Mankind solve the European Refugee Crisis with LOVE…

Good Sunday morning to everyone I know in this NOW moment. I just awoke from my magnificent dream. Mankind, thats me and you found the true meaning of our Humanity… to love without comparison, with no borders and no separation. Please take a moment NOW to close your eyes, breathe and walk with me through my dream once again. We are MANKIND and we solve the European Refugee Crisis with LOVE.

It is early morning and the countryside grass and wild herbs is freshly trodden, leaving a wonderful aroma lingering in the air, as thousands of people rise from a good sleep and feeling revitalised begin their new day walking as best they can to their new homeland. The skies slowly become lighter as the sun rises and shines its light on the path for many refugees to find a new, peaceful and loving life.

They have chosen to leave behind the crazy madness of the ones who couldn’t find it in their hearts to remember (yet) they are part of MANKIND too and their very special task as part of humanity to honour and love each other so that each can create their own heart and soul’s desire on the physical plane.

So walking on a new path the refugees feel a renewed sense of hope, they can’t really explain how they feel but it is as if they are being welcomed home by long lost family. Tears of happiness flow from their eyes as they begin to feel the millions of transparent and bright coloured bubbles exploding onto their skin and clothes… that release the purest sense of LOVE that flows through their body, mind and spirit. It is a love they recognise from when they were innocent children playing and laughing in the open fields being totally free.

Everyone among them felt this feeling of unconditional LOVE intensifying, their heart opening wide and all previous hurts and pains seemed to dissolve. A few of the young men who weren’t sure why they too had chosen to walk to a new land began to feel for the first time an innate knowing of how they were going to allow their unique and creative expression to unfold in the heart of life. The people in authority they met on the different European borders and organising the transportation were kind and welcoming, there was an abundance of fresh foods and water along the way and as if by magic everyone seemed to know how this new integration would naturally unfold and be the beginning of a new way of living and loving together.

Breathing In and Out… in full Awareness… Deep and Calm… Breathing In and Out

People from all around the world were focusing on the extra-ordinary exodus of people walking to Europe and together they joined one focus. Consciously breathing in the original LOVE of MANKIND… to love without comparison, with no borders and no separation… and expanding the love that they are to the area of Europe where it manifested as transparent and colourful bubbles that held the solution and the beginning of a new way of living on Earth…in peace, harmony and natural order.

Breathing In and Out… in full Awareness… Deep and Calm… Breathing In and Out

And so it is…

Barbara Franken… Creative visionary and Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

IAM Reverence… I perceive and honour ALL life around me…

Today feels like a restful day… a joyful day… in which IAM receptive, perceptive and honour ALL life around me… So how better to honour my day and ALL of you… than to share my sacred images and writings that are special and a unique part of me….

IAM Reverence
I take some deep beautiful breaths… eyes wide open…
peacefully looking around me… content in my knowing… IAM Creation…

Everything I see is the outer layer… the chosen form to embody…
authentic beauty and power that emanates out in the world…

I feel the sacredness and honour ALL… every form unfolding its unique story…

This perception of mine is my response to the qualities I admire, resonate with
and accept on my journey… experiencing ALL in the dense fog on the Earth plane…

IAM Reverence… I recognise the Divine within and without of myself…
the interconnection… the interdependence… the uniqueness within the oneness…

Call to Action
If you like my image and quote… why not pin it…
IAM Barbara Franken… DivineHuman Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness

Thankyou Martha…

A Thank You to Martha...

Martha and Everyone who appreciates ME…
IAM happy to be part of your blogging friendship…
Together we support one another…
Please understand that I choose not to partake in
giving and receiving awards… Thank You…
IAM Barbara x

My humanness hoped that one day one of my fellow bloggers would nominate me for an award too…  That would mean that someone, other than myself found the time to read my writing…  enjoy what they read and enjoyed being part of my life…

And… Martha came along and nominated me for my FIRST award… woow… and I feel so, so honoured…

But… after surfing WordPress, when I first began blogging and saw the TIME it must take up… away from ME… receiving and giving awards to fellow bloggers… I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t take TIME away, from my precious ‘ME TIME’…

…Being a bit of a rebel, IAM also not so good at following rules…

and last but by far not the least… I really hope that sooner rather than later, everyone will LOVE THEIR MAGNIFICENT SELF so much, that they give an award to themself… (not that I don’t love the initiative of flowing awards around WordPress to expand readership and friendship)… but it is important that we love ourself first and this is a great way to show this…

I therefore choose not to participate in receiving and giving awards… knowing my blogging friends will understand… and I will continue to be a loyal friend, reading with interest about our unique life experiences and teachings…

IAM honoured and THANKYOU Martha and Everyone who appreciates me…
The heart-work above is for YOU… from ME with gratitude and honour…