Project O… The importance of having an opinion…

Unknown          youropinion

Opinionated man is running Project O to raise awareness about the importance of having an opinion… For the last two days I have been looking into the depths of my being and have written my answers… of course my friends here will know what type of answers you’ll see… They came from the heart anyway… and if you want to submit answers too… there is still time…   Template here…

My Answers…

Name: Barbara Franken







Question 1: Please provide a window into who you are, some background information in a not too overwhelming profile here. I am allowing you as the writer to immediately connect with your audience so take advantage. Remember the point of ordering these questions is to arrange this project so it is easy for comparison and not to constrain you as the writer. Write as long as you need to for each question to get your point across just remember not to lose the reader.

IAM Barbara Franken, a 50+ English female… I left my Derbyshire family home to travel Europe at 18 with the question WHO AM I…  I eventually settled down in The Netherlands, making it my family home for the next 25 years with my husband Tom and stepchildren Juliette and Richard.  Tom and I planned an early retirement and moved to our new home in Southern Spain, on the Costa Calida 7 years ago.  We have a great relaxing life that we both enjoy… away from the busy and fast ‘western’ life… We visit our children, who live in Florida and St Maarten during our winter months, making sure we have sunshine all year round…

During my ‘Dutch’ experience, living in an open, free and friendly society, as opposed to the stiff upper lip attitude and narrow mindedness of Britain, I found the answer to my question of WHO AM I…

IAM a DivineHuman Being, teacher and explorer… who inspires conscious living in the New Energy Consciousness…  I share my hearts desire, experience, observations, discoveries and insights as more and more people are naturally awakening to their divinity and creator self…

Can you imagine living in a world full of JOY, COLOUR and HAPPINESS?


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As I awaken the whole world awakens…


As I clean myself… the whole world is cleaned…

As IAM sorry, I surrender… the whole world is sorry and surrenders…

As I forgive myself… the whole world is forgiven…

As I love myself… the whole world is loved…

As I thank myself… the whole world is thankful…

As I relax, the whole world relaxes…

As I awaken the whole world awakens…


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Aquarian Full Moon… August 21, 2013


I’ve been watching the full moon for the last couple of days… coming into completion and feeling into the energies… The air feels laden with infinite possibilities… The light of the full moon is shining brightly on all fears and frustrations, allowing them to be clear to us…

It is time for freedom, if we choose it… time to release everything that no longer serves us…  time to choose space for self, time to be at ease with self and allow our heart and soul desires to be clear and invite them to come into our physical reality….

I found some great ‘full moon’ posts from fellow word press bloggers which are worth reading… for more in depth info… Enjoy… Meanwhile I’m doing a lot of feeling and will be writing more in a few days…

Taking Care of Self and being Happy…

Happiness is in your hands...

Early this morning I took my daily conscious deep breaths and was thankful for another wonderful day in which to enjoy… before springing out of bed, putting on my shorts and top and went for my daily 1/2 hour walk (too hot for my normal gentle jogging).  On my return, after a delicious breakfast and 2 cups of ‘english tea’, I opened up my book of ‘laughter quotes’ for a morning giggle… I started collecting the quotes earlier this year when I realised that I was getting too serious…   and needed to laugh more on a daily basis… Continue reading

Balancing the Feminine and Masculine Energies…


Rivers of divine feminine energy flow in abundance on the physical world now… Earth and Human kind have called this forth… feeling the urge to balance the masculine and feminine energies and bring about a new and creative dance of DivineHuman potential…

The Masculine Energy is a very powerful fire energy that builds, creates and manifests our hearts desire in the physical…  but we have allowed it to strengthen the human identity and ego in ways that have led to domination and the destruction of each other…

The Feminine Energy is a very powerful water energy that flows, heals and loves… it perceives the unmanifested forms and realms and is connected to the vital source that is pure being and all knowing…  of which most of us have long forgotten…

Yes… IAM awakening, remembering my true authentic power… IAM indeed both the fire and water… IAM both halves… IAM wholeness itself…  The tide turns, my feminine energy brings forth love and transforms all the fear that I have instilled upon the world… Continue reading

Enjoying my food, wine and home…

A fish salsa delight

I love cooking, simple and tasteful dishes… Tonight’s delicious meal was made according to my friend Sindy’s recipe and blog post…
‘fish salsa tortillas’… except I added nectarines and fresh prawns I had lying around waiting to be included in this scrumptious meal… So thank you Sindy… It was delicious… (I just missed the margarita’s… will ask you for the recipe soon…) Continue reading

IAM Everything and Nothing…



IAM the space that has no words,

Just… observing the flutter of random thoughts…

IAM the presence of this moment,

Just… observing the extreme waves of energy around..

IAM the breath of life…

Just… observing the vibration of my body consciousness,

IAM the expansion,

Just… observing the exploration and discovery beyond,

IAM everything and nothing,

Just… observing myself as I feel all…

IAM the lazy one now,

Just… observing myself doing nothing for a while…

Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

Do GENES control my Destiny? and am I a VIOLENT animal?

I thought I would bring this post back up that I wrote last year…  Barbara

Me, My Magnificent Self


We reward disrespect and ignorance with so much money, praising ‘famous celebrities’ all in the presence of our children… who learn that this is normal and good behaviour.  We walk past people living in squalor, we are frightened of the impending terrorism from religious fanatics, we choose to vote for one of the political parties… knowing they are all as ego-minded and power hungry as the other and we educate our children and future medical professionals with ancient scientific theories…

Are we really so content and happy with how we live now?  Or is it that we feel there is no point in standing up for ourself and making the best of our life… because of all the limited beliefs we have taken on…  and hearing the continual sermon from the local church… that we are all born sinners and mere pawns under the thumb of GOD… so all good…

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