12 Important and Simple steps… How to get through the Shift of Consciousness NOW…

www.memymagnificentself.comI find myself living in similar circumstances to 2 ½ years ago when I experienced the high vibrational energies that are coming in to help Humankind shift their consciousness from fear to love. I felt the effects on my physical body, especially my face that became dry, red, sore and peeling and challenged my personal identity with beauty. You can read here my post. The Intense light energy continues to literally pour down, rebalancing the magnetics on Earth and within all Humankind. IAM obviously still releasing my identity with beauty as my scalp burns with fire and scales in challenging ways. Thankfully I know what is happening and can remain calm and balanced… the majority of the time… and am able to ride through this shift of consciousness reasonably unscathed.

You may find these links interesting to look at, they show images of beams of light being observed around the world… beforeitsnews, allnewspipeline, watch utube

Last year I wrote another post about the shift of consciousness and what it is all about and how important it is to keep ourselves balanced as the new energies come in and change the Earth’s and Humankind’s frequency from the dense and low frequency of fear to a high frequency of love.  As of today’s partial solar eclipse, 13th September and for the next 3 weeks, until the full lunar eclipse on the 28th September… the energies are going to reach their highest potential. It is therefore even more important to remain strong in our shoes and remain safe and secure within ourselves. From a balanced, focused and calm space we can observe the polarisation of Fear vs Love as it continues to escalate… Fear will try and claim more victims… the fear of our mind within and the fear of our emotions we project outside of us… but we can choose to allow the love that we are, to carry us through.

So how do we get through this shift of consciousness?
I’ve listed 12 important and simple steps that I practice and continue to help me on my own journey through this shift of consciousness… from fear to love.

  • Breathe consciously and relax within yourself
  • Be aware of how you feel
  • Connect with the part of you that is stirring, the love that is awakening
  • Feel this love that you truly are
  • Trust that your love will guide you through
  • Anchor yourself with love in your shoes and stand strong
  • Allow yourself to embrace all of yourself, broken, hurt and painful parts of you
  • Honour your journey, that you and your biology have brought you to now
  • Choose to be free from the limitations of the physical mind, body and reality
  • Allow yourself to release everything that no longer serves you
  • Allow yourself to go beyond everything known
  • Allow your Loving and Divine self that awaits within, to guide you into your truth and freedom

My book, Your Magnificent Self… A Journey to Freedom, which is nearly ready to be launched, shares my own journey exploring and discovering Who IAM and what life is all about for me… and how I eventually leave the world of fear, struggle and limitation to live in the New Energy Consciousness as my Loving, Magnificent and Sovereign self, creating my heart and soul’s desire in each moment and going beyond everything that is known.

Your Magnificent Self... A Journey to Freedom

Please remember that life is quite simple and their is nothing to do… no power or effort to exert… only breathe, observe and allow Self to align to the truth of who YOU truly are. Allow the truth to set YOU free.

Call to Action
To help share these important and simple tips with others, please share this post… and to keep you informed of my book launch… like my new Facebook page if you haven’t already done so… https://www.facebook.com/MeMyMagnificentSelf

IAM looking for friends to help me co-host an online Facebook launch (first week of november) in the different time zones around the world… Is this something for you? Please let me know via the comments if you are interested. Thank you so much.

Barbara Franken… Master Creator
Inspiring New Energy Consciousness…

IAM Freedom…

Freedom Is

I can’t believe we are already in the middle end of January and I haven’t even published my first post yet… life keeps happening, but IAM here now and these are my words…  But first… May I wish my friends here on WordPress and my friends and family outside a good 2015, may it bring you all that you consciously CHOOSE.

This year feels different, normally on January 1st, I feel a lighter and more open energy, (compared with the heavy energy that leads up to the closing of an old year)… but all I still feel is a dense, closed and hectic energy… I feel as if I can’t settle or concentrate for long and instead have to be extremely alert.  Someone I listened to the other day summed up my feeling quite nicely…

You feel like you are walking in a tunnel of whirling wind and you are the light of a candle that is trying very hard to stay lit.

IAM a master of peace and IAM spending much time listening to the sea’s ebb and flow from my home, taking many walks along the seashore and spending time consciously breathing, relaxing and being the light.   The hum in the air is keeping me ALERT AND AWARE of the upbeat of turmoil that is playing out all over the world… and also very close to home in France and Belgium.  The polarity FEAR vs LOVE is escalating as more and more people are becoming aware of how important it is to stand together, no matter what religion, politic, race or class and honour and respect each other’s unique difference.  It is also making more of us question the line we may cross when we don’t agree with another’s belief, opinion or law.

SATIRE was born many moons ago when people wanted to expose, criticise and ridicule corruption, hypocrisy, foolishness of ‘powerful’ individuals, groups and societies that threatened humanity… the Artists and Writers, hoping that their ‘humorous reminder of their ways’ would help them overcome their weakness and change their harmful way.

Satire has helped us through many horrific times with powerful leaders of ill will… standing up for our best interest on our journey to our civilized life.  We have experienced and learned much and most of us have come to the understanding that we are all unique and equal and that there is no one ‘right’ way, but many ‘right’ ways to live a happy life, believing in what ever we choose ‘as long as it is not to the detriment of ourself or another’.  Surely then, there is no more need to continue our ridicule of religious, political and cultural differences?

So why do we continue to do this?  Why can’t we allow ourself to focus on our own life and leave others to focus on theirs?  Or do we remain fearful of not being the best or the most important and fear the difference of another ?  

Our own fear is what attracts the fanatics who choose to repeat the patterns of their ancestors in the game of survival and in their ignorance, boredom and despair they come and fight with us to find out who the greatest is.

FEAR will never win because of the LOVE that is expanding quickly now among us… but the fight will continue until our individual and mass fear is understood and embraced.  IAM very sensitive to what is happening now… not only in real life but the TV drama’s and films are stepping up the ‘bloody fight’… I feel the fear of others around and I have to be so alert and aware to anchor myself in my own safety and love otherwise my light will blow out and the wind will sweep me away to a place that I don’t choose, maybe into a bloody fight being played out somewhere in the world.

So I’ll hang in here, being the light and love that IAM, deeply connected to my IAM presence and ALL Knowingness, trusting myself to be in the right place at the right time and hope that more and more fellow men/women open up to their own truth and this great shift of consciousness that is happening on Earth at this time.

The more LOVE… the less FEAR and CONFLICT

IAM getting so excited about the publication of my first book as it gets nearer to D-Day…It is about my own experience of my journey to FREEDOM, awakening to my Mastery and Enlightenment.  I imagine it being read in many corners of the world and inspiring many people to FREE themself from the limitations of the mind and our physical human reality.

Tom and my own new ‘food lifestyle’, not eating many carbs is going from strength to strength, we are both losing excess fat and toning up with much walking.  Toms blood glucose and blood pressure, already after 3 weeks went down to below normal.  YES. We’re off for our winter break in the warmer part of the world visiting family so we’ll take some pictures of our trim selves for the next post next month… In the meantime take care and keep yourself balanced otherwise the wind might just blow you away.

IAM Barbara Franken… DivineHumanBeing, Magnificent Master & Explorer… Living in the New Energy Consciousness.


Awakening to who you truly are…

Based on my own ‘long’ awakening experience and the awakening of my sacred friends, the teachings of Adamus from the Crimson Circle and the research of Heather Carlini from the Carlini Institute… I have written the following piece on Awakening to who you truly are… In the hope that it helps people understand what is happening to them now… allowing their fears and pains to come home to them peacefully.. and with acceptance and consciously breathing… realise their soul’s desire…


One heart at a time, people are naturally awakening after a long and hard ‘human’ experience… You remember that you are so much more than your physical human body, mind and the five senses you have used…  You know that this awakening is part of a natural cycle of stages…  stages that at times you thought, you were going nowhere or even backwards… but the divine part of you had it perfectly timed in all ways… You are part of this grand natural awakening of humankind, part of an expanded cosmic happening… The integration of your Humanness and your Divineness… The full blossoming or enlightenment that allows you, DivineHumanBeing to consciously live on Earth as a Sovereign and Magnificent Being… A Living Ascended Master

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