How well AM I loving myself this summer… Part I

The Caro Hotel, Valencia… Barbara Franken Photography

Our summer adventure was upon us, we were off on our first long car journey since the arrival of our new red Range Rover Evoque. We had planned our 3 week driving holiday a year before, booking hotels, boat & tunnel crossings and arranged to meet up with our family and friends in Holland and England. It was going to be some good Tom & Barbara-time enjoying ourselves around Europe… and finding out just how the summer loves me.

The first stage of our journey was through Southern Spain… Malaga to Valencia… we stopped off in Mazarron to see my friend Wendy who had taken over the management of my Rental business as I wanted to make sure everything was ok and in place for the high season. We drove on through the lovely mountainous landscape of south east Valencia, staying overnight in the Caro Hotel, right in the heart of the big city. We arrived early enough to admire this restored 19th century palace with features dating back to ancient times, of which one was an old mosaic that had come to light and afterwards took a walk around the beautiful old city of Valencia which was conveniently around the corner.

The Old City of Valencia… Barbara Franken Photography

The heart of the old city has been wonderfully preserved with old and modern buildings intertwined, lovely chic restaurants and boutique style shops filled with unique creations. The city felt quiet yet alive from both the present day and the past.

We sat down on a square and had a lovely lunch and I allowed myself to sink into the energy of this old enchanting place. I’d never been here before but I felt as if I was being welcomed home and loved by an old friend, a strange feeling, until I remembered my summer challenge I’d given myself… to observe and feel into how well IAM loving myself.

Water Fountain in Valencia Old City… Barbara Franken Photography

I felt honour, nobility and loving hearts of the people who had created and built these magnificent buildings.. so long ago in the Golden Years of Europe… I felt love and joy that is time-less and is a part of me today and can only be thankful that these people reflected their grandness into the environment for others to enjoy for many years to come. I imagined the rich and nobel people enjoying their life here, dressing up and partying, but having no concern for the people who served them… the people who were poor because they were taxed on their work in order to pay for their grand life.

I felt a mixture of feelings, a strong feeling of love and joy but also a deep sense of sorrow and injustice… which I know has never really left the Spanish people or their magnificent Environment. Today its only been 35 years since their independence from the Franco dictatorship. A young and blooming country with much potential. I just hoped they could find it.

So how well was I loving myself… if I looked at my reflection in this Environment? Not only today, but I had chosen to live here in Spain where society reflected the conformity passed down the generations. Spain was allowing me the chance to look at how I approved of myself and what I still resisted about myself? Could I love myself more. I would ponder upon this question.

Old Church, Valencia… Barbara Franken Photography

We were both tired this evening so we slept and rose early, setting off for our drive to Millau. I’d seen a documentary about the building of one of the highest bridges in the world, The Millau Viaduct 2460 m long and 343 m high in southern France and how great it was to drive through the sky. So we had booked a night in the Chateau de Creissels, Millau, an old french chateau with wonderful views of the bridge to experience it for ourselves.

Church de Creissels

Church de Creissels… Barbara Franken Photography

After a lovely day driving through Spain, we arrived in the mountainous town of Millau and found quite easily the grand Chateau de Creissels. 

It was an ancient 12th century medieval chateau beautifully refurbished with some original furnishings and modern decor and appliances. We had booked early and had been given the end corner room with the magnificent view of the bridge. We took a nice walk in the gardens and admired this ancient french chateau with its castle steeple proudly climbing to the sky and the restaurant to one side of the chateau. After drinks in the sitting room we enjoyed the cave restaurant’s delicious french cuisine.

Garden at Chateau de Creissels

Beautiful Gardens at Chateau de Creissels… Barbara Franken Photography

From our window

View from our Window… Barbara Franken Photgraphy

Milau Bridge

Miller Viaduct… Barbara Franken Photography

Milau bridge from Creissels

Millau Viaduct… Barbara Franken Photography

Nicely rested and refreshed we headed off pretty early after a lovely french breakfast with coffee and baguette/croissants (not normally our breakfast but we couldn’t resist) and drive over the bridge to our next destination. I couldn’t wait for this experience. Tom drove back out of the valley and back onto the A75 which now crossed the Millau valley. I had my camera ready and took a couple of pictures before relaxing to admire the view, the size of the bridge, the blue sky, the valley far below, the tall steel cables diagonally passing me by… what an experience, I really wanted to do it again… but next time.

On the bridge at Milau

Miller Viaduct… Barbara Franken Photography

France had a different feel to it than Spain. It somehow felt more relaxed and both the buildings and people working in the fields we passed by, seemed to exude a grandness about them, an air of self-love that seeped into the Environment and made it sing. It wasn’t by any means a selfish or arrogant feeling that most french people have unfortunately been labelled with, but I felt their genuine dedication to enjoying life and being one with life. I couldn’t believe the difference I was feeling. It just goes to show how people perceive life and them self, does reflect back into the Environment.

Sunflower… Silviv Daniel Tataru, Dreamtime Stock Photos

Which brings me to the many fields of sunflowers that we passed, tall bright stems with heads of golden glory reaching for the sky, bowing their heads to the sun as it circled the sky during the day. They are receivers of the light… symbolising happiness… strength…. loyalty and exposing a magnificent display of inner darkness… infinite spirals of seeds growing… turning in the fibonacci sequence to the innate tone of oneness… the golden ratio that all life on Earth share.

IAM sure that the delightful rays of happiness from the sunflower affect the people living around here as much as they do me and maybe like myself, when the french people look into the centre of a sunflower they are reminded of their own origin that inspires them to be their best ever self at home, work and play in a world that loves and supports them well.

We eventually reach our destination, Riems… the champagne area for a 2 day break… but not until Truus, our new navigation system, took it upon herself to take us on a tour around Paris in the late traffic hour.

Until the next stage of our European adventure, here’s to us all being ever thoughtful about how the Environment shows us how well we love ourself.

Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

How well AM I LOVING myself… Summer Challenge
This summer I have challenged myself to observe and feel into how well IAM LOVING myself… Sensing my feelings within, during quiet moments I spend with myself and observing my reflection in the Environment around me. I have asked myself the questions… What AM I sensing within and around me… What AM I reflecting… Does loving myself feel natural… How well and how prioritized AM I LOVING myself.

Tom and I have begun our summer holiday adventure… travelling through Spain, France, Belgium, Holland and England, visiting Murica, Valencia, Millau, Riems, Noordwijk-aan-zee, Derbyshire, London, Calais, Saintes, Madrid and back home to Malaga. We are visiting family and friends and IAM playing a most important role of matron of honour at my sister, Angie’s Wedding. As the first few days have flown by, I realise it is the perfect opportunity to spend some time observing myself through the lens of my camera and take notes of how I reflect LOVE in my Environment and how well I feel loved.

Isn’t this a wonderful opportunity for YOU too, to spend some time this summer, observing how well you are LOVING yourself… maybe this post inspires you to join me in this Summer Challenge and write a blog post about your own observations and feelings of LOVE?

No matter how much our pains and discomforts may disturb us or how much turmoil and difficulties the world is showing us… if we allow ourselves to LOVE ourself well, we connect with the part of us that is responsible for the flow of our joyful and creative juices that keep us indeed, in a peaceful and perfect space on our lives journey.

Let’s keep this summer challenge simple… using a similar title as above and link this post somewhere in your post. Publish your post as you feel inspired with writings, a poem, images, art or video. As you publish your post I will link it to a list i’ll make. Who knows maybe we can create another free E-Book together and share with others just how well we LOVE ourselves.

I wish you all a great summer…  and look forward to hearing from you about this challenge.

Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

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How are you making a difference in the world…

When we look at ourself surrounded by so many people in the world… it is easy to believe we are insignificant and unnecessary… but KNOW this, without our own presence something is definately missing in life. If we could hear the thoughts of the ones near us, we would hear how important we are to them, not for what they can receive from us… but from how we make them feel. Life is just a nicer place to be in when we are around… Unless we moan and focus on the negative and don’t share and connect with our Environment.

So the question is how brightly do we allow ourself to shine each day… I do understand that some days we need to be alone and recharge, but apart from this I’d love to hear how bright you shine and are making a difference in the world…

Later this week I will write about how IAM planning to make a difference to children and adults here in Benalmadena… by just being me, my magnificent self…

Call to Action…
Thanks so much to the ones who have liked my new Facebook page or Twitter and connected with me… If not, could I ask you to now?  Links are in my sidebar.  Thank you…

Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

The Wellness Benefit of taking quiet Me-Time… A Silent Walk in Nature

2015-06-06 09.24.45

Have you thought lately about getting away from your busy schedules, thoughts and noise of life? Isn’t it time to allow yourself to take some quiet Me-Time to catch a Conscious Breath, relax, rebalance yourself… to make sure you stay healthy and in wellness?

Today I took myself on a Silent Walk into the beautiful nature that surrounds me. I knew that my silent and mindful actions would bring me into the present moment and the core of life itself… the pureness of consciousness that All life and I truly AM. It is a space of beauty and oneness, where I become aware that IAM awareness and consciousness itself. IAM aware of All of myself and the Environment simultaineously and am able to feel the love and joy that pulses through me in a unique rhythm and brings me back into balance.

2015-06-06 09.35.31

I began walking along the ocean shore, aware of the whole of my body…
Aware of the soles of my feet touching the sand and pebbles, aware of my heel coming down first followed by the ball of my feet, aware of walking in the centre of my feet, not walking on the inside of my feet or the outside of my feet…
Aware of the LOVE that passes down through each footstep and embraces Mother Earth…
Aware of the distance of my stride… small… larger… larger…
Aware of my spine, straight and stretched, my shoulders back and relaxed, my head and chin slightly high, eyes focusing in front of me but now and again glancing just in front of my feet…
Aware of my breathing, shallow in my chest, quiet but fast… deep in my tummy, urgent but slow and I recognised my tummy relaxing… breathing slowly… deeply… in and out… in and out… and imagined much emotion breaking free… releasing itself… flowing out with my out breath… transforming itself into new potential…
Aware of the pure light atoms that shimmer in the air, in the earth and in All life forms and as I breathe I take in the light and allow it to fill my body and mind, fusing with the atoms within my cells… I imagine my cells opening up and becoming translucent… pure, vibrant and dancing in delight…
Aware of my Environment, beauty itself in all different forms. No labelling, no naming, only admiring all the beauty…
Aware of being thankful for being a part of this magnificent life…

Life is to live… to live with love and joy in our hearts and be our amazing and magnificent Self. Our physical life can bring us out of alignment with the loving and joyful consciousness we truly are… So it is crucial to our wellbeing and health to allow ourself some quiet Me-Time to reconnect and rebalance and be able to live a grand and creative life.

I listened to a wonderful video today about awareness, consciousness from one of my friends on WordPress… Exploring the nature of consciousness… Let us tell the world.

Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness.

4 Affects the Full Moon has on us…

full moon,

4 o’clock this morning, the full moon’s bright light woke me up to say a big Hello… I couldn’t resist taking this picture and sitting quietly for a while to admire its shine and feel into the energy it emanated. I saw a giant rainbow circling around it. It felt very powerful and magnificent as it’s shining light fell onto the ocean and all below. It was as if it was calling out… for us all to be aware of the affect and influence it has on us and not to be afraid of our own light and colour.


  • The full moon brings a woman’s menstruation cycle into ovulation… (mens = moon) The hormones Oestrogen and Testosterone rise at the end of an inspiring and creative cycle and in celebration the women connects with her community and loved ones. However, having said this most women are so disconnected from nature, Mother Earth and the Cosmos for various reasons that their menstruation doesn’t run parallel with the lunar moon cycle anymore.
  • The full moon, lines up with the earth and sun and brings is the second spring tide of the month (following the time of the new moon) and creates a high, high tide and a low, low tide. Our Human Body is 70% water and this time brings in our high and low moods. When we are very happy, we act extrovert, others might think we are a little crazy… but who cares.
  • The light of the full moon can keep you awake during this time.
  • The full moon brings the completion of a cycle, shining light on everything that may no longer serve our best interest. It is a perfect opportunity to take some quiet me-time and reflect and feel… Northing to do but be.

People often ask me how they can get back into the natural rhythm of nature and the lunar moon cycle and feel the affect the Full Moon in particular has on them and I simply answer… be aware and feel into nature at the different stages of the lunar moon cycle. Remain curious and keep asking yourself how you feel… what you feel.

Remember… We are a reflection of our Environment and Our Environment is a reflection of our Self.

Happy Full Moon time… Barbara Franken… Divine Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

Who Am I if not the reflection of JOY, LOVE and BEAUTY in the world…


Taking my daily morning walks along the ocean coast brings me into a special space… deep within my being… where I feel truly part of the natural world. With my conscious breath I breathe in the magnificent joy, love and beauty I see and feel all around me and know… this is who I AM.. IAM the reflection of my Environment… IAM my Environment.

For a long time now, I have carried in my heart and soul the grandest dream of bringing my Divine self into my physical Human reality… to allow my Divine self to shine through my Humanness and be able to experience the simple, sensual and passionate presence of life itself.

It is with this attitude of being joy, love and beauty that I live my life and I see that it is bringing in or attracting more of it into my life. Lately I have connected with lots of local  magnificent women here on the Costa del Sol… thanks to the online group Costa Women. Together we enjoy a great social and business life (the latter if applicable). I have a feeling that IAM not the only one that knows that it is up to each and every one of us to be in action and be responsible for creating our own life. I feel quite blessed at meeting such lovely women lately. Thankyou Costa Women.

costa women, Benalmadena

Torremolinos/Benalmadena Magnificent Costa Women

costa women Malaga

Malaga Magnificient Costa Women

Quite recently I have accepted a 30 day challenge as part of my PR campaign for the summer launch of my book… Your Magnificent Self.. A Journey to Freedom that is  inspiring me to be my very best self in the blogging world and learning so much about marketing. Please check it out… you never know if might help inspire you too.

So here’s to more and more of us reflecting the joy, love and beauty of our Environment and being the loving DivineHuman Beings we all truly are.

Have a great day, evening and until tomorrow… I wonder how IAM going to be inspired tomorrow…

Barbara Franken… Divine Master Creator…
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness