2014-2015 Lunar Eclipse Cycle… A Time to be Truly Balanced…

September 22 and 23, 2014 we have celebrated the Autumn Equinox. It was and still remains the perfect opportunity for us to make sure we are balanced, putting ourself first, prioritising things that are important to us. Releasing everything that no longer serves us. Walking away from situations that do not resonate with our heart and preparing ourself for an ‘upbeat’ time where life and our physical body might seem to be having a break down… but understand it is all part of a natural cycle, to allow Humankind to choose to raise its own unique vibration and live as magnificent and loving beings we truly are.

October 7 and 8, 2014 is the 2nd full Lunar Eclipse of a 4 consecutive cycle of blood moons, that I wrote about in this post IAM reblogging. Life is going to heat up even more from now on… our body and life as we have known it for so long, is being shaken up to make sure we release everything that no longer serves us. So please be aware of this turmoil time that we have to go through and stay calmly centred with your IAM presence, breathing consciously and deeply, listening to what is in your best interest to do and follow through. Listen to your heart and not your mind and trust that you are in the perfect place at the most perfect time. Don’t allow yourself to step into the fear… Trust that everything is perfectly well in all of creation. Take care of yourself… Barbara x

Me, My Magnificent Self

Unknown-1For a few years now we are observing the world around us literary ‘heating up’ and expanding, as high intensity solar activity and photon energy (the latter being a magnetic flow of light on the galactic plane, along the Milky Way where there is a great concentration of stars that give birth to ‘photon light particles’) influences the magnetics and core make-up of Mother Earth and all of Humanity.


It is a natural galactic cycle bringing in new energies to expand and transform our old 3 Dimensional World of Duality, Fear, Limitation and Separation… to a Multi Dimensional World of Unity, Compassion, Cooperation and Authentic Power…

We observe our weather patterns changing, the uprising of people under dictatorship, the power and greed of governments no longer being tolerated, the foundations of our financial, economic, religious, spiritual and education systems wobbling, unbalanced relationships exploding and the limited and ego-minded physical body and mind becoming sick.


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Humankind stand together in the name of LOVE… Sept 11th at 11am all over the world


It is a long and humid summer here in Florida and in-between short bursts of activity I have time to observe my interaction in life, ponder on what’s happening in the world and take care of myself, my family and my book (IAM editing it now). Tomorrow September 11th is a day many people will be remembering the horrendous terror that happened in New York 2001, the violence and murder all over the world and the fear of escalating terror that is happening now.

When someone knows they can no longer win, their determination increases to fight their last mightly fight.

That is what is happening now, the fight of all fights and it is essential that everyone understands this… THEY CANNOT WIN.  You ask why not?  Because the majority of humankind have already chosen the side of LOVE and GOODNESS and tippled the scales to our favour.  I know this for sure and I FEAR not.  IAM deeply connected to my core, to my soul and know I will be in the most perfect place always, no matter what happens to me.  I do not allow others to dominate and control me by FEAR and I will continue to radiate my love and light out into the world, shining my light onto all darkness and fear.  IAM a loving creator.

It is now time to choose and act in the name of LOVE and not FEAR, to trust our most magnificent and authentically powerful self.

One person who reflects their pure love is powerful and can create waves of change. Many people standing together in the name of LOVE can create enormous waves of change.

Let’s together change the headlines of all the newspapers and the speeches of all our leaders on Sept 11th at 11am all over the world.

Humankind stand together in the name of LOVE…
Remembering fellow mankind who have died and wonder how many more may be necessary… but they have NO FEAR and stand strong together in the name of LOVE. Their focus is on the creation of a most peaceful, cooperative and loving world in which to live in abundant joy, health and wealth.  Fear, manipulation, greed and control is no longer tolerated nor welcome in their life.


and so it is… Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

IAM having the most beautiful love affair… with myself

images-11For generations now we have played with and carried down the beliefs and patterns of our ancestral biology… living the best and the worse of times… we have become ill, died young, grown old and afraid with nothing but weary and painful bodies and minds to show for our self and our life…

But… what if…  YOU discovered YOU were all powerful and could change all this… by having a most wonderful love affair with yourself…

Do I sense your heart and soul stirring. Can I hear your mind wondering if there really is a way for the body and mind to be vibrant, healthy and rejuvenated… and only choose to die when you feel you have experienced enough.

This is actually happening quite naturally now… Earth and all her inhabitants are taking on a new crystalline biology… We are integrating with our true divine self… our light body and mind are melding together with our human physical body and mind… Humankind is taking a quantum leap into a pure crystalline vibration.

An ‘Earth Vortex Art Mandala’ by Barbara Franken, Mazarron Country Club…
I collected the rocks during the past 7 years… for the last 4 years they have been turning crystalline in form… showing us what is indeed happening at a molecule level…

When we remain unaware, unconscious of this magnificent happening, we will not only miss out on the best celebration party ever, but our physical body that is releasing old ancestral patterns and beliefs will feel even more tired, old and painful, and our mind if not already depressed will retire into oblivion… and find ourself departing this physical reality in a painful way… (We have to understand that this is purely because we have focused all our attention on our suffering and pain that has only magnified our being).

So if you find your heart resonating will these words and would like to be part of this grand happening… that has never been done before… with no rules and guidelines… no spirits, ascended masters, teachers or gurus to tell you how, when and where…


I ask you now to take some deep and conscious breaths, to the depth of your being… allowing the conscious breath to take you out of your mind… your thoughts, your memories and what you have to do next…

A deep breath in, pushing your tummy out as you receive your life force energy inside your physical body and mind and a noisy exhale as you release everything that no longer serves you…

Deep breaths in and out, as you allow yourself to receive so much love… are you willing to receive… receive the love that is all around you and deep within you… breathing it all in, filling you completely… allowing your body to become a flowing river of pure love…

Feeling the energy vibrate within you, as you imagine your divine light self merging with your physical self… Feel the grand love affair, the intertwining of the divine and human energies and through this union you release all that ever was, all that you ever were and give birth to a new light biology… A body that rejuvenates, vibrates health, wisdom and is self sustained…

Breathing in and out… deeper and deeper into the core of you… receiving… receiving… feeling yourself melting deeper into your body… the sweet body that you created as the home of soul… the miracle of you… the love affair… of the soul and the human… the true light body and mind absorbing the physical miracle of you… YES… All you have to do is breathe… allow yourself to receive so much love and joy…


The pressure is on, the body is feeling the tremendous energies that are coming into the Earth and humankind now, excruciating pains and emotions that make you want to shut down and stop breathing… but its important to breathe and drink deeply from this beautiful energy…

Allow yourself to feel it and know that it is here to serve you… Energy itself has no agenda, no mind or direction… With the conscious breath and no fear, allow the energy to serve you. Allow your life force energy to serve what you choose for yourself now… (Be clear and stand in your authority as to what you desire in your life) and a funny thing will happen… you’ll notice that breathing in without any fear, control or restriction… won’t hurt anymore… it’s no longer painful… your thoughts and emotions don’t become more complex… your physical body doesn’t hurt…

When you stay in fear, in control, in resistance and hold back… the energies can only hurt your physical, mental and emotional body… because again that is what your human mind is paying attention to…

Allow yourself to trust and open up to something new… having no fear, no control… just the conscious breath of allowing something different, something great to come about…

When you practice the conscious breath, going beyond your mind, you will begin to feel and connect with your divine self that has always been there, waiting for your attention… Allow your divine self to be your guide, where all the answers to your questions are answered and will prompt you as to just how and when to take the next step… but in the meanwhile… feel the love, be joyful in each new day and embrace all of yourself…

Barbara Franken…  Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…


Ormus… Showing me how we must breathe in the new energies now…

P.S. We are here in Benalmadena… it is truly great… we feel right at home and slowly settling in, finding everything a new place (so many things collected over the years)… but no tv or internet yet… so please bare with me as IAM not reading or posting much… I will return though… and in the meantime IAM breathing the conscious breath, IAM painting… IAM golfing… IAM dancing and singing in joy… IAM finishing my book… and AM with you all in spirit…

This post was written after I have been very busy packing, moving, unpacking and my body started hurting bad again… I had forgotten my conscious breath… and after reading Adamus’s channel last Saturday I was inspired to write this post. (www.crimsoncircle.com) Adamus mentioned the cardinal grand cross, the astrological event happening between April 22 – May 10 2014 that is indeed influencing life on Earth… and my divine sister Linda wrote a lovely piece about it all this last April… http://lindalitebeing.wordpress.com/2014/04/14/these-are-the-best-and-worst-of-times-april-2014-cardinal-grand-cross/   So please take good care of yourself and until next time I have internet… Barbara x


Freedom Is… IAM Magnificent…


Freedom Is

 Freedom Is…

Living innocently like a child
Living in the unknown
No Fear
Jumping for Joy
Playing ‘Make-Believe’
Creating New
Always Moving On
No Limitations
Only Feeling…


IAM Magnificent…

IAM Beautiful
IAM Passionate
IAM Love
IAM Life
IAM Conscious
IAM Awake
IAM Observing

                                     Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…