Intuitive Painting… Celebrating YOU


Further to my post yesterday introducing you to Intuitive Painting as a way to spend some quiet Me-Time, I wanted to show you two very different pieces of SoulArt that I intuitively painted this year. I have explored SoulArt for many years now and still find it amazing how each painting uniquely expresses itself, depending on the question asked or the person focused on. Each painting has always expressed to me a celebration of a persons colour, quality and passion that lies within.

The question is does the person concerned show this celebration of colour, quality and passion in their physical reality… if not… can we allow it to be expressed now?

Not only does an intuitive painting speak volumes about the person concerned and  is unique… but it shows me just how different I paint each time. It’s as if the energy of the person concerned, comes through and paints the expression… through me.

I know that this is indeed what happens.  Beyond our dual and physical reality there is a reality where we are all interconnected and when we tap into this consciousness with a specific question or focus on a person… energy comes in and serves us.

SoulArtTom copy

I’ve always said it is very hard to explain what I do and how I teach without labelling and naming something and putting it into a box or pattern that only adds to the patterns and conditioning of our physical dual reality… rather than allowing us to be free to expand beyond our linear time and space. So I teach purely through example and through creative endeavours to the ones who know there is more and it is time for them to experience it for them self.

Intuitive Painting is a great way for us to tap into BEYOND… into CONSCIOUSNESS… to see and feel that we are part of something so much bigger than our Human self. We remember and awaken to who we truly are and ultimately celebrate our life. YES…

Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

We are all Creative loving Beings…


Believe it or not… we are all creative loving beings, at least by nature we are born this way. So how come we don’t seem to remember this… instead of creating our joys we act quite differently, pretending to be serious, sad, depressed, bored, in a rush, tired, limited,  etc… IAM sure you get my drift.

Whatever has happened in our individual lives that has caused us to act so differently from our innate creative and loving self… I have good news… it doesn’t matter and it can be changed. We can change how we respond to life… We can begin to be aware… We can begin to be inspired…  We can begin to imagine waking up each morning with an inner yearning to spend this new and exciting day spontaneously BEING our heartfelt joy and passion…  no matter what we have to accomplish this day? We can allow ourselves to joyfully say…

Today IAM singing out loud… Today IAM creating beauty in my garden… Today IAM preparing food… Today IAM painting my dream vision… Today IAM at peace… Today IAM writing a poem… Today IAM taking photographs… Today IAM cleaning… Today IAM going to act as if IAM rejuvenated. 

When we allow ourselves to be mindful of all our daily doings and beings…we become aware of our creative expression that is played out in each moment… and recognise it is our signature of who we truly are… a creative being… our Creator Self. Our physical body then naturally aligns with our hearts desire and  we experience the expression of our soul and Divine essence.

Maybe we can remember how we felt as children or have the urge now to let our hair down, to enjoy some ‘me time’… to laugh, to act, to play, to create, to explore, to scream out loud and to have fun.

We have indeed all been brought up to be responsible, mindful and serious, but can we remain true to our heart and soul too? Allowing ourselves to feel the rhythm of life, pulsating through us, connecting us to an all loving presence? Relaxing into our own innate passion and joy that flows through us and out into the world…  allowing us to act spontaneously in the moment how we feel and create our life we have always dreamed of?

Or are we going to allow our chattering mind and important ego identity or other peoples fear, negativity and jealous nature, take over our very being and just plod along on our journey following the rest of society?

We can choose to change our ways of being… as I wrote about in another post last year… otherwise the world will help us on our way. But it is easier to just breathe a while and become aware of the passion and joy that flows as a strong force within and allow the creative being we are to move with the rhythm of life… inspiring us.. to live our grandest dream and be the Grand Creator we truly are.

Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

25 years of LOVE and CANCUN… Mexico… Here we are again…


It felt as if Tom and I had stepped into a time warp… back to the early 90’s…

A wonderful breeze of hot mexican air… friendly smiling deep tanned ‘small folk’… palm trees swaying in a beautiful blue sky… stretches of ultra white glistening sand and turquoise seas… ocean waves lapping on the land, a heavenly feeling of Gaia’s gentle caress that touches the depth of your heart and soul that is connected to ALL… laughter and screams of joy from children and young adults as they jump the waves, splash in the pool and dance to the deep music vibrations in the local night clubs… lying on the beach soaking up the sun, drifting off to a place of enchantment and silence… resting the body and mind of the busyness of ‘normal’ life and allowing one’s spirit to come into the foreground and ignite inspiration and passion with a feeling of peace swaying in the background…


“What was it that brought us here year after year for 25 years… to enjoy this small piece of the world”… Tom asked…


This time warp that we had both slipped back into… so easily… connected us to the deep feeling, the joy and passion of life… that had, IAM SURE… spurred us on to settle in Mazarron Country Club 7 years ago… another unspoilt, tranquil and peaceful environment where we allowed ourself’s to connect deeply with ALL OF OURSELF… body, mind and spirit… we had learned to be at peace, to refuel, recharge and experience the nothingness in life… wherever we were…


But today… 7 years later… following the yearning of our hearts… we are back for a well deserved ‘Time Out’ before we move to our new home in Benalmadena, Costa del Sol…  There are more tall buildings, more people, traffic, shops, restaurants and hotels… but nothing could cover up the peaceful hum, the natural colours and shapes of Gaia’s presence here… Long ago we had both connected with the natural vibration of LOVE that is here… that brought us to the core of ourself… and will always remain special to us… Over the last 25 years we’ve shared this paradise with our family and friends… We joined together and committed ourself’s to each other, for better and worse here on our beach… on our rock…


Our Rock… We will respect and honour each other for eternity…


Our old apartment… Carisa Y Palma…

IMG_2117We feel truly home… a place to celebrate our love for ourself and each other… 25 years.. quite a milestone… Enjoy the photos… and here’s to new inspiration for the creation of another post from CANCUN, Mexico… Hasta Luego Amigo/a’s…



A quote that is engraved on a building here on the beach that we have always resonated with…  ‘Life is lost in dreaming… Dreaming is lost in Becoming…’  So let us live mindfully in each moment of our life and allow ourself to be our grandest heart and soul’s dream ever…

Barbara Franken… Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…


p.s.  Please share our Free E Book that can be downloaded from here and my home page on the side bar… ‘A selection of true awakening experiences’… to inspire more and more hearts to allow their natural awakening… that is happening now…


My PASSION is my TrIumph…


A couple of weeks of awe, inspiration, achievement, reaching beyond, legendary, teamwork, emotion, tears, pure joy, personal bests and so much more than the world has seen in many years…

Is this a turning point, not only for Britain, but for the whole world?  Coming together, standing side by side with fellow sportsmen and women to celebrate individual and team performance of going beyond… Being the most magnificent and unique performer at ‘The Olympic Games’  you can be… Picking up the bronze, Silver and Gold medals as a bonus… a THANK YOU from the rest of the world for your outstanding, confident, legendary and inspiring performance… Continue reading