How well AM I loving myself this Summer… Part III

Hotel Orange, Noordwijk wan Zee… Barbara Franken Photography

We were back in the country I spent many happy years living in… Holland… a land of friendly, open and ‘to the point’ people. Visiting always brings a smile to my face as IAM grateful for the Dutch people who taught me to be my own person and have the courage to stand up and express Who IAM. 

Holland in my eyes is a leading role model, instilling people to be confident in their expression, to care for self first and to be self-full. Most young adults are encouraged to continue their study until their mid 20’s, remaining in their family home enjoying family life and saving their pennies from working part time work. Voluntary work is encouraged as good work experience. The percentage of teenage pregnancy and drug/drink abuse is small, as society is tolerant and open about the subjects. Wellbeing for the mind, body and spirit is high, as people are conscious of what they eat, how much they exercise, the affect they have on the Environment and last but not at all least, they know and make known how they feel, what they don’t like and won’t put up with. They put themselves first, not in a selfish way, but in a self-full way that allows them to choose to inspire and help others along the way.

We had planned our week catching up with our family and friends, buying supplies to take back, checking out my favourite dutch stores and visiting new trendy restaurants.

Our friends Lynne and Keith came with us to celebrate our wedding anniversary at the TOP of the city, Den Haag… The Penthouse was situatied on the 42nd floor with beautiful panoramic views of the city centre. The food was delicious and company divine as always.

The Penthouse, Den Haag… Barbara Franken Photography

Ellen, Fred, Richard and Paul are our friends in Almere, who we visited for their famous bbq with chicken sate sauce… Paul was going through his John Lennon or is it his Robin Gibbs phase? so I had to have a selfie of us together.

Barbara and Paul… Barbara Franken Photography

The day before we were leaving for England, most of our family came down to have lunch in Noordwijk wan Zee with us. It was nice to catch up with everyone… Weather unfortunately was windy and stormy to say the least… so Tom and I had to buy some new warm clothes… oh deary me.

Family Lunch at The Gallery, Noordwijk aan Zee… Barbara Franken Photography

What a wonderful time we had, so good to be with family and friends again and catch up with how everyone was enjoying their life and getting on making it a happy one. This is what I love about the Dutch, even the foreigners living here, its like their consciousness is contagious and allows everyone to just get on in life, no matter what… as if they all know that they are responsible for their own destiny. How cool is that.

It was time to take our overnight boat to England, arriving just before my little sisters fairytale wedding. Time to help organise last minute things and my sister… after all it was her big day coming up and it was to be enjoyed.

We arrived at Sutton Bonington Hall the evening before for a get together with Angie’s friends and family who were staying either at the Hall or her home at Holden House. The following morning a lovely pre wedding breakfast was served… for the women and then the men before we began getting ready for the big moment. We knew it would go by so quickly so we all made the most of it… Many chuckles, tears and lots of photo shots. Angie was in her element, she looked a million dollars, she had so wished for a real dressed up fairytale affair at this lovely country family home at Bonington Hall with her gorgeous catch… Jon Barkway.… Humpston & Bull, Official Wedding Photography… Humpston & Bull Official Wedding Photography… Humpston & Bull Official Wedding Photograph… Humpston & Bull Official Wedding Photography… Humpston & Bull Official Wedding Photography… Humpston & Bull Official Wedding Photography… Humpston & Bull Official Wedding Photography… Humpston & Bull Official Wedding Photography

We all celebrated well into the small hours of the next morning, delicious food, drinks and company. It was a small cosy event, after all it wasn’t the first time for either of them, but certainly with conscious thought… the last.

Congratulations Angie… here’s to you, finding your man to share a good and happy life with.  It was our pleasure to share these happy moments with you.
Love always, Big Sis xxx

Our holiday was nearing its end… it was time to travel back home, via the English and French Channel Tunnel, travelling the coast of western France to northern Spain and down through Madrid to Malaga. We actually managed it in two days, staying one night in Southern France… our daughter Juliette was staying with us for a while and we wanted to get back to see her.

What an enjoyable time we had though… a happy experience with lots of awareness travelling through different countries and feeling into many unique energies.

I so much enjoy returning to England to visit my family and friends… Mum, Dad, Angie and myself are always there for each other and we continue to inspire each other to be our best selves. The energy of England and her people remain thick with confusion though… as the majority still can’t break free from being stuck in the past, fighting demons and blaming each other for their own lack of courage. Of course my own family and friends carry a sparkle of self-love and joy that penetrates through the dense atmosphere, but I know it is hard. Walking around my original home town Derby… I was quite shocked as I observed people looking lost, afraid and as if they had given up caring for themselves.

I’ve always said you don’t need a lot of money to care for yourself and be conscious of what you eat, what suits your body and how you present yourself in life. But who is reminding these people?

I have one bit of advice… Be curious about yourself and your Environment and allow this to take you on a journey of exploration. IAM quite fortunate that my curious self first appeared as a teenager and took me on an extra-ordinary journey of self discovery and understanding just how life works.  In my book Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom I share my unique and magical journey. Coming Soon…

So how well AM I loving myself this summer… both the wonderful and sad impressions I have absorbed along my travels have allowed me to open wider and deeper within myself (knowing that IAM the reflection of my Environment) and accept all life’s experiences because I know they have made me who IAM today and the society I share with millions of others… but I also know it is not who IAM now and can choose to release everything that no longer serves me and allow myself to focus on experiencing my heart and soul’s desire… to live freely as my Magnificent Self in a peaceful and harmonious world IAM creating with friends who know of our true potential as DivineHumanBeings.

My new Facebook page… would love you to like it, if you already haven’t… and keep up to date with the launch of my first book… I’m getting so excited… Thanks so much.

Barbara Franken… Master Creator 
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness.