Catherine thought we wanted breakfast at 9.30am again so we were waiting quite a long time before we could eat to our hearts content before heading off.

Holland wasn’t so far, a few hours drive from the mountainous regions of Spain and France, descending upon the green flat lands… I knew this country well and became quite excited driving through. Unfortunately the weather was dull and wet (the main reason why we had left Holland all those years ago) but seeing the cyclists, windmills, houses and the lush nature reminded me of the many years I had enjoyed living in Holland. Holland greeted me with an overwhelming feeling of coming home.

Dutch Windmill… Barbara Franken Photography…

Over the years the energy of Holland has become more and more dense as fear grew amongst the people as they became less certain what the future held. I feel into the energy of the land each time I visit… this time was maybe a fraction better, but life was quickly changing now, old systems and ways no longer worked and were becoming obsolete, leaving people to try and discover what worked for them. I could only hope that more and more people became more aware, like myself and make the choice to love themself totally and expand their imagination beyond and begin creating the life they are passionate about.

Holland was no exception and I felt If any country could lead the way to living a peaceful and harmonic life, I would put my bets on Holland. So IAM patience and remain observing in interest.

In 2012 I wrote a blog post about how I felt the need for people to begin Choosing Love vs Fear… Blog Post Jan 2012… Now 3 years later it is urgent, we have to release our fears… My book, Me My Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom, due for release soon, shares my amazing journey of how I discovered LOVE , TRUST and UNDERSTANDING and was able to release my fears.

Part III of my story will share more of my time in Holland and our wonderful stay in England, attending the fairytale wedding of my little sister.

Take care and ask yourself, how well are you loving yourself… As we can only truly love ourself if our mind is at peace and we have nothing to worry or fear.

Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness. 

Who Am I if not the reflection of JOY, LOVE and BEAUTY in the world…


Taking my daily morning walks along the ocean coast brings me into a special space… deep within my being… where I feel truly part of the natural world. With my conscious breath I breathe in the magnificent joy, love and beauty I see and feel all around me and know… this is who I AM.. IAM the reflection of my Environment… IAM my Environment.

For a long time now, I have carried in my heart and soul the grandest dream of bringing my Divine self into my physical Human reality… to allow my Divine self to shine through my Humanness and be able to experience the simple, sensual and passionate presence of life itself.

It is with this attitude of being joy, love and beauty that I live my life and I see that it is bringing in or attracting more of it into my life. Lately I have connected with lots of local  magnificent women here on the Costa del Sol… thanks to the online group Costa Women. Together we enjoy a great social and business life (the latter if applicable). I have a feeling that IAM not the only one that knows that it is up to each and every one of us to be in action and be responsible for creating our own life. I feel quite blessed at meeting such lovely women lately. Thankyou Costa Women.

costa women, Benalmadena

Torremolinos/Benalmadena Magnificent Costa Women

costa women Malaga

Malaga Magnificient Costa Women

Quite recently I have accepted a 30 day challenge as part of my PR campaign for the summer launch of my book… Your Magnificent Self.. A Journey to Freedom that is  inspiring me to be my very best self in the blogging world and learning so much about marketing. Please check it out… you never know if might help inspire you too.

So here’s to more and more of us reflecting the joy, love and beauty of our Environment and being the loving DivineHuman Beings we all truly are.

Have a great day, evening and until tomorrow… I wonder how IAM going to be inspired tomorrow…

Barbara Franken… Divine Master Creator…
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

True Love is… To truly LOVE yourself

truelove copy

It is not as harsh as it has been because IAM a bit more used to not always looking so ‘perfect’ (he he, ha ha…) and I have released and transformed lots of things since 2 years ago when I went through quite an intense time with myself… I’ve copied here below what I wrote because it is good to remember.

My friend Cindy at blue butterflies has a retro challenge that inspired me to bring back some dirty washing and see if its clean yet…

Well it’s nearly clean and I’m proud of myself for continuing to work on myself… for me the answer is True Love and loving yourself truly, no matter what. When IAM in this position of loving myself I no longer need to look outside of myself for answers or recognition and permission to just be myself however IAM in each moment.

Thank you Cindy, IAM having my Dad here for a week and going to enjoy doing tourist things… in between my 30 day blogging challenge that I have began as part of my PR campaign for the launch of my book… Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom…

Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom

Written April 2013..

IAM LOVE…This last month has been really heavy for me… I feel the energies have intensified so much these past few weeks, vibrating at a very fast and high frequency… not only coming from the cosmos but also from the centre of the earth… like hot flames burning away all my yesterdays that no longer support me… my old ways, memories, habits, addictions, patterns etc… until IAM left with only a peaceful and solid sense of pure love, joy and light… As I wrote in a recent blog post, it’s taken a toll on my face.. there is no getting away from it… and it continues to flake, peeling all the layers of yesterday off… I feel like a snake shredding its skin.. going into another phase in life… So I do know it’s important for me to stay relaxed and peaceful and focus on healing and balancing my body consciousness. (body, mind and spirit)..

Last friday/saturday i ‘went into’ drama and started feeling sorry for myself, being the poor me and victim… that nothing works etc… and what happened… my face followed my thoughts and beliefs and I took a step back in my healing and my face became inflamed again… It was a way of reminding myself that I was not truly loving myself, not trusting myself to heal and knowing that IAM a magnificent light being in a physical body rebalancing my body consciousness… I knew I had to stay away from outside stress, to drink plenty of water, eat a little of good things I liked and to leave off the wine for a while.

So I thank myself for this test, although I failed, I will remember to focus on wholeness, on my truth, on my magnificence… instead of buying into the fear and victimhood…

I know that IAM not the only one going through this great shift of energy… we are all being confronted with our fears and having the chance now to release them and integrate fully with our soul, our IAM presence, our magnificent self… No-one else can help us, each one of us has our own unique wisdom inside of us to guide us home… guide us to be who we truly are… DivineHuman Beings…

It is up to ourself to make sure that our body, mind and spirit is healthy and vibrant so that we can totally care for our self first, our home, our relationship, our family and business… We have to stand up for ourself, find time to recharge our batteries, write everything down (because everyones memory is being rewired right now) so we remember everything important and make sure that we eat well, drink well and sleep well… We are the one that is responsible for everything in our life, everything that happens… and are the only one who can HELP OURSELF…

Know that YOU are made up of LOVE itself… no more searching… everything is right under your nose… Now is the time to allow yourself to shine, to sleep, to set boundaries at home and work… to say NO when things don’t work for you at that moment… to take charge of yourself, your life by focusing on creating your desires and be in JOY…

Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness


Humankind stand together in the name of LOVE… Sept 11th at 11am all over the world


It is a long and humid summer here in Florida and in-between short bursts of activity I have time to observe my interaction in life, ponder on what’s happening in the world and take care of myself, my family and my book (IAM editing it now). Tomorrow September 11th is a day many people will be remembering the horrendous terror that happened in New York 2001, the violence and murder all over the world and the fear of escalating terror that is happening now.

When someone knows they can no longer win, their determination increases to fight their last mightly fight.

That is what is happening now, the fight of all fights and it is essential that everyone understands this… THEY CANNOT WIN.  You ask why not?  Because the majority of humankind have already chosen the side of LOVE and GOODNESS and tippled the scales to our favour.  I know this for sure and I FEAR not.  IAM deeply connected to my core, to my soul and know I will be in the most perfect place always, no matter what happens to me.  I do not allow others to dominate and control me by FEAR and I will continue to radiate my love and light out into the world, shining my light onto all darkness and fear.  IAM a loving creator.

It is now time to choose and act in the name of LOVE and not FEAR, to trust our most magnificent and authentically powerful self.

One person who reflects their pure love is powerful and can create waves of change. Many people standing together in the name of LOVE can create enormous waves of change.

Let’s together change the headlines of all the newspapers and the speeches of all our leaders on Sept 11th at 11am all over the world.

Humankind stand together in the name of LOVE…
Remembering fellow mankind who have died and wonder how many more may be necessary… but they have NO FEAR and stand strong together in the name of LOVE. Their focus is on the creation of a most peaceful, cooperative and loving world in which to live in abundant joy, health and wealth.  Fear, manipulation, greed and control is no longer tolerated nor welcome in their life.


and so it is… Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

Project Peace Mural…

Creating a World of Love, Joy and Harmony…


By The Circle of Potential…
Anna-Marie, Barbara, Gill, Julia, Mary and Wendy…
Mazarron, Murica, Spain 

‘Project Peace Mural visualises our feelings of what it takes
to create a world of love, peace and community…’

Our wonderful Peace Mural is exhibited at…
Restaurant Chez Zoe, Paseo Rihuete,
Puerto De Mazarron, Murica, Spain



Sensing the Natural Order, Cycles & Beauty of Mother Earth…

 poster1Can you imagine a world where humankind awakens to sense…

 …The beauty and sacredness of the natural world
…The natural order and perfection of all life
…The positive and negative that make up the whole
…The natural cycles of birth and death
…The underlying ENERGY that is the foundation of all life
…The interconnection, interdependence & uniqueness within the oneness
…The unique and magnificent part humans play in life


Individual Awakening of Who We Truly Are

poster2Can you imagine a world where each individual…

…Knows that everything begins and ends with her/himself
…Makes peace with all parts of themself
…Loves themself completely and unconditionally
…Dares to live their grandest dream
…Is the change they want to see in the world
…Expands beyond the physical body and mind
…Becomes one with their soul & spiritual essence
…Realises freedom and embraces all of life



We are Creators of our reality… Creating our Hearts Desire… Living in Cooperation, Peace, Joy & Harmony with ALL

poster3Can you imagine a world full of DivineHumanBeings…

…Knowing of their true magnificence and sovereign IAM self
…Living a sensual life of ease and grace
…Living with clarity and knowingness
…Being free to express and create their heart & soul’s desire
…Honouring the reverence of all life
…Living in harmonious cooperation with others
…Allowing a new crystalline physical body to be birthed… here on earth


Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

A local school in Mazarron, children of the ages 8-11 have also created their vision and words of a peaceful world… to be added here (I have created a Project Peace Mural page), at a later date and will be exhibited together with the above at the local town hall during the Autumn 2014…

How about getting together with a group of friends and creating your vision of a peaceful world and exhibiting it locally for all to be inspired…

I have no doubt that together we will create a world of love, peace and community…

Barbara Franken…

Freedom Is… IAM Magnificent…


Freedom Is

 Freedom Is…

Living innocently like a child
Living in the unknown
No Fear
Jumping for Joy
Playing ‘Make-Believe’
Creating New
Always Moving On
No Limitations
Only Feeling…


IAM Magnificent…

IAM Beautiful
IAM Passionate
IAM Love
IAM Life
IAM Conscious
IAM Awake
IAM Observing

                                     Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…


Enjoy this Spring Equinox… 21-03-14



Days around the Spring Equinox is a great opportunity to take some ‘me-time’, to sit and relax or walk in nature and consciously breathe…

Breathing in the balanced cleansing energies of this time…

Opening and expanding yourself… feeling into the energies… Being aware of outside triggers and thoughts that question your boundaries… Allow your conscious breath to move through and release stuck energy that remain lodged in your body consciousness (body, mind & spirit)…

Feel cleansed and light… Know that you are a magnificent DivineHumanBeing… Creator of your destiny…

Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

Happiness Is…


Happiness is....

Happiness Is…

*Breathing consciously in the present moment… rather than thinking about the past or future

*Trusting your body consciousness completely… rather than doubting yourself

*Knowing you are magnificent and authentically powerful… rather than a nobody struggling to become somebody

*Knowing that you hold all your own answers… rather than relying on the knowledge of others

*Feeling the passion and excitement flowing through your body consciousness… rather than feeling numb

*Choosing to LOVE yourself first and radiate LOVE out to others… rather than believing you are not worthy of love

*Choosing to create your reality and destiny… rather than being a victim of life

Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness &