Oh my GOD… is it really happening… or is it more fear-mongering…


I’ve just been reading more… apparantly been going on for years….  now coming out into the open… People are getting chips put into their body… in the name of safety, security, for better organization and efficiency… Is it a new way to control the mass, now that the cardinals and royalty are no longer being listened too… or is it a very sick tactic of America’s opposition to create more FEAR… which in itself controls the mass…

Whichever is correct… both are …. oh I have no words to describe how I feel about this… But to say… Hello… are you in there… Knock… Knock… anyone home…. Please wake up and get real… Say No and get out there… and be the creator and sovereign being you truly are…

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Related articles….

The Transformation of Population Control

Just talking to others.. obviously i wouldn’t make such a great PI… but it is all a hoax… but let this be a warning to everyone…. as there are a lot of people who think this is a great idea….. watch this commercial…   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbIDwQJDDDo



For as long as I can remember, when I have caught glimpses on television or magazines of royalty… especially the royal family in Holland, England and Princess Grace of Monaco… I have felt overwhelmed and weepy… a powerful thudding around my heart space that I could never understand… but definitely felt and have questioned… What is this feeling… Until just this last week when I was watching the news and saw the coverage of Kate, William & George… I was so overcome with this grand feeling in my heart… I was overwhelmed… and tears filled my eyes… I felt so connected… so part of it all… I admired how this family asserted themselves… how they behaved with others and how people treated them…

There was so much honour, grace, recognition and kindness… smiles of joy on both sides…  It reminded me of last years Olympics and Queen Elizabeths Jubilee when everyone was celebrating and happy, years before when Alexander, the King of Holland found his Maxima and had their family… and they empowered the whole country with their love and extra-ordinariness… and many years ago when Princess Diane got married, had her children and even later when she died so tragically…
Continue reading

Thankyou Martha…

A Thank You to Martha...

Martha and Everyone who appreciates ME…
IAM happy to be part of your blogging friendship…
Together we support one another…
Please understand that I choose not to partake in
giving and receiving awards… Thank You…
IAM Barbara x

My humanness hoped that one day one of my fellow bloggers would nominate me for an award too…  That would mean that someone, other than myself found the time to read my writing…  enjoy what they read and enjoyed being part of my life…

And… Martha came along and nominated me for my FIRST award… woow… and I feel so, so honoured…

But… after surfing WordPress, when I first began blogging and saw the TIME it must take up… away from ME… receiving and giving awards to fellow bloggers… I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t take TIME away, from my precious ‘ME TIME’…

…Being a bit of a rebel, IAM also not so good at following rules…

and last but by far not the least… I really hope that sooner rather than later, everyone will LOVE THEIR MAGNIFICENT SELF so much, that they give an award to themself… (not that I don’t love the initiative of flowing awards around WordPress to expand readership and friendship)… but it is important that we love ourself first and this is a great way to show this…

I therefore choose not to participate in receiving and giving awards… knowing my blogging friends will understand… and I will continue to be a loyal friend, reading with interest about our unique life experiences and teachings…

IAM honoured and THANKYOU Martha and Everyone who appreciates me…
The heart-work above is for YOU… from ME with gratitude and honour…



Time to make soulful choices…



Integration of the soul…
I was inspired to paint this colourful artwork early 2013…
IAM choosing to integrate my soul fully with my physical body & mind…
©Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

Nobody knows what is going to happen anymore… because nobody has been here before… It is therefore a great opportunity to make soulful choices and say YES… to CELEBRATING life, BEING in BALANCE and CREATING our own destiny… come what may!

The greatest shift in consciousness that humanity has ever been faced with, is now in full swing… issues and imbalances, from the earth and humanity… are all rising to the surface… to heal.  A NEW CONSCIOUSNESS is expanding across the globe and a tidal wave of NEW ENERGY is available around us…  Now is a good time to choose to invite our soul to join us here in this reality… to integrate with the ‘I AM’ body consciousness, to love OUR SELF totally, to live in playfulness and truly honor the human experience…

Remember… it’s up to each one of us to choose how we handle the intense incoming energies and life’s challenges… We can either choose to focus on Mr/Ms Amazing or a stormy atmosphere… as our choice will always attract a corresponding energy to support us…

Tips to help keep ourself in balance…


Allow the body to move freely in a way it feels good…
Drink lots of water…
Be with nature…
Breathe consciously and acknowledge the NOW moment…
Smile to self and to a stranger…

Evolution of Love...

Eruption of Love…
I was recently inspired to paint this colourful artwork…
IAM choosing for love to erupt everywhere in my life…
©Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

Conscious Talking


Conscious Talking

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone became conscious of what came out of their mouth…  Instead of pouring out complaints, judgements and hurtful gossip… was thankful for what they had in their life… or was at least responsible for it and if they didn’t like something… simply choose to experience something different…

Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

It’s going to be OK… but first welcome the chaos…


Sleepless nights, feeling exhausted, surrounded by agitated people… What on earth is happening?  Is the world and everyone going crazy?

The whole world certainly appears to be going through a chaotic time… old ways and old systems are failing, dictators are falling, jobs and relationships are changing, countries are uniting, old beliefs and thought patterns are being reconsidered…

Things are certainly stirring up inside us, we find our self looking at our lifes and insecurities and it feels like a good time for change, to be conscious of what we want in our life… what makes us smile with delight, dance for joy and sing out loud… and release everything that no longer serves us…

The Earth and Human being is moving on… we have created a new expanding consciousness that resonates with passion, peace, harmony, responsibility, creative impulse and new potentials… A new energy is coming in… in support of our new consciousness…  to bring us our hearts desires…
Are you awakening and creating space for new things and a new way of living?

Everyone that is not anchored into the peaceful space inside them, living passionately and creating their grandest heartfelt desire will indeed get caught up in the chaos and drama of not being good enough, not having enough, not being important and fear of losing it completely!

This chaotic time is a wakeup call for all who are listening!  Welcome it, knowing that you don’t have to be affected by it… know that it is part of the restructure of our world…  Choose to put yourself first, choose to clean up your act, choose to say goodbye to everything that no longer serves you and be a part of the new vision of a passionate, creative, peaceful and harmonious world…

Are you listening?  What are you choosing? 
©Barbara Franken.. Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

p.s.  It’s all going to be ok… just breathe, relax, allow your heart to open and your passion to create the dream you have always wanted!


The Wisdom of Golf… at La Manga…


The Wisdom of Golf... at La Manga...

What can I say… Enjoying golf with my husband of 15 years, celebrating our wedding anniversary, me and you together in a most beautiful part of Murcia, Spain… This is the life… Thankyou…

Let’s not compromise ourself…


When we compromise our own truth we walk in murky waters…

To meet another half way, understanding our different perceptions is a
little different than stepping away from our own core truth in search
of recognition, approval or power…

If you need help… ask, be clear about your situation and if you are
confused say so…
  Take it easy on yourself…

©Barbara Franken…Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

What do we really want?


One big question that we all share at some point in our life is ‘what do we really want?’ and I’m sure you’ll agree that we want security, love, health, abundance, money, more sleep, joy and happiness… but this leads to another question, ‘who’s going to give us this?’  and I’m sure that we all realise by now that no one can give us anything… unless we are willing to conform to their ideas and ways… So it just leaves our self!  ‘but how do we give our self these things?’  The human mind certainly hasn’t managed to come up with an answer yet… Continue reading

I feel the energy…

hazy mountains

I feel the energy thick like treacle in the air around me,
it covers the nearby mountains in a misty haze…
The solstice and full moon have just been around,
and I wonder if this is part of their call…
Or is something else happening on Earth,
are we travelling into someplace unknown…
Moving and aligning into a different space,
where people laugh, create and feel joy…

But now I feel only sadness and loneliness,
caught up in old patterns of ‘small mindedness’…
Breathing in… acknowledging and embracing them all,
encouraging wounds to come home… as all is now well…
Distilling the essence of my experience in my soul,
and breathing out… releasing all that no longer serves me…

I feel the energy of lighter realms coming down to join me,
and see crystal lights shimmer and dance all around me…
I feel at peace, one with all… and know it is happening,
my dream is manifesting here in the physical…
My body consciousness ready for the new adventure,
exploring and discovering beyond all that is known…

©Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…  
